kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 53 Birthday after the game

Chapter 53 Birthday after the game
The early morning sunlight hits the tops of the trees, passes through the branches and leaves, and shines on the windowsill.

Mottled light and shadow filtered through the windows and reflected in the room.

Yusuke Aomura slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the familiar ceiling.

After regaining his composure, Aomura Yusuke sat upright on the bed.

It seems the world has been remade again.

Why do we have to wake up from bed every time the world is remade?
Yusuke Aomura got out of bed and started a new day as usual.

in a room.

I was holding a photo frame and stopped in front of the desk, looking down.

In the frame was a family photo of my family, and everyone in the photo was smiling happily.

My bastard just looked down at the photo in his hand, with a dull expression on his face.

After a long time, I Nahaha casually put the photo back on the desk, picked up the sports bag placed on the chair, turned around and left the room.

"Xiao Zhen, are you going to train?"

My overbearing mother asked softly when she saw her daughter carrying her bag downstairs.

I Nahazai nodded and replied softly: "I will stay at the training base from now on. I won't go home. I have to be busy training."

After saying that, without waiting for my mother's reply, I left the house.

My overbearing mother looked at her daughter's back, opened her mouth, and said nothing.


In a construction site.

Imai Tohru carried out the work at hand with some sloppiness.

Priest Azuma looked at the somewhat lazy Toru Imai and asked strangely.

"What's wrong with you today? Are you tired?"

Imai Tooru turned to look at Azuma Priest and replied.

"I'm not tired, I'm fine."

Priest Azuma frowned slightly and looked at Imai Toru's face.

"You're not usually so unmotivated."

Imai Toru said nonchalantly.

"Anyway, it's just a job that I have to do to survive."

Priest Azuma became even more confused and asked.

"What about your dream? Didn't you say that people still have to have dreams?"

Imai Toru stopped what he was doing and looked up at the sky, his expression a little dazed.

"Dreams and stuff, I can't do that."

Priest Azuma's eyes widened and he looked at Toru Imai in front of him in disbelief.

Is this still his best friend?
Is that Toru Imai who wants to pursue his dream and build a landmark tower in his hometown?

In the following days, Azuma Michiko carefully observed Toru Imai, and the more he observed, the more worried he became.

He found that Imai Tohru had really given up on his dream, and his whole life had become muddled.

Lost the previous momentum and enthusiasm.

Azuma Michinaga's attempts to awaken Toru Imai's dream ended in failure.

The time soon came to October 27th.

Aomura Yusuke's birthday.

Yusuke Aomura was sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast, looking through the messages on his phone.

Everyone wishes him a happy birthday.

Some of them come from high school classmates, and some come from relatives at home.

There are also birthday wishes for members from mobile software.

Yusuke Aomura clicked out the little red dots one by one and read all the news.

The earliest news came at midnight, from a girl in the previous class.

Daichiro Aomura and Yuran Aomura sent it to Yusuke Aomura as soon as they got up.

When he saw the birthday wishes for members sent by the mobile phone software, Yusuke Aomura couldn't help but think.

If the Desire Grand Prix is ​​held now, will I also receive birthday greeting messages from the Desire Grand Prix?

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang suddenly, interrupting Aomura Yusuke's random thoughts.

Yusuke Aomura wiped his mouth and hands with a tissue, stood up and walked to the door.

Through the peephole, I saw a man wearing courier clothes, holding a package in his hand.

Yusuke Aomura opened the door and said: "Hello."

The courier said politely: "Hello! Is this Mr. Yusuke Aomura?"

When mentioning the name, the courier also checked the name on the courier to prevent himself from making a mistake.

Aomura Yusuke nodded, "I am."

The courier handed the package to Aomura Yusuke, plus a pen.Yusuke Aomura signed his name, gave the courier order to the courier, and closed the door.

As he walked towards the dining table, he looked at the sender on the express delivery.

[Ukiyo Hidetoshi]

"Yingshou? Why is he sending me a courier?"

Yusuke Aomura opened the express delivery with some doubts.

A smiling face of Hidetoshi Ukiyo appeared.

Yusuke Aomura paused while unpacking the express delivery.

"I don't want to continue to dismantle it now."

After all, Yusuke Aomura continued to open the express delivery.

The entire courier was dismantled, revealing the complete contents inside.

It's a photo plus a magazine.

The photo is of Hidetoshi's smiling face, the same as the one on the cover of the magazine.

The magazine is a somewhat famous magazine at the moment, Hidetoshi Ukiyo's first cover magazine.

It is signed by Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

I have to say that Hidetoshi Ukiyo is really awesome.

It has only been a few months since I debuted as a model, but I have already become famous and appeared on the cover of magazines.

"So, what are you doing by sending me a magazine signed by you? Showing off? It's too narcissistic."

Yusuke Aomura complained as he held the photo in his hand with a disgusted expression.

I turned my wrist and looked at the back of the photo and found a paragraph.

[Yusuke, happy birthday.My autographed magazine is the only one I have, so I gave it to you as a birthday present. 】

[Don’t be too grateful, I’m happy to sign autographs for fans. 】

"So who is your fan?"

Aomura Yusuke said angrily.

As he spoke, he planned to put the things away and put them away.

Time gradually passed, and the moon gradually climbed up the treetops, emitting silver light.

Aomura Yusuke came to a restaurant. Aomura Daiichiro and Aomura Yusuke were already waiting for Aomura Yusuke at their seats.

"Son, this way~"

Aomura Yuran shouted when she saw the figure Aomura Yusuke was looking for.

When Yusuke Aomura heard the sound, he turned his head to look, couldn't help but smile on his face, and walked over.

"Dad, Mom."

Aomura Yusuke said with a smile, pulled out the chair and sat on it.

Aomura Yuran said happily.

"Okay, tonight's hero, our birthday boy is here~"

"Happy birthday, son~"

Daiichiro Aomura also smiled and said: "Happy birthday, son!"

"Thank you, Mom and Dad~"

Aomura Yusuke said with a smile.

"Come on, make a wish first. The father of the child, hurry up and light the candles!"

Aomura Yuran urged Aomura Daiichiro.

Daiichiro Aomura took out a lighter from his pocket and lit the candle.

"Quick, son, make a wish~"

Aomura Yulan said softly.

Yusuke Aomura closed his eyes and clasped his hands together.

He was very familiar with making wishes.

He has even become the God of Desire that changed the world, let alone this false wish.

But Yusuke Aomura is very serious.

I am more serious than when I wrote the wish card in the Desire Grand Prix.

[I hope my parents are in good health and our family will live happily together forever]

Yusuke Aomura opened his eyes and blew out the candles.

Daichiro Aomura raised his glass and said happily.

"Happy birthday! Congratulations!"

Aomura Yuran also raised his glass and said with a smile.

"Happy birthday~my son is one year older~"

Aomura Yusuke smiled and raised the juice, "Happy birthday to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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