kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 40 The Price of Wishes

Chapter 40 The Price of Wishes

Time is like water, time is like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost a month since the graduation trip ended.

This also means that Yusuke Aomura's high school career is officially over.

It's time to move into a new phase.

Aomura Yusuke was walking on the street, carrying a basket of ingredients in his hand.

"When are you going to find a job?"

"Wait a minute, let me finish my graduation holiday first."

"Okay, okay, you can make your own arrangements."

The sudden conversation reached Yusuke Aomura's ears, and Yusuke Aomura turned his head after hearing the words.

It was a father and son walking down the street and talking.

Aomura Yusuke looked back and couldn't help but think of a conversation he had with his parents not long ago.

The conversation took place at the dinner table of Qingcun's house.

"Son, what are you going to do next? Are you going to find a job? Or continue studying in college?"

Aomura Yuran asked in a gentle tone.

Daichiro Aomura said: "I think my son can continue studying. His grades are so good, so don't waste it."

"Of course, everything still depends on the son's own choice."

Aomura Daiichiro added another sentence.

Yusuke Aomura put his left hand on the table, holding his cheek, with a confused expression.

"I haven't decided what to do yet."

In the past, Aomura Yusuke had very clear plans for his future.

Admitted to the most famous Toto University, and then successfully graduated from Toto University.

Join a well-known company and get a promotion and a salary increase.

Find a girl you like, get married and have children.

Just pretend to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life.

The premise is that your family members are not involved in the evil demon incident and die safely.

But it is different now.

I was selected to participate in the Desire Grand Prix and learned the truth about the world. I was destined to not be able to live an ordinary life.

At the same time this is also an opportunity.

An opportunity to find out why he is different from ordinary people and why he does not lose his memory.

Yusuke Aomura's eyes fell on Daiichiro Aomura and Yuran Aomura in front of him, and his eyes instantly became gentle.

Moreover, I also want to protect you, my father and my mother.

In the past, I had no strength and could only remind you to pay attention to safety.

Now that I have enough strength, I will never let you be harmed by evil demons.

Aomura Yulan noticed her son's gaze, with a smile in her eyes.

"I haven't thought about it yet, so just wait. You're still young anyway."

Daichiro Aomura smiled heartily.

"That's right, think about it slowly, after all, your father will support you."

"What does it mean to be raised by a father? What happened to my mother?"

Aomura Yuran looked at Aomura Daiichiro with some dissatisfaction.

Daiichiro Aomura hugged his wife and said with a smile.

"My fault, my fault, is that the father and the mother raise their son together."

Aomura Yuran rolled his eyes at Aomura Daiichiro and smiled with satisfaction.

Sitting opposite, Yusuke Aomura watched all this with a smile.

After the memory ended, Yusuke Aomura continued walking on the street.

Unlike himself who is still not sure what to do in the future, Hidetoshi Ukiyo has already found what he wants to do in the future.

Be a star!
Yes, this guy really wants to be a star!
It is said that he started out as a model for magazine shoots, and with his height, looks and temperament, he nailed it.

Moreover, this guy even came to his house specially with a teasing smile on his face.

"How about I sign my name first? When I become famous, this will be your first signature."

Yusuke Aomura pointed at the door and said coldly: "Climb."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi didn't care and said with a smile. "I'm here to have a meal, that's okay."

Yusuke Aomura sighed helplessly, "Can I refuse?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi sat on the sofa with a smile on his face.

"Let's do this, you provide the ingredients and I'll let you try my craft."

Hence the scene at the beginning of this chapter.

Aomura Yusuke held the vegetable basket and lowered his head to think.

So why should I agree to this guy going out to buy groceries?
My brain must have been stuck at that time.

Yusuke Aomura shook his head helplessly, and inadvertently caught sight of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

That is?Crazy lion?
Ma Yehang was carrying a sports bag, and his original wild hairstyle was replaced by a broken-top hairstyle.

There is no trace of the original arrogant and arrogant temperament in his body.

what happened to him?It's like a completely different person.

Could it be twins?

Aomura Yusuke frowned slightly, but he didn't take it to heart and continued to walk forward.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi watched the door being opened and Aomura Yusuke walked in and said hello with a smile.

"Yo, here you come."

Yusuke Aomura narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously speechless.

"this is my house."

Yusuke Aomura walked to the kitchen and put the ingredients on the cooking table.

"I'll leave the rest to you. If I'm not satisfied with the taste, you'll pay for the ingredients."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi walked into the kitchen and smiled confidently, "I am Hidetoshi."

Yusuke Aomura turned around and left the kitchen, sat on the sofa in the living room, and turned on the TV.

[The daughter of the Wada family will hold an engagement ceremony with the son of the Kihara family next month. 】

[This will lead to a rapid increase in the strength of the two families, which can be described as a strong alliance! 】

Looking at the photos of Ryoko Tada on TV, Yusuke Aomura looked a little confused.

The wealthy young lady who said she wanted to take control of her future gave in a few months later?

So the person I just saw was indeed a mad lion?

what happened?
"Yingshou, have those eliminated contestants really returned to their daily lives?"

Yusuke Aomura asked towards the kitchen.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo turned sideways, tilted his head back, and turned to look at Yusuke Aomura in the living room.

"Well, everything is back to normal life."

"Have you fully returned to normal life?"

Aomura Yusuke looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi seriously and asked again.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's expression became a little subtle, and he answered softly.

"The moment a contestant writes down a wish, the emotions related to the wish are also written into the wish card."

“When a contestant is eliminated, they will forget the original wish they made.”

"At the same time, the emotion contained in the wish will be forgotten."

Yusuke Aomura smiled to himself.

"Oh, the reward for saving the world is to realize your wish, but the price is that if you fail, you will no longer be yourself."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said softly.

“With reward comes sacrifice, right?”

Aomura Yusuke said in an indifferent tone.

“But we didn’t choose it, they chose it.”

"We are chosen because of our own desires."

After Ukiyo Hidetoshi finished speaking, he turned around and continued cooking.

Aomura Yusuke said nothing, his eyes flashed coldly.

Defeated by your own desires?
Oh, they didn't give us a choice at all.

It just lures us with promises.

It's like the devil tempting humans to sell their souls in exchange for fulfilling all their wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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