kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 25 The leader of the evil demons appears!The decisive battle begins!

Chapter 25 The leader of the evil demons appears!The decisive battle begins!

When Yusuke Aomura saw the time on Spider's phone, he was so angry that he threw Spider's phone away and laid his head on the pillow.

I get up later than this before going to school!

Did you make a mistake!

How can the game start at 05:30?
Next time I want to wish for a world where Desire Grand Prix never starts the game in the morning!

Perhaps because his sleep was disturbed, Yusuke Aomura was full of resentment and kept complaining in his heart.

This situation is commonly known as getting out of bed.


The spider phone changed into a spider form, crawled to the pillow, its eyes lit up red, and it made a piercing cry.

"Jingle Bell"

Obviously, Spider Mobile noticed that Aomura Yusuke had no intention of getting up, and came again to provide wake-up service.

The harsh sound made Aomura Yusuke very upset.

Yusuke Aomura stretched out his hand and slapped the spider phone like a switch on an alarm clock to silence it.

"This time the evil demon is dead."

Aomura Yusuke raised his head from the pillow, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said in a cold tone.

Full of energy to wake up, Yusuke Aomura ran into the bathroom and washed himself briefly.

Then he took out the desire driver and put it on his waist.


A stream of electronic data flashed past.

Yusuke Aomura teleported into the Hall of Desire and saw that several other people had arrived at the Hall of Desire before him.

As expected, he was the last one to arrive.

After all, who is a good person who gets up and teleports as soon as he receives the summons?

Ryoko Wada covered her mouth and yawned, with a look of sleepiness in her eyes.

"Morning, brother."

Even though Isuzu Daichi wears glasses, he can't hide the tired dark circles under his eyes.

"I stayed up late recently to sort out my project report, and just as I fell asleep, I was woken up by a summons..."

Ma Yehang said in a lively manner, unlike the exhausted looks of others.

"At this time, I got up and got ready to go jogging."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi always maintained his calm and unhurried appearance. Even if he got up early, he did not look tired.

"You look very resentful."

Yusuke Aomura replied angrily: "I get up later than this for school."

Zimli said anxiously when she saw that everyone had arrived.

"Everyone, we have detected the traces of the evil demon leader."

"From now on, the final battle of the Desire Grand Prix - the pinball game, officially begins!"

"The evil leader will continuously fire glass marbles, and those who are hit by the marbles will be captured by the evil leader."

"Contestants need to avoid the attack of marbles and defeat the evil demon leader."

"The player who finally defeats the evil demon leader is the ultimate God of Desire!"

The electronic data flow enveloped the Hall of Desire, and then everyone was transported to the street.

There was not even a ghost on the streets at 05:30 in the morning!
Evil demons are wandering on the streets, and no one has been able to fight them at this point.

"call out"

A marble made a sound of breaking through the air, flew past several people, and hit the building behind them.

Yusuke Aomura turned around and saw a small round hole on the wall of the building.

The marble pierced the wall of the building and embedded itself in the wall of another building.

"This is considered a provocation."

Yusuke Aomura said coldly, his eyes falling indifferently on the leader of the evil demon disciples not far away.

The leader of the evil demons stretched out his hands, and a few marbles moved between his fingers.

"JYA JAY" (evil language: let's play games!)
Ma Yehang took out the glove buckle and squeezed it tightly.

"If you defeat this guy, you can become the God of Desire."

Isuzu Daichi pushed up his glasses, "Ah, the way to create an ideal world is right in front of you."

He cheered up Ryoko Tada and said seriously: "I want to take control of my future!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled confidently, "The final victory belongs to me."

"SET" x5 (Place x5)

"HENSHIN" x5 (transformation x5) "ARMED KNUCKLE" (armed gloves)




The evil demon leader waved his hands and shot out several marbles.

Yusuke Aomura swung the ghost sickle in his hand and split the oncoming marbles.

The camera slows down and zooms in.

The compound eyes on Yusuke Aomura's helmet lit up with purple light, and the marbles that were split in half flew in both directions.

Time flow returns to normal.

Aomura Yusuke and others rushed towards the leader of the evil demon disciples at the same time.

Many evil demon disciples came forward and stopped Aomura Yusuke and the others.

The evil leader jumped happily, waved his right hand forward, and shot out a few more marbles.

"JYAMATO JAY" (Evil Demon's language: You're hiding well, but what about this move!)
The marble hit the evil demon, and after rebounding, its trajectory became unpredictable.

Yusuke Aomura raised his ghost sickle blade and blocked it on the right.


The marble hit the blade of the ghost sickle and bounced to another place.

Wada Ryoko complained.

"This guy is such a thief. He hid behind and shot marbles while letting his younger brother act as a human shield."

"Don't block the road! Don't block the road!"

Ma Yehang punched the evil demon disciple hard in the face and shouted loudly.

"The God of Desire belongs to me!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi grabbed the evil demon's head with his left hand and turned to look at the surrounding buildings.

"It looks like some people have woken up."

Yes, commotion started coming from the surrounding buildings.

Some were looking out of the window, some went downstairs to watch the excitement, and some were calling their relatives and friends to get up and watch the show.

The leader of the evil demons seemed to notice that there were more people around him. He jumped excitedly and clapped his hands.

"JAY JAY JYAMATO" (The language of evil demons: There are too many people, there are too many people, let's all play together!)
Then, it suddenly spins in a circle and shoots out countless marbles.

The marbles hit ordinary citizens who were watching the excitement.

In the astonished expressions of ordinary citizens, the marble suddenly grew in size, wrapped the ordinary citizens in it, and brought them back to the leader of the evil demons.

On the way back, the marble gradually gets smaller and eventually returns to its original size.

The evil leader took out a glass jar from nowhere and put the marbles in it.

Covered the lid and shook it a few times, looking very happy.

"JYA JYAMATO" (evil language: Great, there are toys!)

Ryoko Wada said dumbfounded.

"It turned those people into glass marbles!"

Isuzu Daichi held the evil demon's head in his right hand and sighed.

"It seems this guy is difficult to deal with."

"Get out of my way, uncle!"

Ma Yehang pressed the buckle of the glove, and reddish-brown energy condensed on his right fist.


Ma Yehang punched away the evil demon who blocked his way, and ran towards the evil demon's leader.

The remaining people also rushed through the siege of the evil demon disciples and ran towards the leader of the evil demon disciples.

Yusuke Aomura swung his sword with all his strength, Ko Maano swung his right fist, Ryoko Tada hit the shield horizontally, and Isuzu Daichi swung his hammer.

Um?There seems to be a lack of people...

I saw Hidetoshi Ukiyo standing not far away, switching the Magnum Shooter 40X to rifle mode, and then shot the leader of the evil demons with one shot.

The leader of the evil demons blocked Yusuke Aomura's ghost sickle with his left hand, slapped Mano Hiro's glove with his right hand, and slapped Mano Hiro's right fist towards Wada Ryoko.

He raised his right foot and kicked Isuzu Daichi.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's bullet also fell into the air.

The leader of the evil demon disciples stamped his feet, kicked out a few quick kicks, and kicked away Aomura Yusuke and others.

Then it jumped in place and disappeared into an electronic data stream.

(End of this chapter)

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