kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 52 Fighting a team!

Chapter 52 Fighting a team!
The Mandala flower demon disciple stands in the center of the city, and the flower bud is like a heart, beating slowly.

The camera moves to the ground.

Yusuke Aomura brandished the ghost scythe and rushed towards the Mandragora evil demon disciple.

From the leaves of the flower buds, the Mandragora evil demon stretched out several slender vines, with a flower bone growing on the top of the vines, and hit Yusuke Aomura like a meteor hammer.

Yusuke Aomura moved his feet and avoided the attack of a vine.

He swung the ghost scythe again and collided with a vine.

The powerful force shocked Aomura Yusuke and took a step back.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi stepped on the turbine aircraft and swooped down from the sky.

Flexibly avoid the attack of vines and go straight to Huanglong.

The energy gliders condensed on both sides of the turbine aircraft cut into the buds of the evil mandala.

A wound appeared on the bud, but it healed quickly.

Then, as if frightened, the mandala flower demon began to beat rapidly, ready to bloom its petals at any time.

At this time, Imai Tohru and I Naha Sae were on their way.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo flew directly above the Demonic Mantra, aimed at the center of the flower bud through the sight, and fired a shot.

The leaves around the flower buds suddenly stretched out many vines, which were stacked directly above the flower buds, blocking the bullets.

The vines stretched straight, like steel spears, piercing Hidetoshi Ukiyo in the air.

The turbine aircraft used a secret skill to swing left and right, avoiding the attacks of all the vines, and flew out from the gaps between the vines.

With Hidetoshi Ukiyo's interference, Yusuke Aomura moved more freely, and quickly broke through the obstruction of the vines and arrived under the demon mandala.

The left hand presses the small scythe on the ghost belt buckle.


A layer of dark purple energy appeared on the ghost sickle blade, burning like a flame on the ghost sickle blade.

Aomura Yusuke swung a sickle at the Mandragora evil demon disciple.

A crescent-shaped energy slash flew out and kept spinning in the air. At first glance, it looked like a full moon-shaped slash.

Hitting the bottom of the mandala flower bud, it kept cutting.

After the energy slash dissipated, a deep gash appeared in the flower petals of Mandalahua.

Dark purple energy stained the wound, and some green liquid flowed out of the wound.

But the wound still began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yusuke Aomura frowned, "The defense is broken, but the damage number is not as good as the blood regeneration speed?"

At this time, Tohru Imai and I, Naha Sae, were still on their way here.

Two vines suddenly attacked and hit Yusuke Aomura hard.

Yusuke Aomura jumped back in time to avoid the attack and let two vines hit the ground.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi drifted, flew to Aomura Yusuke and said.

"To deal with guys who recover very quickly, you need to find the weak point and defeat the enemy with one strike."

His tone was calm and unhurried, as if he was teaching Aomura Yusuke how to fight.

"You don't need to tell me, I know too."

Aomura Yusuke said calmly.

He looked up at the top of the bud.

"I have to go up there to attack the weak point."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled slightly, and the turbine aircraft under his feet made the sound of a fan.

"This time I won."

After saying that, Hidetoshi Ukiyo turned the wheel of the Magnum belt buckle with his right hand, and then pulled the trigger of the Magnum belt buckle.

Hold the handle of the turbine belt buckle with your left hand and twist it twice quickly.


The turbine aircraft at Hidetoshi Ukiyo's feet spurted out rapid air waves.

The fox head at the front of the car raised his head and barked.

Then the turbine aircraft soared into the sky and quickly climbed to a high altitude.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo stood on the turbine aircraft and twisted the handle of the turbine belt buckle with his left hand again.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo put his feet together, took off on the turbine aircraft, and assumed a knight kicking posture in the air, while his legs condensed blue and white energy.A huge polar fox pattern appears between Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Mandala Hana.

The turbine aircraft screamed and turned into a ball of air, pushing Hidetoshi Ukiyo to kick towards the Mantra Hua Xie Demon.

The evil mandala gathered all the vines directly above the flower buds, condensed them into a spear, and stabbed Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and the vine spear collided, like a hot knife cutting through frozen butter, easily penetrating the vine spear, and kicked it into the bud, reaching the heart of the flower.

At this time, Imai Tohru and I Naha Sae rushed to the vicinity of the Mandala Flower Evil Demon.

Imai Toru asked strangely when he saw Aomura Yusuke standing there without moving, and there was no figure of Ukiyo Hidetoshi around him.

"What's wrong? The game is over?"

I Na Baxi looked around and saw that the evil demon Mantra Hua was still standing in the middle of the city, so he ran over.

After running a few steps, I saw the flower buds of the mandala flower rapidly inflating like a balloon.


The bud reached its limit and exploded!
A powerful wave of air swept across, along with fragments of vines that gradually turned into ashes.

I held my hand in front of my face and took a step back, barely blocking the air wave.

Toru Imai held the zombie destroyer with one hand and blocked it in front of him with the other, without moving.

Aomura Yusuke stood firmly on the spot, as if the breeze was blowing on a hill.

After the air waves dissipated, I looked forward.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo stood in the original position of the demon disciple of Mandala Hua, leaving the three of them with a handsome figure from behind.

"call out!"

The turbine buckle couldn't wait to fly out of the desire drive and flew straight towards Aomura Yusuke.

Along the way, I almost bumped into my Naha Se, but fortunately I dodged it in time.

The turbine buckle paused for a second in front of Yusuke Aomura as if aggrieved, and then flew away.

Imai Tooru looked at the retreating figure of Turbo Belt Buck in surprise.

"Will the belt buckle fly away on its own?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Imai Toru seemed to remember something and turned to ask Aomura Yusuke.

"By the way! I remember when you were in the last round of the game, didn't you get a red propeller buckle?"

"It's still very strong, why don't you use it?"

Aomura Yusuke replied softly.

"Same as the turbine buckle, it runs away after use."

Imai Toru thought about it carefully and nodded in agreement.

"That's right. If these two powerful buckles are always in your hands, we won't be able to play with them at all."

In the Hall of Desire.

Zimli raised her hand with a smile and announced.

"This time the God of Desire is born!"

Some fireworks were lit up in celebration.

on the street.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo released his transformation and walked over with a confident smile on his face.

Imai Toru released the transformation and looked a little disappointed, but he quickly regained his energy.

"I will overcome my fear of heights on my own. When I build a landmark tower in my hometown, I will definitely invite you to visit."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo responded with a smile: "Well, I will definitely do it if I have the chance."

Yusuke Aomura encouraged: "Work hard and don't forget your dreams."

My Na Ba Xi did not speak, but silently clenched his fists, his expression was so unwilling.

Aomura Yusuke and the other three turned into electronic data streams and disappeared on the street.

The building began to light up with white light, and time seemed to go back, restoring all the buildings.

A dazzling white light shone down, and then a bell rang, echoing in the sky above.

 Such bad data. Are these chapters poorly written?

(End of this chapter)

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