kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 54 2 years later

Chapter 54 Two Years Later

After the three toasted, Aomura Yulan took out the gift he had prepared.

"You, apart from delicious food, have never had any other hobbies, and your mother doesn't know what to give you."

"This is a talisman. Mom hopes that you will always be safe in the future."

Yusuke Aomura took the amulet, which was handmade.

Aomura Daiichiro said: "Don't think this amulet is simple, your mother made it by herself. She stayed up for several nights."

Aomura Yusuke looked up at Aomura Yuran, "Thank you, Mom, I like it very much~"

After saying that, Aomura Yusuke put the amulet on his waist.

Aomura Yulan smiled softly, "As long as you like it."

Daichiro Aomura took out a key and handed it to Yusuke Aomura.

"It's time for you to get your driver's license. Originally, your father wanted to give you a motorcycle, but your mother refused."

"To say that your personality is not suitable for riding a motorcycle is too arrogant."

"So, I'll give you a new car and get your driver's license as soon as possible, and it will be yours."

Yusuke Aomura took the car key and said, "Thank you, dad, but I haven't found a job yet, so I won't be able to use this car for the time being."

"You also said that for the time being, you can go out for fun by car."

Daichiro Aomura said indifferently.

Qingcun Youlan said softly: "Come, let's eat and eat."

Yusuke Aomura's birthday ended with this dinner.


In a blink of an eye, two years have passed.

During this period, the Desire Grand Prix was held four times in total.

As expected, the person who won the throne of the God of Desire fell between Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

Yusuke Aomura won twice and Hidetoshi Ukiyo once.

Now the ratio of Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo becoming the God of Desire is three to two.

The first two wishes they made were exactly the same.

【I want a world where I can participate in the Desire Grand Prix for the rest of my life】

【Create a world where I can have enough food and clothing without having to work】

The first wish was the prerequisite for cooperation proposed by the two after their initial showdown.

The second wish was thought up by Yusuke Aomura to deal with his parents.

Whether you are going to college or working, there will be time constraints, which will affect your participation in the Desire Grand Prix.

So Aomura Yusuke had no choice but to tell his parents that he had found a job and was working from home.

Anyway, I have no worries about food and clothing, and my parents will believe that I have found a job.

This wish was made by Yusuke Aomura when he participated in the Desire Grand Prix for the third time.

Then that year, he became the God of Desire.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi didn't know what he was thinking. Even though he had a job, he still wanted to make this wish and continue to work.

Aomura Yusuke once felt that Ukiyo Hidetoshi was stupid.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo's explanation for this is that he wanted to test the bottom line of the Desire Grand Prix.

Yusuke Aomura looked at Hidetoshi Ukiyo with a look that looked like a fool.

During the third Desire Grand Prix, Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Aomura Yusuke made the same wish. They said it was to test the bottom line of the Desire Grand Prix, but Aomura Yusuke still believed it.

Now that Yusuke Aomura has realized this wish, Hidetoshi Ukiyo told him again that it was to test the bottom line of the Desire Grand Prix. Who would believe it!

Hidetoshi Ukiyo explained with a smile.

"Keep a backup plan in case I lose my job because of the Desire Grand Prix."

Well, makes sense.

Yusuke Aomura couldn't refute.

As for the third wish Aomura Yusuke realized, it was the patch he originally wanted to patch himself.

【Create a world where I can participate in the Wish Grand Prix as a Wish Grand Prix staff member】

Although this patch seems to be somewhat repetitive with his first wish.

But what if?
It is always good to have a backup plan.

Now, Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo are competing in their sixth Desire Grand Prix.

In the Hall of Desire, Zimli stood in front of Aomura Yusuke and the others.

Behind her is a large virtual projection.It displays the ID patterns and names of all contestants in this Desire Grand Prix.

Now only four patterns are still on, and the rest of the patterns have dimmed to gray.

They are Dark Leopard - Aomura Yusuke, Jihu - Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Ba Niu - Azuma Daochou, White Bear - Gotokuji Takeshi.

Zimli said to the four of them with a smile.

"This battle that lasted for half a year has finally reached its last task!"

"Of the several candidates for the God of Desire who have survived to this day, who will become the God of Desire that will ultimately change the world?"

"Meet the fateful moment!"

Yusuke Aomura felt a little strange when he heard this. He had always been the one who announced the fate of others.

This was the first time he heard someone say this to him.

In the city, a young man who failed in the interview was on the phone with his sister, crying that he failed in the interview.

A well-dressed lady was running away from home while holding a suitcase in one hand and a selfie stick in the other.

A red light flashed across!

The demonic realm has appeared!
Demons wearing red kimonos appeared on the street one after another, holding long swords in their hands.

In the Hall of Desire.

The virtual projection behind Zimli showed a city map.

"The appearance of the demonic realm has been detected!"

"Everyone's mission begins now!"

Zimli said loudly.

Aomura Yusuke and others took out desire drives and put them on their waists, then turned them into electronic data streams and sent them away.

On the street, the young man who had failed in the interview and the young lady who had run away from home met at the bottom of a staircase.

The two looked at each other and leaned back in fear.

"Scare me."

Sakurai Keihe said with lingering fear.

Kurama Neon hurriedly asked Sakurai Keikazu for help.

"Hey, please help me!"

"Xiao Miyin? Is it really you?"

Sakurai Kagewa recognized the young lady in front of him and said uncertainly.

While the two were talking, the evil demon chased after them and swung a sword in front of them.

Sakurai Keikazu and Kurama Nione ran away in panic and passed by Aomura Yusuke.

The evil demon chasing the two men immediately stopped, raised his sword, and looked at Aomura Yusuke in a prepared manner.

As soon as Sakurai Kagewa passed by Aomura Yusuke, he turned around and shouted to Aomura Yusuke.

"Run! There's a monster over there!"

Yusuke Aomura smiled slightly and took out the ghost belt buckle.

"Thank you for your kind reminder. Leave quickly. It's not safe here."


"HENSHIN" (Transformation)


A Kamen Rider with black as the main color and dark purple as the secondary color, wearing a cheetah hood on his head, and holding a black sickle with a dark purple pattern in his hand, appeared in front of Sakurai Keikazu and Kurama Nene.

Aomura Yusuke pressed the small scythe on the ghost belt buckle.


A dark purple crescent-shaped energy slash was swung out, defeating several evil demon disciples who were chasing after him.

Afterwards, Aomura Yusuke released his transformation and walked forward leisurely.

Sakurai Keikazu and Kurama Nione's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of them in surprise.

"What's going on!" x2
"Am I dreaming?"

Sakurai Keikazu said in disbelief.

Kurama Neon directly pinched Sakurai Keikazu's face and told him with pain.

"This is not a dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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