kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 87 The complete form of exclusive equipment!

Chapter 87 The complete form of exclusive equipment!
Come to the courtyard.

Yusuke Aomura and the Demon Rider are wrestling with each other.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo's bullet arrived late but it arrived!
The Demon Knight turned his head to avoid the bullet, but that was the gap!

Aomura Yusuke pushed the evil demon knight away with force and kicked the evil demon knight in the abdomen.

One person and one evil demon took advantage of the situation to distance themselves!
Yusuke Aomura took out the gold fanatic buckle from his back and inserted it into the desire drive.




A set of boxing armor appears on Aomura Yusuke's lower body.

"Fate is not on my side."

At the same time and in different places, several other knights also took out their golden fanatic buckles.

Haruka Onin looked longingly at the gold fanatic buckle in the hands of Kurama and Nione.

"So where are my support items?"

"JULAPILA" (evil language: transformation)
A Steward Demon walked over with the Desire Drive and the Demon Belt.

Kurama Neone said in surprise: "Why is there still a desire driver!?"

Priest Azuma frowned slightly and turned to look at Sumida Kudo who was not far away.

"It's you!"

I saw Sumida Kanato grinning slightly crazily.

"Hahaha, stay here together and bury him with me!"

Sakurai Keikazu couldn't understand what Sumida Soutou was doing and shouted loudly.

"Why! Why do you do things that hurt others! Didn't you have the idea of ​​saving others before?"

The smile on Sumida Shouto's face faded and he said sternly.

"Who wants to save others? That's just a loss of memory. I will never forget the injustice this world has done to me!"

"Think that just saying a few words to save me will make me grateful!?"

"In this unfair world, the greatest fairness to me is only when everyone suffers misfortune!"

The evil butler put the desire driver on his waist, reached behind his back and took out a prop box.

Qingjia Wenyin pointed at the evil butler and said loudly.

"Ah! That's my support item!"

The butler, the evil demon, ignored Qingjia Wenyin's words and inserted the evil demon's belt buckle and the golden fanatic belt buckle into the desire drive.




"JYAMATO" (evil disciple)
The housekeeper, the evil demon disciple, no, now I want to call him the evil demon disciple knight.

The Demon Rider's upper body is composed of Demonic armor and the lower body is drill armor.

The knights also inserted their golden fanatic buckles to draw prizes.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi drew the knife buckle, and Uchino Ippei drew the shield buckle.

Michiko Azuma drew the rhythm belt buckle, Sakurai Keikazu drew the water gun belt buckle, and Kurama Neone drew the propeller buckle.

Everyone’s first draw was all crooked!

Only Azuma Daozhang pulled out a big belt buckle!

"Do it again!" x6
The six knights said in unison, reaching out and turning the rocker of the golden fanatic buckle.

Qingjia Wenyin could only watch helplessly as they broke the joystick again and continued to fight the evil demon disciples, with tears of envy flowing from the corners of his eyes.



"LUCK" x2 (good luck x2)



A set of black ghost armor was put on Yusuke Aomura.

A golden star appeared in the sky, embedded in Aomura Yusuke's necklace, and was embedded in the center of his chest, rendering the entire necklace golden.

But they were all blocked by the armor on the upper body.

The ghost sickle in Aomura Yusuke's hand has become a double-headed ghost sickle, and the handle has become a little longer, making it look more domineering.

Complete exclusive form!Birth!

Yusuke Aomura turned the ghost sickle blade, stretched out his left hand, and said proudly.

"Sa, come and meet your destiny."

Of course, just by listening to the sound effects, you can tell that there are two unlucky guys who still haven't activated their full form.

So who are they?
Azuma Taoist priest broke the joystick again angrily.

"It's just three things!"

Azuma Taoist Priest's eyes widened as he pulled out the gold fanatic buckle and replaced it with a propeller buckle.


"DUAL ON" (dual-core driver)



Waves of air erupted from the gaps in the armor, representing Azuma's angry mood at this time.

Qingjia Wenyin held the head of a housekeeper demon disciple under his arm, looked at Azuma Taoist Priest, and shouted loudly.

"Ba Niu! Since you don't use the golden fanatic buckle! Then give it to me!"

