kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 50: Ming Leopard’s hidden mission?

Chapter 50: Ming Leopard’s hidden mission?
Yusuke Aomura completed his transformation, clenched the ghost sickle in his hand, and rushed towards the group of evil demon disciples in front.

The ghost scythe slashed left and right, followed by a flat slash, instantly knocking down several demon disciples.

However, the evil demons surrounded him one after another, and swung the swords in their hands towards Aomura Yusuke.

Yusuke Aomura held the ghost sickle blade tightly with both hands, raised it in front of him, and blocked the swords of the demon disciples with the stick.

Then Yusuke Aomura suddenly took a step back and took back the ghost sickle in his hand.

The evil demon disciples staggered before they could stabilize their bodies.

Then he saw Aomura Yusuke using his left foot as the axis, twisting his waist, spinning in a circle, and the ghost sickle slashed diagonally towards the evil demon disciple.

In one fell swoop, a large number of evil demon disciples were chopped down.

"If you want to get high scores, that guy is the key!"

Aomura Yusuke raised his head and looked at the mandala flower bud in the distance.

"However, there is a prerequisite."

Aomura Yusuke withdrew his gaze and shifted to the vine tentacles not far in front of him.

On the other side, Toru Imai wielded the Zombie Destroyer and chopped down an evil demon.

He reached out and pulled up the ordinary citizen who fell aside.

"Get out of here quickly and find a place to hide."

Ordinary citizens thanked them profusely: "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

After saying that, he rolled and crawled on the ground and ran away.

Imai Toru turned to look at the vine tentacles not far from him, and ran over.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and I Naha Sae also ran towards the vine tentacles at the same time.

The four of them all chose the path of defeating the Demonic Mantrahua, instead of waiting for the Demonic Mantrahua to wither.

in a room.

Gene looked at Casper with some resentment in his eyes.

"You actually canceled the mission I posted!?"

Casper looked at the screen and said calmly.

"Isn't it the bet you made yourself? Don't you intend to fulfill the bet?"

Gene choked and said helplessly.

"Of course not. I'm willing to admit defeat."

Gene looked at the screen in front of him and said bitterly.

"I finally prepared the propeller buckle for Jihu."

"Next round, if he still participates in the Desire Grand Prix."

Casper said nonchalantly.

"Of course he will participate, but he has me as his supporter."

Jean said quite proudly.

"By the way, have you released the mission? This round of the game needs to be accelerated."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with the mandala flower when it blooms."

Casper said with a smile as he leaned back on the couch.

"Of course it's released, and he's going to get it done."

"Maybe it will be completed by Jihu."

Jean said with a smile.

Casper glanced at Gene and said confidently.

"Will not."


Yusuke Aomura harvested the heads of evil demon disciples along the way and rushed under the vine tentacles.

He looked at the diameter of the vine tentacles, and then looked at the length of the ghost sickle in his hand.

Yusuke Aomura held up the ghost sickle and gestured with it, and said with some doubt.

"Can this really be broken?"


The vine tentacles shook their bodies, and the spikes on their bodies came out one after another, and shot towards Yusuke Aomura on the ground.

Yusuke Aomura jumped to the side with all his strength, avoiding the attack of a group of spikes.The ghost scythe kept swinging, blocking the remaining spikes that followed.

Many spikes sprouted from the vine tentacles again, and they shot at Yusuke Aomura again.

Seeing this scene, Yusuke Aomura couldn't help complaining.

"Unlimited spike firing? You're just kidding."

While he was complaining, the ghost scythe in his hand did not stop waving, and kept spinning in front of him, flicking away the incoming spikes.

The vine tentacles may have heard Yusuke Aomura's complaints and did not fire the spikes again.

Instead, he twisted his body, drew a circle in the air, and then jerked towards Yusuke Aomura.

Yusuke Aomura jumped back, did a backflip in the air, and landed firmly on the ground.

Where Aomura Yusuke originally stood, a depression was drawn out by the vine tentacles, and countless cracks spread out from the depression to the surrounding areas.

"It's a bit interesting. He's better than the previous leader of the evil demon disciples."

Aomura Yusuke turned the ghost sickle in his hand, his expression was serious, his eyes were shining.

Kick your right foot hard and move quickly.

The vine tentacles waved continuously, hitting Yusuke Aomura, but he dodged them one by one.

Yusuke Aomura holds the ghost scythe in his left hand, holding it horizontally in front of him, and presses the sub-blade of the ghost scythe with his right hand.


Dark purple energy condensed on the blade of the ghost sickle, and the entire sickle expanded in a circle.

Yusuke Aomura waved the huge ghost sickle blade, and pressed the small sickle on the ghost belt buckle with his left hand again.


The dark purple energy was once again filled with a layer of black mist.

Yusuke Aomura held the stick of the ghost sickle blade with both hands, and when the sound effect ended, he had already reached the bottom of the vine tentacles.

The huge ghost sickle struck the vine tentacles!

The hard skin of the vine tentacles blocked Yusuke Aomura's slash!
One second!
It blocked it for just a second!

The next second, the huge energy sickle blade in Aomura Yusuke's hand swiped across the body of the vine tentacles.

The vine tentacles that were still shaking suddenly froze in place.

Then it gradually turned into tiny vines and slowly dissipated in the air.

Aomura Yusuke's right hand naturally drooped, with the ghost sickle pointed at the ground.


As an announcement sounded, a black prop box appeared at Ukiyo Hidetoshi's feet.

That's right, it's at Hidetoshi Ukiyo's feet!
The vine tentacles in front of Ukiyo Hidetoshi have disappeared, and there is a black prop box at his feet.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo bent down and opened the prop box, and saw an electroplated blue buckle inside.

"Oh? This time it's a turbine buckle."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi chuckled, threw the turbine belt buckle in his hand, and inserted the turbine belt buckle into the driver.

"DUAL ON" (dual-core driver)


"The next step is my highlight moment."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised the Magnum Shooter 40X in his hand and looked at the Mandragora Evil Demon. The turbine at his knee slowly rotated, and the air hole at his calf sprayed out a rapid stream of mist.

in a room.

Gene slapped Casper's shoulder with his right hand and laughed wantonly.

"Hahaha, Casper, didn't you swear that you wouldn't be finished by Ji Hu?"

"Then who got the turbine buckle now? Hahaha!"

Casper closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the sofa, his expression a little hopeless.

"Why don't you speak? Hahaha!"

Gene patted Casper's shoulder twice more, laughing so hard that he was almost out of breath.

Casper shook his shoulders, shook off Gene's hand, and said softly.

"I want to be quiet."

(End of this chapter)

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