kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 27 Beating up the evil leader

Chapter 27 Beating up the evil leader

After a series of sound effects.

A set of armor appeared on the lower bodies of Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

They are blue and red respectively.

Ryoko Wada looked at Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo's new leather cases in surprise.

To be precise, I was surprised by Hidetoshi Ukiyo's new leather case.

This is the first appearance of the thruster buckle!
"Does the polar fox also have a new buckle!? It looks so strong."

Ryoko Wada said with some envy.

Isuzu Daichi smashed an evil demon disciple with a hammer and said uneasily.

"The strength of these two guys has greatly increased. If we don't work harder, there will be no hope at all."

Ma Yehang didn't have time to speak. He was blocking the attack of the leader of the evil demon disciples alone.

However, it is completely at a disadvantage.

The next second, he was punched out by the evil leader.

"This fist is really powerful!"

Ma Yehang lay on the ground, clutching his chest, but his expression was still excited, and his eyes were blazing with fire.

The evil demon leader jumped on the spot, rubbed his hands together, and glass marbles appeared between his fingers.

"JAY JYA" (evil language: Come again! Come again!)
Yusuke Aomura played with the ghost scythe in his hand, and pointed the scythe at the leader of the evil demon disciples.

"Now, accept your fate."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo snapped his fingers with his left hand and said confidently and calmly.

"The next step is my highlight moment."

The two said the decisive lines in unison and rushed towards the evil demon leader.

Ryoko Wada held the shield and said slowly.

"So handsome~"

Isuzu Daichi rolled his eyes at Ryoko Wada, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"These two guys really know how to be cool."

Ma Yehang stood up from the ground, rushed towards the leader of the evil demon disciples, and waved his fist again.

However, this battle is no longer something he can interfere with.

Ma Yehang only saw two figures, one blue and one red, flashing before his eyes, and then the leader of the evil demons staggered and moved, as if he had been attacked.

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo appeared around the leader of the evil demons.

Slow down the flow of time and watch the scene again.

Yusuke Aomura stepped on the ground hard, bursting out with extremely fast speed in an instant, and appeared in front of the leader of the evil demon disciples, swinging the ghost sickle down.

The leader of the evil demon disciples was hit by a knife before he could react in time and took a few steps back.

The propeller at Hidetoshi Ukiyo's ankle spurted out blazing flames, driving Hidetoshi Ukiyo to the side of the evil demon leader, and kicked the evil demon leader on the head.

The evil leader waved his hand and shot countless glass marbles at close range.

Yusuke Aomura quickly danced the ghost sickle blade to deflect the marbles that were attacking him.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was much simpler. The propellers sprayed out flames, providing him with a steady stream of power, and he moved quickly to avoid the glass marbles.

Isuzu Dazhi analyzed.

"It seems similar, but is it actually continuous strengthening and instantaneous explosion?"

Ryoko Wada asked in confusion.

"Huh? What?"

Isuzu Daichi explained.

"Nothing, I'm just talking about the differences between the two new belt buckles."

Wada Ryoko looked at the battle at the leader of the evil demon disciples.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi turned into a red shadow and appeared next to the leader of the evil demon disciples, punching and kicking the leader of the evil demon disciples.

The speed was so fast that the evil leader couldn't seize the opportunity to attack Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

Yusuke Aomura waved his sickle to block the attack of the leader of the evil demon disciples, and at the same time, he seized the opportunity and struck the leader of the evil demon disciples.

Occasionally, he would burst out with powerful force and kick the evil demon leader.

When the evil demon leader retreated, Hidetoshi Ukiyo appeared behind him again and kicked him.

"The two of them are so fast. It seems we can't join this battle."

Ryoko Wada said with some frustration.

Isuzu Daichi nodded in agreement.

"Ah, it seems that the God of Desire this time has nothing to do with me." Ma Yehang didn't believe in evil and rushed forward again, trying to forcefully intervene in this red, blue and gray battle.

The leader of the evil demons yelled several times in annoyance.

"JYA JAY" (evil language: You hurt me and I'm angry)

Being kicked like a ball made the leader of the evil demon gang furious. He held the glass marble between his fingers and spun it on the spot at high speed.

The air flow created creates a small tornado around the body.

Countless marbles are launched from the tornado, attacking the surroundings in all directions.

With the help of propellers, Hidetoshi Ukiyo quickly dodges or crushes incoming marbles.

Yusuke Aomura kicked the ground hard, and the turbines in his knees spun at high speed, and powerful power surged out.

With the help of this power, Aomura Yusuke soared into the sky, jumped into the air, and then summoned a turbine aircraft.

Standing on the turbine aircraft, Aomura Yusuke avoided all the incoming marbles.

Ma Ye rolled on the spot and hid behind an evil demon disciple, using the evil demon disciple as a human shield to avoid being hit by the marbles of the evil demon disciple leader.

Wada Ryoko awkwardly held up his shield to block the incoming marbles.

"How can we fight like this!"

Isuzu Daichi grabbed an evil demon and blocked it in front of him.

"Those two guys are going to do something."

Yusuke Aomura swooped down from the air and reached out to press the sub-blade on the ghost sickle blade.


Hidetoshi Ukiyo flipped the drive, straightened his limbs, and rolled a bit.


The upper and lower armor were replaced, and the propellers at the ankles were moved to the wrists.

I saw the propeller at his wrist spurting out flames, leading Ukiyo Hidetoshi to rush to the leader of the evil demon disciples.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi hit the evil demon leader with an uppercut on the chin, knocking the evil demon leader directly into the air.

Yusuke Aomura swooped in at this moment, holding the ghost sickle in his hand, and slashed across the body of the evil demon leader.

A wave of perfect cooperation!

The evil leader fell to the ground, and electric currents emitted from his body from time to time.

Yusuke Aomura stepped on the turbine aircraft, stopped next to Hidetoshi Ukiyo, and looked at the propeller buckle.

"It feels almost like a turbo buckle."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo looked down at the propeller buckle on the drive and smiled.

"It's almost the same. Then the next chapter will be the final chapter."

After saying that, Hidetoshi Ukiyo flipped the driver again, transforming into a magnum armor for the upper body and a propeller armor for the lower body.

"Ah, let's see who gets the last hit."

Aomura Yusuke looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi with a bit of arrogance in his eyes.

After the words fell, Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi reached out at the same time, one pressed the small sickle on the ghost belt buckle, the other turned the wheel, and then pulled the trigger of the Magnum belt buckle.

At the same time, he reached out and twisted the handles of the turbine belt buckle and the propeller belt buckle.



Yusuke Aomura squatted down slightly, and the turbine aircraft under his feet sprayed out rapid air waves.

The leopard at the front of the car raised its head to the sky and roared.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi stretched out his hand in front of him, drew a circle with his feet, and squatted slightly.

A motorcycle appeared behind him, turned into a red fox, and shouted to the sky.

Aomura Yusuke stepped on the turbine aircraft and soared into the sky.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi jumped with great force, almost as fast as Aomura Yusuke rose.

After reaching a certain height, the two stopped in mid-air.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi saw Aomura Yusuke standing on the turbine aircraft, and he also learned to stand on the propulsion vanguard.



The two of them assumed knight kicking postures and kicked towards the leader of the evil demon disciples.

Patterns of dark leopards and polar foxes appeared in the sky.

The knight kicked and hit the leader of the evil demons, causing an explosion!

(End of this chapter)

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