Azuma Taoist Priest refused without thinking: "No, that's mine."

After saying that, he rushed forward and started sparring with the evil demon knight.

The camera returns to Yusuke Aomura.

Yusuke Aomura swung his ghost sickle blade to hook a housekeeper demon and pulled it back hard.

Swinging the scythe at the other end, he hit the butler evil disciple with an upward slash, and directly knocked the butler evil disciple away.

He placed the ghost scythe on his waist and moved his body forward two steps while rotating.

The maid demons and butler demons surrounding Aomura Yusuke flew away one after another.

Yusuke Aomura stopped spinning and swung a sickle forward.

Dark purple energy slashes flew out, destroying the evil butler in front of him.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo held up two Magnum Shooters 40X and fired continuously, and each bullet hit an evil demon accurately.

When facing an evil demon who is close, he will knock it down with one kick, step on it, turn out a gun barrel at his ankle, and shoot at the evil demon under his feet.

Ippei Uchino held two fruit knives and chopped from one end of the courtyard to the other, and then back to this end.

Yes, one of the two unlucky ones who didn't activate his full form was Uchino Ippei.

However, it cannot be said that he did not activate his full form.

After all, he doesn't even have an exclusive belt buckle. The dual knife belt buckle is already activated in its complete form.

Yusuke Aomura once again fought against the evil demon knight holding a scythe.

Since the ghost scythe has become larger, when the two scythes collide, the ghost scythe is not easily deflected.

Coupled with the form of the double sickle blade, Yusuke Aomura can attack more flexibly.

If the sickle blade at one end is blocked, use the opportunity to counterattack with the sickle blade at the other end!

Whether it's a cleave or a counter-cleave, an upward chop or a downward chop, Yusuke Aomura can do many combos in many ways.

The continuous offensive made the evil demon knight retreat again and again!

The Demon Knight now only has an advantage in terms of strength, but Aomura Yusuke doesn't give it a chance to compete at all.

No matter how powerful the Demon Rider Knight is, he can only attack once, but Yusuke Aomura can attack continuously!

Unless the Demon Knight has the power to crush Yusuke Aomura, it will not be able to break this situation!
To meet its fate is to die here!

Yusuke Aomura cracked the rocker of the gold fanatic buckle.


Golden energy emerges from the scythe of the ghost scythe, which is the energy belonging to the Golden Frenzy Belt Buckle!

Yusuke Aomura waved the ghost sickle, streaking golden light traces in the air.

Under the golden light, there is a hunter covered in pitch black, like an elf in the dark night.

Elegant and powerful!
Several consecutive slashes hit the evil demon knight!

Knock it into the air!
Ukiyo Hidetoshi rushed over after cleaning up the maid evildoers and housekeeper evildoers.

I saw the evil demon knight flying in the air, with traces of electricity coming out of his body.

He reached out and turned the wheel of the Magnum belt buckle, pulled the trigger, and then pulled the loading devices of the two Magnum Shooters 40X.

“HYPER MAGNUM VICTORY” (Hyper Magnum Victory)

Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised his two guns and kept shooting at the evil demon knight.

Before the evil demon knight landed, he was baptized by Ukiyo Hidetoshi's holy spear again!


The Demon Knight exploded directly in the air!
Aomura Yusuke said dissatisfied Ukiyo Hidetoshi: "Hidetoshi, you are robbing people!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo chuckled and said, "I'm just making up for the damage."

The explosive airflow blows away the Desire Drive and Demonic Belt Buckle!
It drew a perfect curve in the air and landed in front of an evil butler.

The butler, the evil demon, bent down and picked up the desire drive and the evil demon's belt buckle on the ground, preparing to transform.

"HENS...JYA!" (Change...evil language: Ah!)
Why are the screams of evil demons heard in broad daylight?

Why did the evil butler who was supposed to transform fail?
What kind of moral decay is this?

still is……

Let's take the camera to Yusuke Aomura a few seconds ago.

Yusuke Aomura saw that the desire drive and the demon's belt buckle fell in front of the butler's demon.

He immediately canceled the ghost scythe, leaned down, and grasped the ground with his hands like claws.

