kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 49 Finals: The World-Destroying Demonic Flower

Chapter 49 Final - The World-Destroying Demonic Flower

Yusuke Aomura is sitting in a restaurant, cutting steak elegantly.

It's just that Yusuke Aomura's clothes are a little too casual, and he looks a little out of place with the other customers around him.

Is it a bit strange?
Curious what happened?
Come on, go back in time!The book continues from the previous chapter!
Yusuke Aomura didn't stay at the roadside stall for long, and left after listening to the conversation between the two of them.

Anyway, the boss made up for what he said with a treat, and subsequent guests were also satisfied.

In the future, customers will continue to go to the boss's place to eat, and the main idea is that they are willing to eat and suffer.

Aomura Yusuke continued to walk forward. He came out to look for food, not to listen to gossip.

After walking not far, Aomura Yusuke was attracted by the large steak promotion poster at the entrance of a restaurant. He made a [-]-degree turn and walked into the restaurant.

After entering, Aomura Yusuke discovered that this store seemed a bit high-end, and everyone was dressed a bit too formally.

Of course, the waiter in the restaurant didn't care that Yusuke Aomura was dressed casually. He politely led Yusuke Aomura to an empty table, and then handed Yusuke Aomura a menu.

Yusuke Aomura took the menu and looked at it. The steak poster at the door was clearly the restaurant's signature dish.

"Just bring me one of your signature steaks and a glass of sparkling juice."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The waiter wrote down the dishes Aomura Yusuke ordered on the list, said politely, and turned to leave.

Soon, a steaming steak and a glass of sparkling juice were served on Yusuke Aomura's table.

Yusuke Aomura leisurely picked up the knife and fork, slowly cut a piece and put it in his mouth.

Well, not bad, it is indeed a signature dish, but it is a little expensive, so it is good to eat it occasionally.


In a construction site.

Priest Azuma pushed a wheelbarrow toward Tohru Imai. There were bags of cement ash on the wheelbarrow.

"Toru, are you really okay with your health? You come to work so soon, why don't you take a few more days of rest?"

Imai Toru stopped what he was doing and kept a smile on his face.

"If I take two more days off, the manager won't be able to deduct all of my salary for this month. By then I won't even be able to afford 79 yuan worth of cigarettes."

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your health. You're getting better."

Priest Azuma put down the wheelbarrow in his hand and unloaded bags of cement ash onto the ground.

"I told you to quit smoking, so smoke less."

Imai Toru responded with a smile.

"I know, I will definitely quit smoking next time."

Priest Azuma felt helpless, picked up the shovel on the side, and mixed the cement with Toru Imai.


In a photo studio.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo is standing in front of the camera, doing various poses.

"Yingshou, you really have so much potential. I believe you will become famous in the modeling industry in the future!"

The cameraman gave a thumbs up and praised.

"My goals are not just in the modeling world."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo struck a handsome pose and said confidently and calmly.

"I want to be a star among stars."

The cameraman laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, then I will be the photographer who has shot magazine covers for stars among stars among stars."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi kept smiling and changed his posture.

"Jingle Bell"

The ringtone of Spider's cell phone came from Ukiyo Hidetoshi's pants pocket.

The smile on Hidetoshi Ukiyo's face got even bigger, and he took out his spider phone and looked at it.

Spider's mobile phone displayed [Lord Ukiyo Hidetoshi, please go to the Desire Hall to gather. 】

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said to the photographer with a smile.

"How about we take a break first? It's almost time for lunch."

The photographer was probably really satisfied with Hidetoshi Ukiyo's shooting process, so he readily agreed.

"Okay, let's take a break and let's eat first." Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled and walked to the table where makeup was done.

He walked straight over the dressing table and left the studio.

At this point, the future star among stars began his first escape from filming by "acting like a big name".

Inside a restaurant.

Aomura Yusuke lowered his head and saw the spider phone lying next to the dinner plate. He raised his head and looked at Aomura Yusuke, his eyes shining red.

He turned around and looked at the half of the steak left on the plate, feeling sad.

Why did the Desire Grand Prix start again while I was eating!

Yusuke Aomura picked up his fork and stabbed it hard into the steak, then stuffed the steak into his mouth in several bites.

Chewing a few times quickly, swallowed hard, picked up the sparkling juice on the right, and drank it in one gulp.

I left the table, went to the front desk to check out and left.


Everyone came to the Hall of Desire and watched Zimli standing in front of a virtual projection.

Zimli turned around with a worried expression.

"Dear contestants, the leader of the evil demons has appeared!"

A huge plant appeared in the virtual projection behind him, a huge mandala bud, right in the middle of the city.

Four huge vine tentacles stretched out all around, located in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Zimli continued.

"The final of the Desire Grand Prix - the World-Destroying Demonic Flower has officially begun!"

Before anyone could react, the electronic data flow enveloped the four of them.

Yusuke Aomura watched the environment in front of him change from the Hall of Desire to the city streets.

And he was the only one around, the other three were missing.

Not far away, a huge vine tentacle was standing like a tall tower.

The vine tentacles were covered with spikes and had a stone-like sheen.

Under the vine tentacles, a large group of evil demons gathered, waving their weapons and shouting at Yusuke Aomura.

Zimli's voice appeared in Yusuke Aomura's ears.

"Dear players, the Mandalahua Demon is being protected by these four vines. If the vines are not destroyed, it will not be able to cause harm to the Mandalahua Demon."

"And the four vines will speed up the flowering speed of the Mandalahua Demon. Once the Mandalahua Demon blooms, it will spray out a large amount of pollen, making it extremely difficult to deal with."

"This round of the game adopts a points system. Please protect the city until the Mandalahua evil demons wither."

"The player with the highest score will become the God of Desire and be able to create his or her ideal world."

The camera turns to the scene of the four people in turn.

Imai Toru looked seriously at the vine tentacles in front of him: "I must realize my dream!"

My domineering expression was solemn and my eyes were determined: "I must win!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled slightly, his expression as confident and calm as ever.

"The final victory is mine."

Yusuke Aomura raised his head and looked at the vine tentacles not far away.

"I am the one who becomes the God of Desire."

The evil demon disciples not far away rushed towards the four of them.

The screen shows frontal close-ups of four people at the same time.

The four of them took out their respective belt buckles, inserted them into the Desire Drive, and assumed transformation postures.

"SET" x4 (Place x4)

"HENSHIN" x4 (Transformation x4)

"ZOMBIE" (zombie)



The four of them completed their transformation and rushed forward to fight the evil demons.

(End of this chapter)

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