kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 26 Turbine and Propeller

Chapter 26 Turbine and Propeller
The evil demon leader jumped on the spot, turned into a stream of electronic data, and disappeared.

Zimli’s voice reached everyone’s helmets.

"The evil leader will not stay in one place for a long time. It will constantly look for citizens and play games."

"If all the citizens in the evil realm are captured...then the game will be over..."

Yusuke Aomura released his transformation. After the battle just now, a lot of the anger in his body was vented.

"It's a bit difficult to hit. If the turbo buckle is still there, it'll be fine."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled confidently, looking calm.

"Don't worry, I'll do it."

Everyone returned to the lounge, waiting for news from the leader of the evil demon disciples.

"What happens if the game fails?"

Sitting on the sofa with Ryoko Tada, he turned to look at Kiroli who was standing at the bar making drinks.

Kiroli stopped what he was doing and replied.

"If the game fails, all the people who died in the evil demon's domain will not be resurrected."

Ryoko Wada opened her mouth slightly and said in surprise.

"how so……"

Killoli came to the sofa area with a few drinks and handed them to everyone.

"There was a game before that ended with all the Kamen Riders being wiped out and not a single one left."

"The leader of the evil demons who appeared in that game drove out all the humans in the area and then disappeared without a trace."

"You're not talking about the evil leader of this game, are you?"

Ryoko Wada said with a somewhat frightened look.

Kiroli smiled politely and shook his head.

"No, the leader of the evil demons in this game has never done anything like this."

Ryoko Wada took a long breath and patted her chest.

"That's good, otherwise the pressure would be great, and so many people's lives would be entrusted to us."

Kiroli comforted him with a smile.

"It's okay. I believe that you adults will be able to deal with the evil leader."

After saying that, he bowed slightly, turned around and left the lounge.


in a room.

"Casper, would you like to guess who will become the God of Desire in the end?"

Gene sat on the sofa, looked at the screen in front of him, and said with a smile.

Casper smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Can you still guess?"

Gene smiled heartily.

"Hahaha, that's true. After all, we all have people who support us."

"Then let's see who can support the person who can become the God of Desire."

"The winner has the right to cancel the task posted by the loser in the next Desire Grand Prix."

Gene turned to look at Casper, his eyes full of 'Do you dare? ' look.

Casper had a playful look in his eyes.

"Are you sure? You also know his strength."

Gene pulled out a red belt buckle.

"That's not necessarily the case. You can give him a turbine buckle, and I can also give him a buckle for the Jihu thruster."

An electroplated blue buckle appeared in Casper's hand.

"But you have to set up a good task so he doesn't get it all."

Gene smiled confidently.

"Of course."

The electronic data flow covered the two buckles, one blue and one red, and sent them away.


Yusuke Aomura took out his mobile phone and looked at the time.

By this time, it was long past the time for breakfast.

But it was a little early for lunch.

Damn the evil leader!

It has disrupted my regular schedule!
I didn't even eat breakfast!

"I'm going to have brunch. I have some news."

Yusuke Aomura stood up, said something to a few people, turned around and left the lounge.

"Wait, let's get together. Everyone got up so early, so they probably haven't had breakfast."

Ryoko Wada said softly.

"Why don't we go have dinner together as our team building, and this Desire Grand Prix is ​​about to end."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said softly.

"I have no opinion."

Isuzu Daichi rubbed his eyes, "Then let's go have a meal together."

Wada Ryoko stood up, pushed Aomura Yusuke, and greeted several other people.

"Come on, come on! Come together, I'm treating you."

Ma Yehang couldn't defeat Ryoko Tada, so he had no choice but to keep up.Everyone came to a restaurant, and five people took their seats around the table.

Ryoko Wada said with a smile.

"This game is over. When we meet next time, everyone will no longer know each other."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said with profound meaning.

"Not always."

Isuzu Daichi said curiously.

"Oh? Can I retain my memory by becoming the God of Desire?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi shook his head and smiled slightly.

"I don't know, but as long as I keep participating in the Desire Grand Prix, I can keep the memory."

"So, this is your wish."

Isuzu Dazhi reacted and said affirmatively.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi did not deny this time and nodded with a smile.

Are you curious why Yusuke Aomura is not included in this conversation?
Come on, give the camera to Yusuke Aomura.

Yusuke Aomura elegantly cuts the steak with a knife and fork.

Although the action seemed to be gentle, the steak was destroyed at a very slow speed.

After finishing the steak, Yusuke Aomura started eating pasta again.

It's still the same elegant movements, and it's still the same speed of destruction.

To sum it up is.

Aomura Yusuke eat eat eat.jpg

Time comes to afternoon.

Aomura Yusuke and others were teleported to the street again.

Zimli’s voice still echoed in everyone’s ears.

"Dear players, the leader of the evil demons has appeared, please be careful of the marbles."

Yusuke Aomura turned to look at Hidetoshi Ukiyo on the side.

"Ask for leave?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi nodded.

"You can't invite me?"

Aomura Yusuke said quietly.

"Graduation is approaching and I frequently ask for leave. I don't want to leave a deep impression on my class teacher."

Ma Yehang shouted, "Leader of the evil demons! Let's fight!"

Everyone took out their belt buckles and transformed.

"SET" x5 (Place x5)

"HENSHIN" x5 (Transformation x5)





Yusuke Aomura played with the ghost sickle in his hand and rushed towards the leader of the evil demon disciples.

Several marbles appeared in the hands of the evil demon leader, and with a wave of his hand, he shot them at Aomura Yusuke.

Yusuke Aomura quickly danced the ghost sickle blade and blocked all the marbles.

He was the first to rush to the leader of the evil demon disciples and slashed at the leader of the evil demon disciples with a scythe.

The leader of the evil demons punched Yusuke Aomura with his right fist, but Yusuke Aomura dodged it lightly.

Ma Yehang rushed up and snatched away the hatred of the leader of the evil demon disciples.


[Be the first to attack the evil demon leader]

A stream of electronic data flashed past, and a black box appeared at Yusuke Aomura's feet, with a pattern of a dark leopard printed on it.

Yusuke Aomura bent down and opened the box, and inside lay the turbine buckle.

"You're here again."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised the Magnum Shooter 40X and kept shooting at the surrounding evil demons.

Several evil demon disciples were knocked down in one go.


[Be the first to defeat the three evil demons]

Another stream of electronic data flashed by, and a white box appeared at Ukiyo Hidetoshi's feet, with a polar fox pattern printed on it.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo raised his eyebrows and said with interest.

"I also completed the hidden mission."

Open the white box and inside lies the thruster buckle.

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo inserted the turbine buckle and thruster buckle into the driver at the same time.

"DUAL ON" x2 (dual-core driver x2)

The turbines at Yusuke Aomura's knees slowly rotated, and the air holes in his calves sprayed out white mist.

Two exhaust pipes extend from the ankles of Ukiyo Hidetoshi's two feet, spitting out blazing flames.

The battle has just begun!
 The data is so low. I hope everyone can comment more and vote more~
(End of this chapter)

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