The whole person showed the posture of a cheetah hunting, his feet suddenly exerted force, and he rushed out!
He grabbed the evil butler's body with his right paw, then made a fist with his left hand and hit the evil butler's chin with an uppercut.

Finally, he raised his right foot and struck out with a split kick, knocking down the evil butler to the ground.

The Desire Drive and the Devil's Belt Buckle came out of his hands and fell next to Yusuke Aomura.

The evil butler made a reluctant sound.

"JYAMATO JYA JYA" (The devil's language: You don't follow martial ethics! Why don't you wait for me to transform!)
Yusuke Aomura summoned the ghost scythe and plunged the scythe into the head of the butler evil disciple, killing it.

"You still want to transform in front of me again, there's no end to it, right?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo picked up Yoshiki Hayama and said to Yusuke Aomura. "let's go!"

Yusuke Aomura nodded and watched Zimli running after them in high heels. He leaned over the princess and picked up Zimli.


Zimli exclaimed, a blush quickly appearing on her face.

"You're running too slow!"

Aomura Yusuke said quietly.

Seeing this scene, Yuka Sugawara looked at Uchino Ippei with stars in his eyes.

"Can you hug me? I run very slowly too."

Uchino Ippei twitched the corner of his mouth and directly carried Sugawara Yuka.

"This way I can run faster."

Sugawara Yuka covered her face with her hands, "It's so ugly! Let me down quickly!"

the other side.

Kurama Neone and Sakurai Keikazu moved the rockers of the Golden Fanatical Buckle at the same time.

"GOLDEN FEVER VICTORY" x2 (Golden Fever Victory x2)

Sakurai Keikazu turned into a whirlwind and rushed forward.

Kurama Niyin played the rhythm axe, and sound pillars rose from the ground, knocking the maid evil demon and the butler evil into the air.

Sakurai Keikazu wielded the ninja double blades from the air and fell down, hitting all the evil demons.

Priest Azuma turned the key of the zombie's belt buckle, and then quickly turned the handle of the propeller belt buckle twice.


Priest Azuma turned the handle of the propeller buckle again and rushed towards the Demon Disciple Knight.

Kurama Neone played the rhythm ax again, and a sound pillar knocked the evil demon knight into the air.

Sakurai Keikazu turned into smoke and appeared in the air. He cut the evil demon knight a few times quickly and knocked it back to the ground.

Priest Azuma was waiting below, his right fist burning with flames, hitting the demon knight.


Huge power!Punch the evil demon knight directly into the ground!


The evil demon knight couldn't resist the damage and exploded!

Priest Azuma stood up and looked around.

The propeller buckle flew out from the desire drive and crashed into Sakurai Keikazu.

Sakurai Kagewa habitually ducked sideways.

Unexpectedly, the propeller buckle drifted and hit Sakurai Kagewa's shoulder, then smashed the wall and flew away.

"Sure enough, he hit me again!"

Sakurai Keikazu said helplessly.

Priest Azuma looked at everyone and said.

"Hurry up! Meet us at the gate!"

After saying that, Taoist priest Azuma took the lead and walked forward to clear the way for everyone.

Sakurai Keikazu supported Tanba Ichitetsu and covered everyone's evacuation.

Sumida Soudou's eyes were cold, but he followed everyone and evacuated. After all, he couldn't drag anyone down if he stayed here.

A Tanba Ichitetsu is not worth dragging him into the water.

Aomura Yusuke and his party met Azuma Michio and his party on the road and successfully reconciled.

Everyone came to the exit and looked at the code next to the door.

Kurama Nione said anxiously.

"So what's the password?"

Priest Azuma said softly.

"In that notebook, I didn't remember it."

Kurama Nione expressed her admiration for Azuma Priest saying that she didn't remember it so naturally.

"Where is the notebook?"

Yusuke Aomura took out his notebook from his pocket and said softly.

"In my case, the password is ceousida."

As Yusuke Aomura read out the symbols using the demon's language system.

The voice lock sounded the correct password sound effect, and the door slowly opened.

At the same time, a large number of maid demons and housekeepers poured out of the castle.

Sakurai Keikazu cheered.

"The door is open!"

Kurama Miyin said loudly.

