kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 39 The ghost hunting game is over

Chapter 39 The ghost hunting game is over
Yusuke Aomura solved the Demon King Demon disciples, turned around and ran towards the other Demon disciples.

In the points ranking list, Aomura Yusuke's points are far ahead, occupying the No. 1 position.

The Asari Kirito grabbed the meteor hammer and trotted all the way, looking back from time to time to make sure that the Ghost King and the Demons were not catching up, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'd better go find those minions to earn points."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo defeated an evil demon disciple with one hammer, took out his spider phone, and looked at the ranking list.

"This guy Yusuke has done a lot."

Takao Kawashima was lingering near Tohru Imai.

The failure of the plan just now made him realize that it was a bit difficult to defeat Tohru Imai solely by relying on evil demon disciples.

Unless it was a huge number of evil demons attacking Imai Tohru one after another.

The evil devil cannot be relied on, so he can only rely on himself.

I have to find a way to take away the zombie belt buckle.

in a room.

Gene looked at Casper next to him curiously.

"What mission did you assign?"

Casper said helplessly.

"Defeat three evil demons with special marks in a row."

Gene burst into laughter, "You actually think he can complete this task!?"

Casper spread his hands, "It seems that he is a little luckier than I thought. Luck is not on his side."

Gene smiled.

"Your turbo belt buckle can only be sent out next round."

Casper was a little helpless, "I'll give it to you in the next round. Can I give you another ghost belt buckle in the next round?"

Gene looked a little envious, "You are really rich. I have to save money for the next round, otherwise I won't be able to afford the props in the finals."


Ukiyo Hidetoshi hit the evil demon's chin with a hammer and knocked him away.

The evil devil fell to the ground, the evil devil's mark lit up on his chest, and then turned into vines and slowly disappeared.

"SCORE UP" (counted into points)


The electronic announcement sounded, and Zimli appeared on the street.

"Dear contestants, the second round of the ghost hunting game is over~"

Toru Imai dragged the Zombie Destroyer to the ground, released the transformation, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, it's finally over."

My Naba took off the hook buckle and released the transformation. He put his hands on his hips and was somewhat out of breath.

Kawashima Takao and Yoneyama Hiroyuki released their transformations and walked over.

Yusuke Aomura arrived late and was the last one to walk up to Zimli.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said softly: "What did you do with the propeller buckle?"

Aomura Yusuke said lightly.

"I beat a special evil demon, and I can barely be considered an elite."

My Naba Xi adjusted her breathing and asked Zimli.

"So what's the standings, who's going to be eliminated?"

Zimli showed a professional smile on her face and waved her hand to summon the virtual projection.

"Now I will announce the final ranking~"

Aomura Yusuke's name and the dark leopard pattern were the first to appear in the air.

In order of descending order, they are Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Imai Toru, Ganaha Sae, Yoneyama Hiroyuki, and Kawashima Takao.

The last one is from Asarikiri.

Zimli announced loudly: "The last player in the points ranking is the Asari Kirito player. You will be eliminated in this round."

"What! How can I be the last one!"

The Asari Kirito shouted in disbelief.

"A shady secret! There is a shady secret in this game! You must have modified my points!"

Zimli said softly while still maintaining a professional smile.

"Please rest assured that the game is absolutely fair and there is no shady story."

"I do not believe!"

Asari Kirito took out the bolas buckle and inserted it into the drive.


"HENSHIN" (Transformation)

The Asariki man swung the meteor hammer in his hand and hit Zimli.

Zimli didn't panic at all, she kept smiling and stood there.

The electronic data flow instantly enveloped the Asari Kirito and teleported him away.

The Desire Drive fell to the ground with a crisp sound.Seeing this scene, Yusuke Aomura narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were a little cold, and he looked at Zimli thoughtfully.

Zimli looked at everyone with a smile, not taking the recent episode to heart.

"Contestants, please wait patiently for the next round of games to begin."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Yusuke Aomura walked forward quickly, "You summoned me to send me back to where I came from."

Zimli smiled slightly and nodded.


Imai Toru changed into another set of clothes and returned to the construction site.

"Toru? Where did you go just now?"

Azuma Taoist priest came over pushing a wheelbarrow.

Imai Toru smiled and said, "My stomach just felt a little uncomfortable. Let me help you push it."

Priest Azuma smiled slightly and said with some satisfaction.

"Don't underestimate the strength I have developed."

Imai Toru patted Azuma on the shoulder.

"Then I'll take the first step. Come on, hahaha."

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Azuma Michichiro saw Toru Imai walking into the construction site quickly without looking back, and shouted from behind.


Yusuke Aomura returned to the beach, leaving only a lonely one among the several barbecue grills that were originally crowded.

The students were probably tired of playing, so they all sat on the beach, blowing the sea breeze, and watching the waves wash over the beach one after another.

Esaki Ribei was lying on the beach chair and asked when he saw Aomura Yusuke coming back.

"Qingcun, are you okay? You went to the bathroom twice today, and the time was so long. Are you feeling unwell?"

Aomura Yusuke smiled awkwardly.

"I'm fine. Maybe I'm acclimatized and have a stomachache."

Fortunately, the graduation trip ends tomorrow.

The third round of the Desire Grand Prix will not start tomorrow.

No more excuses to leave and join the game.

Aomura Yusuke thought with ease.

As the sky gradually darkened, Imai Toru and Azuma Michichi left the construction site.

“Great, it’s finally finished on time!”

Toru Imai held a bundle of hoses in his hand and sighed loudly.

Priest Azuma held a tool box in his hand and followed Imai Teru.

"I'm going to a new construction site tomorrow, so I don't have time for you to sigh here."

The two walked to the van.

Toru Imai put the things in his hands on the ground temporarily and complained softly.

"I said you are still so serious."

"Why do you keep doing this job?"

Azuma Michiko put the tool box into the car and said while taking off his gloves.

"Need a reason?"

Toru Imai looked back at Azuma Priest and said with a smile.

"It is the destiny of mankind to work in order to survive."

"But I hope I can always dream."

Azuma Daozhang was lowering his head to untie his tool belt. Hearing Tohru Imai's words, he raised his head and asked doubtfully.


Imai revealed a bright smile.

“I want to propose a huge landmark tower in my hometown!”

Azuma Taoist priest smiled when he heard this, "Aren't you afraid of heights? How to build it?"

Imai Toru retorted: "I will overcome my fear of heights."

"I will work hard to realize my ideal world."

Azuma Michichi put all the tools in the car and opened the cab door.

"Then you have to work hard."

After saying that, he got into the car.

Imai Toru closed the door of the van, walked around to the passenger compartment, opened the door and got in.

"What's for dinner today? How about beef sukiyaki? Your favorite beef."

Azuma Taoist priest agreed: "Okay, then go to the one you usually go to."

(End of this chapter)

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