kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 41 New Game Siege Warfare

Chapter 41 New Game - Siege War
Hidetoshi Ukiyo came out with a plate of dishes and said to Yusuke Aomura who was sitting on the sofa in the living room: "Come here and serve the dishes."

Yusuke Aomura stood up from the sofa, walked into the kitchen, looked at several dishes on the cooking table, and nodded slightly.

"It looks okay."

After saying that, he took out the dishes.

"Try it and see if it satisfies your picky taste buds."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled confidently and extended his hand to Yusuke Aomura to taste it.

Yusuke Aomura picked up a piece of cod and put it in his mouth.

"It's not bad, you can eat it."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was very amused when he heard Aomura Yusuke's harsh words, but didn't say anything.

Pulled out the chair, sat down, and started eating.


On the street, Imai Toru and Azuma Michichiro drove a van towards the new construction site.

"Taoist priest, every time I ride in the car you drive, I feel that you drive really steadily."

Toru Imai sat in the passenger seat, leaning back on the seat, and said with a comfortable expression.

"You're just too lazy to drive. Whenever we go out, I'm not the one driving."

Azuma Taoist priest smiled and cursed, and the smile on his face showed that he was in a good mood.

Imai Toru smiled and looked out the window, "The weather is really nice today."

"It's such a nice weather, but we have to go to work, ugh."

Priest Azuma smiled knowingly when she heard Toru Imai's complaint.

"It is the destiny of mankind to work in order to survive."

"Didn't you say this?"

Toru Imai smiled helplessly after being taught by Azuma Daozhang in his own words.

"Sooner or later, I will realize my ideal world."

The corners of Taoist priest Azuma's mouth raised slightly, "I'll wait and see."


"Boss! What happened to you recently?"

A poorly dressed man shouted to the Asarikiri.

Asari Kirito was standing in front of a convenience store wearing convenience store clothes.

"It's nothing wrong with me, I just don't plan to be a delinquent anymore. If you still admit it, just keep calling me boss."

"Let's have dinner together when you have time. Boss invites you."

The bad man's mouth was slightly open, his expression was shocked, and the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground.

"Boss... boss, what happened? It's only been a month."

The Asari Kirito scratched his prickly head with a somewhat emotional expression.

"I just felt that the previous ideas were too boring, and I lost interest all of a sudden."

"Just like now, just work honestly."

The delinquent man could not imagine what Asari Kirito had gone through, which could make him a completely different person.

The delinquent leader who was arrogant, domineering, and advocated violence has now become a law-abiding convenience store employee.

This world is too fantastic!

A red light swept across, and then a red translucent wall rose.


Screams came one after another from the streets.

Asari Kiriki and the bad boy followed the sound and saw groups of ordinary citizens running away screaming.

Behind them was an evil demon wearing a golden coat, holding a sharp sword, and with a yellow cloak behind him.

"What kind of monster is this!"

The bad guy shouted in fear.


Asari Kirito urged the delinquent man to run away, but he left the delinquent man first and ran away.

But after running a few steps, he met an evil demon in gold clothes.

The golden-clothed evil demon raised his sword with his bare hands, and Qianliqie fell to the ground with a big sword mark on his body, and there was no movement.

"Ah! Don't come here!"

The bad boy was so frightened that he fell to the ground, kicking his legs and rubbing them on the ground.

The evil demon in gold clothes held a sharp sword and walked towards the bad man step by step.


"Jingle Bell"

The spider mobile phone climbed onto the dining table of Yusuke Aomura's house, interrupting their lunch.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo looked at the spider phone with gentle eyes.

"It's you Spider Taro, thank you for coming to inform us." Aomura Yusuke looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi with a strange look.

"Did you name your spider phone?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo picked up the spider phone and said calmly.

"What's wrong? Can't you?"

"Then how do you recognize this spider phone as yours?"

Aomura Yusuke looked at the spider phone in Ukiyo Hidetoshi's hand.

"I think my spider phone looks like this too."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled, "Of course I recognize my Spider Taro."

"Let's go, the Desire Grand Prix is ​​calling us."

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo took out desire drives and wore them around their waists.

"ENTRY" x2 (login x2)

The electronic data stream flashed by, and Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo walked into the Hall of Desire.

My domineering arms were folded in front of my chest and my body stood upright.

Kawashima Takao and Yoneyama Hiroyuki stood in front of Zimli with cold expressions.

There was only one person left in the audience, Toru Imai, who had not yet arrived.

Just as Yusuke Aomura thought this, Toru Imai ran in.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I finally got away."

Zimli looked a little serious and said loudly.

"Dear players, the city is under attack, and the evil demons are attacking everyone in the city indiscriminately."

"They are trying to capture cities and form their own kingdom."

"Now the third round of the Desire Grand Prix - Ancient Egypt Siege War! Officially begins!"

"Please do your best to eliminate the evil demons in the city. Once they kill all the ordinary citizens in the city, a country belonging to the evil demons will be formed, and the consequences will be disastrous."

"A country of evil demons? Will they still establish a country?"

Imai Toru said with some surprise.

Cimli nodded.

"That's right, siege battles will be launched from time to time until all the evil demons are eliminated."

This round of the game adopts a points system, and you will get points by defeating the evil demons. "

A virtual projection appeared in the air to Zimli's right, with various rules for increasing or decreasing points written on it.

"At the end of the game, the player with the lowest number of points will be eliminated."

"It seems like this is going to be a protracted battle."

Kawashima Takao said with a smile with deep meaning in his eyes.

He turned to look at Hiroshi Yoneyama next to him.

Yoneyama Hiroshi had a look of understanding on his face, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Everyone! Let's start the game now! Get ready to transform!"

"HENSHIN!" (Transformation!)
Zimli made a transformation pose and said loudly.

Electronic data flow passed by, and people appeared on the street.

One after another, the evil demons in golden clothes chased ordinary citizens and kept running around.

Everyone took out their belt buckles and transformed.

"SET" x6 (Place x6)

"HENSHIN" x6 (Transformation x6)

"ARMED KNIFE" (armed knife)

"ZOMBIE" (zombie)



Everyone held weapons and faced the evil demon in gold clothes.

Yusuke Aomura slashed the sword of the evil devil in gold, lifted it up with force, pushed away the evil devil in gold, and kicked the evil devil in gold.

The golden-robed evil demon only took two steps back before charging forward again.

Um?The strength of the evil demon disciples seems to have improved this time.

Yusuke Aomura blocked the sharp sword thrust of the evil devil in gold with his blade, stepped forward and got close to the evil devil in gold.

He exerted force on his waist, drove his shoulders, and slammed into the golden-clothed evil demon disciple.

His right foot reached behind the leg of the evil demon in gold and tripped it.

The fruit knife quickly swung several rays of light and defeated the evil demon in gold on the ground.

Yusuke Aomura flicked his right hand and pointed the fruit knife at the ground.

"It seems that this battle will be a little more troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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