kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 230 The gods divided into 4 equal parts in the theater

Chapter 230 Theater - Quartered Gods ()
"Shut up!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi shouted loudly and rushed towards the evil demon disciple with Aomura Yusuke in his arms.

"Come on! Come on!"

Yusuke Aomura holds the ghost scythe, swings it left and right, and attacks the evil demon disciples.

"Servant! Run more steadily for me, my lord!"

Azuma Taoist priest felt his heart tighten when he heard the voice on Spider's phone.

"Hidetoshi! Yusuke! Stop charging! The enemy..."


The Obabin Sea Scorpion Evil Demonic disciple fell from the sky again and landed in front of Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo tilted his head, "Huh? Is it a new enemy?"

Before Aomura Yusuke could finish speaking, Ukiyo Hidetoshi grabbed Aomura Yusuke's legs and threw them forward forcefully.

"Hmph, the rat who hides his head and shows his tail can only use this weak and weak move."

The mysterious man didn't know if he was aroused by Yusuke Aomura's words. He suddenly became angry and took action. He released thick vines from his hands and whipped Yusuke Aomura.

"Okay! Let's go! Yusuke!"

Aomura Yusuke slashed a sickle forward in the air, and the ghost sickle blade was inserted into the ground. The force of inertia made Aomura Yusuke roll forward, and his feet slid on the ground for a distance before all the force was removed.

Yusuke Aomura snorted coldly and faced him with bare hands.

Azuma Taoist priest shouted loudly: "Hidetoshi! Come back! That guy is going to catch you!"

Yusuke Aomura turned around and was about to settle accounts with Ukiyo Hidetoshi, when a mysterious man in black robe appeared in front of him.

"It's you, the villain who stole my power."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi had high fighting spirit and shouted with great energy.

"The power is good, I'll accept it."

"Lowly servant! What are you going to do!"

Aomura Yusuke flew out like a cannonball. The planned target was the Obabin Sea Scorpion Demonic Disciple, but the actual target was the Obabin Sea Scorpion Demonic Disciple, in the air next to him.

"You lowly servant! How dare you throw me out!"

The mysterious man raised his palm and received the punch.

The fists and vines collided together. The two were evenly matched, and no one was stronger than the other.

Azuma Michio and Toru Imai hurriedly ran towards Ukiyo Hidetoshi, but were held back by the evil demons along the way.

"Pluto Missile! Launch!!!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo's accuracy was really not very good. A slight error would lead to a mistake of a thousand miles. The Obababin Sea Scorpion Demon turned slightly sideways and watched Yusuke Aomura fly by. He turned around and walked towards Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

The mysterious man's hand turned into a vine, wrapped around Yusuke Aomura's fist, and quickly spread towards his body.

Yusuke Aomura fended off the attack of the vines, took a long step, closed the distance with the mysterious man, and then punched out.

Yusuke Aomura tried hard to withdraw his fist, but it had no effect.

"Ha! If we compete in strength! I will never lose!"

After two moves, Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Obabin Sea Scorpion Demonic Demon began to compete with each other in strength.

When Azuma Michinaga and Toru Imai arrived, the Obabin Sea Scorpion Demon had turned into light and left Ukiyo Hidetoshi. On the other side, Aomura Yusuke was also wrapped into a rice dumpling by vines and disappeared together with the mysterious man.

On the desert island, I Naha and Zimli listened to the bad news from Spider's mobile phone and looked at Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo with worry.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo poked the grilled fish with his finger and retracted his hand when it was burned.

"Hiss! It's so hot!"

Aomura Yusuke blew a few breaths on the grilled fish, "It won't be hot if you blow it, right?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo's eyes lit up, and he felt that what Aomura Yusuke said made sense.

So, the two started blowing on the grilled fish.

Zimli and I Nahazai sighed together.

"Huh? Do you want to eat fish too?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's cute voice once again attracted Zimli's and my domineering attention.

Obabin Sea Scorpion Demonic Demon Appeared beside the bonfire at some point and looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"Hidetoshi-sama! Yusuke-sama! Run!"

Zimli stood up quickly and ran towards the two of them, shouting.

My tyrant bow and arrows were bent, and I launched an attack on the evil sea scorpion disciples of Obabin.

The Obabin sea scorpion demon completely ignored my domineering arrows, grabbed Ukiyo Hidetoshi's hands, and helped him up in a friendly manner.

"Why are you holding my hand? I still want to eat fish." Hidetoshi Ukiyo pulled his hand in confusion, but did not break away.

The Obabin Sea Scorpion Evil Demon disciple lit up and disappeared with Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Yusuke Aomura was shocked and retreated continuously, away from the position where the Obabin Sea Scorpion Evil Demon had just stood.

"Yingshou was captured! Woohoo! Will I be the next one? It's so scary..."

Feeling something hit his back, Aomura Yusuke stopped retreating and turned around to look.

It's the mysterious man's leg.


The mysterious man reached out and grabbed Yusuke Aomura's face, and lifted Yusuke Aomura up.

"You are much easier to deal with than the previous two."

The vine stretched out from the palm and wrapped around Aomura Yusuke's head.

"Uh! Uh-huh!"

The mysterious man disappeared with the struggling Yusuke Aomura.

The picture comes into the room.

Meera snapped her fingers and looked excitedly at the three Ukiyo Hidetoshi displayed on the virtual screen.

"YES! I caught three rare characters!"

"Start the fusion upgrade!"

The three Ukiyo Hidetoshi turned into three rays of light of different colors flying around the room, and finally merged together to form a new black and blue buckle.

Mero stepped forward and poked the new belt buckle, looking at Mera with admiration.

"Meera, that's amazing!"

Meera laughed triumphantly, "No matter what kind of god it is, it will be a piece of cake as long as it is divided."

"What about you? Don't you need me to help you fuse and upgrade?"

Meera looked at the mysterious man who had just returned, and asked as if to show off.

The mysterious man replied lukewarmly, "One more to go."

Meera sneered, picked up a lollipop, and peeled off the sugar coating.

"Strength, wisdom, and luck have all been obtained, and the rest is just like this sugar coating, just a useless packaging."

Meera casually crumpled the icing into a ball and threw it on the ground.

"It's okay not to."

The mysterious man raised his right hand, and three rays of light rotated in the palm of his hand. Without any hesitation, the mysterious man directly swallowed the three rays of light.

Then he lifted his hood, revealing a very familiar face.

A face exactly like Aomura Yusuke.

Mello was shocked by the actions of the black-robed Aomura Yusuke and shouted.

"Melamela! He ate it!"

Meera grinned with interest.

"Hahaha, in that case, let's start the next stage of the game!"

"Use the acquired power of God to destroy God's world!"

"This time, watch me achieve the fastest pass record!"

In the universe, the four worlds wrapped in glass balls began to collide with each other, and finally merged with each other and became one.

Sakurai Keikazu watched the Demonic Tree not far away change back to its original state, and quickly called out the names of Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"Hidetoshi! Yusuke! The Demonic Tree has returned to its original state! What happened!?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo raised his ocarina and slowly played a note.

Yusuke Aomura continued to play the game with his head down, "Penta kill! Get it!"

"Big brother is so awesome!"

"Wow! So handsome!"


Sakurai Keiwa lowered his head helplessly, as if he had accepted his fate.

"Yusuke and Hidetoshi..."

"That's not the case!"

(End of this chapter)

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