"Let's go quickly before the evil demons catch up with us."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi picked up Hayama Yoshiki, Sakurai Keikazu supported Tanba Ichitetsu, and everyone ran towards the light outside the gate.

After everyone ran into the door, the door slowly closed, stopping all the evil demon disciples.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they returned to the living world.

Ogata Jiro smiled and said: "I will send these two children home safely."

Hayama Zuo smiled, looked at Hayama Yoshiki and said.

"Fortunately everyone is fine."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi walked to Hayama Yoshiki and squatted down, touched Hayama Yoshiki's head and said, "Goodbye."

Hayama Yoshiki smiled and thanked: "Thank you!"

Hayama Zuo whispered to Hayama Yoshiki.

"Let's go~"

Kawahara Kusaku bowed to Sakurai Keikazu and thanked him.

"Thank you for protecting me!"

Sakurai Keiwa couldn't resist this and quickly bowed in return.

"No, no, this is my responsibility as a Kamen Rider."

Takahiro Hirasawa shook hands with Harue Wenyin in a friendly manner, "Thank you, although my work today is bad."

Qingjia Wen Yin smiled and comforted: "It's okay, there won't be any problems with your work."

Yuka Sugawara bowed to Tanba Ichito and said, "Thank you, grandpa!"

Tanba Yitetsu waved his hand with kind eyes, "Where is it, thanks to these young people."

Sumida Shouto looked at this kind of person coldly, with disgust and disdain on his face, and turned around and left.

After all the ordinary citizens left, Zimli came over.

"Player Tanba Ichitetsu, given your current physical condition, I regret to inform you that you will be eliminated in this round."

Tanba Ichito nodded, smiled and said: "Yes, I understand."

He turned around and looked at Aomura Yusuke and the others.

"Thank you for saving me. You are all very good children."

Aomura Yusuke nodded slightly and said politely.

"Please take care."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Azuma Michinaga, Sakurai Keikazu, Kurama Nione, Harue Onin, Uchino Ippei, and Zimli all made the same move.

The electronic data flow enveloped Tanba Ichitetsu and teleported him away, leaving only a drive falling to the ground.

Zimli picked up the Desire Drive on the ground and smiled professionally.

"This round of the game ends here, please wait patiently for our call."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left here.

Yusuke Aomura said lazily: "I'm going home. Goodbye."

Kurama Niyin suggested: "It's rare for us to get together again, let's have dinner together!"

Sakurai Keihe said happily: "Okay, okay!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled calmly, "I have no objection."

Priest Azuma looked at Yusuke Aomura. Among this group of people, he was also familiar with Yusuke Aomura.

If Yusuke Aomura doesn't go, he won't go either.

Uchino Ippei also set his sights on Yusuke Aomura.

The other people discovered the key point and moved their gazes.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Yusuke Aomura.

Aomura Yusuke felt like a light on his back and said helplessly.

"No, I don't eat with people I don't know well."

Everyone suddenly had a lot of thoughts.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo: It’s not about me anyway.

Azuma Daochang: It shouldn’t be me.

Kurama Niyin: Um, does it mean me?But the last time we had dinner together, it wasn’t me.

Sakurai Keikazu: Yusuke is talking about who is unfamiliar?

Qingjia Wenyin: Well, you are saying that I am right.

Uchino Ippei: Are you talking about me... No!I can't let my light fade!
Hidetoshi Ukiyo said with a teasing look in his eyes.

"What if we went to your favorite restaurant?"

Yusuke Aomura paused in his steps.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo continued: "What if I say I'm treating you and I can let you eat the chef's signature dish?"

Yusuke Aomura turned around decisively, "Let's go! Go eat now!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled, with an expression on his face that seemed to say, little boy, I can't control you anymore.

This was not the first time for Azuma Michiko to see this scene, but he was still amused by Aomura Yusuke's appearance.

Kurama Neone blinked, she seemed to have learned something amazing just now!
Sakurai Keikazu smiled happily. He only knew that Aomura Yusuke agreed to eat together.

Uchino Ippei's eyes kept changing, casting a cold eye on Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Qingjia Wenyin raised his eyebrows and noticed this, his eyes were thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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