kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 229 The gods divided into 4 equal parts in the theater

Chapter 229 Theater - Quartered Gods ()
"So, I suddenly regained my memory because Yingtou held the Desire Grand Prix again?"

I Nahazai learned what happened from Zimli.

"And Yusuke and Hidetoshi became like this because the world was divided into four parts, and there were also four Yusuke and Hidetoshi?"

Zimli nodded and looked at Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo who were grilling fish in front of the campfire.

"Yes, currently, Contestants Daochang, Niyin, and Keiwa are accompanied by Yusuke-sama and Hidetoshi-sama respectively."

"Each Yusuke-sama and Hidetoshi-sama have different personalities."

My Nahazai nodded slightly and looked at Hidetoshi Ukiyo sitting on the ground with his hands on his knees, eyes glued to the grilled fish, and Yusuke Aomura sitting cross-legged, holding his chin with his hands, eyes also staring at the only grilled fish.

"What abilities do they have of the real Yusuke and Hidetoshi respectively?"

Zimli thought for a while and said while taking out her spider phone to make a call.

"This Hidetoshi-sama should be lucky, but I don't know what Yusuke-sama's is."

Kurama Neon's voice betrayed fatigue and panting.

"Um...what's wrong with Zimli?"

Azuma Daozhang finally got free and shouted into the spider phone.

Kurama Neone took the time to look back. Aomura Yusuke was still dozing with his eyes closed, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi was holding the basin, but there was no vomit in it, it was all on the heads of the evil demons behind.

Zimri briefly talked about the status of Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi on her side, and also said that she guessed that Ukiyo Hidetoshi's abilities were lucky.

"Yes, yes! This level is super difficult!"

Zimli and I looked at each other, it seemed like it was very busy over there.

"Then my side should be Wisdom, what about Jinghe?"

Sakurai Keikazu looked at the park where he had lived peacefully for many years, wondering why he was not in the same style as them...

"Wow! Big brother, you are so good at playing games!"

"Yingshou! Put me down!"

"Yusuke! Don't sleep! Hidetoshi is just vomiting, please open your eyes and think of a solution!"

Azuma Priest glanced at Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who volunteered to be a horse and charged into the battle with Aomura Yusuke.

Sakurai Keihe opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, so he could only ask in agreement.

After the call was connected, noisy fighting sounds came from the other end of Spider's phone.

"Zimli, what's the matter? I'm a little busy here."

"Yusuke! I'm not your mount! Tohru! You..."

"What Hidetoshi on my side should have is strength, and if nothing unexpected happens to Yusuke, he will also have strength."

"Ah! Hidetoshi! Where are we running to now!"

"We... are avoiding the pursuit of evil demons... Yusuke and Hidetoshi are not fighting..."

Sakurai Keiwa turned around and looked at Hidetoshi Ukiyo, who was sitting on the swing playing the ocarina, and then turned to look at Yusuke Aomura, who was sitting on a bench in the park with his children, playing games together.

Yusuke Aomura put down his mobile phone and smiled at a few children.

"It's okay."

"Big brother! Take me to play with you!"

"Take me one too!"

"And me and me!"

Sakurai Keikazu said uncertainly to the spider phone: "Hidetoshi's ability is to play the ocarina, and Yusuke's ability is to play games, probably..."

"Huh?" x5
"But why do Zimli and Yusuke and Hidetoshi over there have different abilities?"

Kurama Nione ran into an alley to avoid the evil demon disciples.

Sakurai Keikazu walked to the swing and sat down, "Maybe it's because Yusuke and Hidetoshi are good at different things."

Kurama Nione thought thoughtfully, "So Yusuke doesn't seem to have any particularly good luck."

"It's just better than the Taoist priest."

Azuma Taoist priest heard this and said in displeasure, "I don't need any luck!"

"I think this Yusuke-sama's ability may be emotion, which makes him so sentimental."

Zimli looked at Aomura Yusuke, who was looking at the grilled fish with stars in his eyes, and said softly. Kurama Neone helped Ukiyo Hidetoshi out of the cart and patted his back gently.

"That's true, but in this case, Yusuke and Hidetoshi can't help. It's up to us to work hard in our own worlds."

"Yusuke, Hidetoshi, you two just find a place to hide."

Aomura Yusuke opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed through him.

"So, it's just me and Hidetoshi who are divided into four parts, right?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi stopped vomiting, raised his head, and said calmly.

"I know what the enemy's purpose is."

"It's the two of us." x2
Kurama Neon tilted her head, "Huh? Is it so sudden?"

"Young masters and ladies, do you want to take a ride?"

Qingjia Wenyin was riding a tricycle parked at the other end of the alley.

"Pang Xiong!?"

Kurama Niyin was a little surprised to see Haruka Onin.

"Get in the car quickly, the evil demons are surrounding you again!"

Qingjia Wen heard the evil demon's voice nearby and hurriedly called a few people to get in the car.

Kurama Nione helped Ukiyo Hidetoshi and handed him to Haruka Onin, and then went to drag Aomura Yusuke.

The Obabin Sea Scorpion Demonic Disciple fell from the sky and hit the ground. The air wave caused made Hidetoshi Ukiyo fall to the ground.

"Hidetoshi! Yusuke! Run!"

Kurama Neon hurriedly picked up Aomura Yusuke and turned around to run away.

But there was a mysterious man in black robe blocking the way behind him.

"Sure enough, you took action. Your target is me, which means you have an accomplice, and his target is Yingshou."

Aomura Yusuke pulled Kurama Neone and slowly retreated, talking to distract the mysterious man.

"When the Demonic Tree appeared, I was surprised that only people from the future have this ability."

"But the future has been intercepted by me, and people from the future cannot come to this world."

"Then how did you get here?"

"Seeing you take action, I figured it out."

"You used the power of death to circumvent the black sickle I left in the long river of time."

The mysterious man took a step forward, and countless vines emerged from the houses on both sides.

"How are you sure that my target is you?"

Yusuke Aomura's back touched the vines and knew he had no choice but to retreat.

"Your target is not me, so why do you want to block my retreat and let the evil demon catch Yingtou?"

"Ah... the young student was caught..."

From the other side of the vine came Hidetoshi Ukiyo's slightly too calm scream.

Qingjia Wen was slapped on the ground by the Obabin Sea Scorpion Demon, grabbed Ukiyo Hidetoshi by the back of his neck and disappeared.

Kurama Monone raised her hands and was about to transform when several small vines stretched out from the vines behind her and tied Kurama Monone's hands.

"Damn it! Yusuke! Run!"

Yusuke Aomura sighed helplessly and stood lazily, preparing to die calmly.

"Those who can't escape, the routes are blocked, and..."

"I don't have any strength, I'm just a brain player."

The mysterious man stretched out his right hand and released the vines to tie Yusuke Aomura.

"Aomura Yusuke, I accept your wisdom."

A dazzling light lit up, and the alley returned to its original state.

The mysterious man, Obabin Sea Scorpion Demon, Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi disappeared, leaving only Kurama Neon and Harue Onin.

(End of this chapter)

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