kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 24 Ordinary Daily Life

Chapter 24 Ordinary Daily Life

Before the start of the Desire Grand Prix, Aomura Yusuke once again lived a relaxed daily life.

Go to school, get out of school and do homework every day.

The days passed very regularly.

Except for occasionally meeting Hidetoshi Ukiyo at school, this guy has not asked me to compete with him very often recently.

After observing yourself together, you will ignore yourself, right? You are a scumbag.

Um?How could I think so! ?
Yusuke Aomura suddenly came back to his senses, shook his head a few times, and shook this terrible thought out of his mind.

It must be the recent rumors circulating in school that have affected me!

Don't let me know who is spreading rumors!

Yusuke Aomura made a gesture of waving a sickle with his right hand.


The school bell rang, and Yusuke Aomura, a member of the Homecoming Club, slowly walked out of the school gate.

What's for dinner tonight?

There seems to be no food in the refrigerator. Why don't we take a detour and go to the supermarket to buy some food.

"Eh? It's you, little brother. What a coincidence."

Some familiar voices sounded, and Yusuke Aomura turned his head and looked along the sound.

Ryoko Wada was wearing some formal clothes and looked at Yusuke Aomura with a smile.

"Ah, it's you, Qiao."

Yusuke Aomura said calmly and continued walking forward.

Wada Ryoko walked a few steps quickly and caught up with Aomura Yusuke.

"Have you just finished school? Don't you need to participate in club activities?"

"I'm from the homecoming department."

Aomura Yusuke responded casually.


Wada Ryoko looked a little embarrassed.

She had just been unhappy because she was forced to participate in a blind date. She met Aomura Yusuke on the road and wanted to say hello and have a chat. After all, they were comrades who had fought side by side.

But Yusuke Aomura's attitude seems a bit cold. I wonder if she is annoying.

Wada Ryoko looked a little disappointed and said with a forced smile.

"Then we'll see you when the game starts."

Aomura Yusuke originally wanted to continue to make a few perfunctory sentences.

Seeing Ryoko Wada's expression, the words of Hidetoshi Ukiyo came to mind again.

"It's easier to just be yourself."

Yusuke Aomura swallowed his original words by mistake, stopped, and called out to Ryoko Wada.

"If you have anything to say, I can listen."

Wada Ryoko turned around and looked at Aomura Yusuke, with a surprised look in his eyes.

Yusuke Aomura did not continue to speak, glanced at Ryoko Tada, and continued walking forward.

Ryoko Wada smiled slightly and caught up with Yusuke Aomura.

He started chattering about what happened today.

"I met another guy on a blind date today."

"I haven't understood anything yet, so I just said that I like me and that I want to get married."

"To put it nicely, it's love at first sight, but to put it badly, isn't it just love at first sight?"

"If he were more handsome, maybe I would be attracted to him too."

"It would be great if I were as handsome as my little brother. No, I would be satisfied with half of it."


To be honest, Aomura Yusuke didn't expect her to be so talkative.

Completely broke Yusuke Aomura's previous impression of Ryoko Wada.

What a gentle and generous lady.

This is just a sparrow who keeps complaining!

Well, this sparrow is not that sparrow, it does not mean that she is like Isuzu Daichi.

Yusuke Aomura now regretted calling her just now.

Does anyone know of a place that sells regret medicine? I'd like to give him one.

Yusuke Aomura, who was supposed to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, is now forced to go to the restaurant.

The cause is as follows.

When Wada Ryoko knew that Aomura Yusuke planned to buy ingredients and go home to make dinner, he decisively waved his hand.

"Sister, I treat you to dinner as compensation for listening to my grievances."

Of course, Aomura Yusuke refused at first.

Although you have to try to be yourself, you can’t take too big a step all at once, it’s easy...

"No need, I can just do it myself."

Ryoko Wada smiled, with a hint of fox-like cunning in his eyes.

"Let's go eat sushi~eat the best~" "You seemed to have come to participate in the game without eating sushi last time, right?"

"For this reason, you are still very resentful~"

Aomura Yusuke stopped, obviously a little shaken.

"Yingshou, you have such a big mouth."

Ryoko Wada looked at Yusuke Aomura with a smile.

"How about it, do you want to go eat sushi with your sister~"

Wada Ryoko smiled like a weird kid who deceived children.

Ah, no, she is a weird sister.

Yusuke Aomura turned around and walked forward.

Just when Wada Ryoko thought Aomura Yusuke wouldn't agree, Aomura Yusuke's voice came over.

"Where to eat?"

Ryoko Wada had a proud smile on her face, just like a successful fox.

"I'll take a taxi!"


Ukiyo Hidetoshi was alone, standing on the rooftop, looking into the distance.

Holding a coin in his hand, he kept turning it.

"Mother, I will definitely find you in this life."

"In this life, a guy who is not weaker than me appears."

"Ah sneeze!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi suddenly sneezed, and his original confident and calm temperament was suddenly broken.

He said with a somewhat puzzled expression.

"It's not cold either. Who is talking about me?"

And the person who was talking about him was on his way to a delicious sushi restaurant.


In a brightly lit boxing gym.

Ma Yehang was constantly punching the sandbag.

"Brother Hang, it's getting late. Isn't the training over yet?"

The guy holding the water glass who appeared before appears again, but he still only has one line.

Ma Yehang stopped punching, panting heavily, and held on to the sandbag in front of him.

"I need to adjust my state and meet two very strong guys. I'm really looking forward to playing against them."

"Even Brother Hang thinks he's strong? But Brother Hang will definitely win."

The water glass guy said with a smile.

Well, there are two lines this time.


Inside the library.

Isuzu Daichi was sitting at his desk writing furiously, with a thick stack of information beside him.

Apparently he was busy with various reports and experiments during the period when the Desire Grand Prix did not start.

But he was enjoying it.


The sky gradually darkened, and the moon slowly climbed up the treetops.

The whole city lights up, covering the quiet city with a layer of colorful clothes.

Everything seems so beautiful.

Beautiful, like the calm before the storm.

Early the next morning, Zimli stood in the center of the Hall of Desire, looking at the virtual projection in front of her.

"The evil demon leader has appeared!"

"We must gather the Kamen Riders quickly!"

Zimli frowned and said anxiously.

Yusuke Aomura, who was still sleeping in bed, was woken up by the piercing sound of a spider cell phone.

I opened the spider phone and took a look.

Inside was an emergency summons.

[Mr. Yusuke Aomura, please go to the Desire Hall to gather immediately! 】

Aomura Yusuke looked at the time again.

05:30 in the morning.

Yusuke Aomura threw away his spider phone and lay on the pillow.

I get up later than this before going to school!

Did you make a mistake!

How can the game start at 05:30?
(End of this chapter)

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