kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 88 Little Red Riding Hood appears!

Chapter 88 Little Red Riding Hood appears!
After dinner, everyone dispersed and went home.

But Aomura Yusuke, Ukiyo Hidetoshi, and Azuma Michio were walking on the street together.

The three of them seemed to be walking aimlessly, and slowly walked to a park, where one of them found a bench and sat down.

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo sat on both sides, and Priest Azuma sat in the middle.

Yusuke Aomura leaned back, holding the bench with both hands, and raised his head to look at the night sky.

"Tell me, what have you wanted to say to me and Hidetoshi since the end of the game?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo crossed his arms on his chest and looked at Azuma Priest calmly and calmly.

"It must have something to do with Pang Xiong."

Azuma Michichi didn't know whether he should be surprised by Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi's observation and wisdom, or whether he should be surprised that he was accustomed to this.

After calming down, Taoist Priest Azuma spoke slowly.

"Pang Xiong is a staff member of the Desire Grand Prix. He changed the order of the symbols in the paintings in the west hall. You should know this."

"I happened to catch him doing this, so I asked him a few questions, but he didn't tell the truth."

"Then, as if he knew how to clear the game, he went straight to the room with the notebook."

Aomura Yusuke looked a little strange and asked doubtfully.

"Then why is the notebook in your hand? He had a guide but couldn't get the key props!?"

Azuma Michiko could read the disgust in Aomura Yusuke's eyes, as if he was talking about it.

No, no, no, is there anyone else so stupid?
Azuma Daozhang smiled slightly, "He didn't see the notebook on the table. As soon as he entered, he looked for a bookshelf or something."

Aomura Yusuke's eyes changed from disgust to affirmation.

Well, there really are such stupid guys.

Azuma Taoist Priest continued: "Pang Xiong wanted to take the notebook back from me at first, but of course I didn't agree."

"So, he changed his tone and just hoped that I would not share the notebook with you."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo showed a thoughtful look in his eyes and said quietly: "Sure enough, the game operator is targeting us."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's mind flashed back to Haruka Onin's performance when he just switched symbols in the game.

Since then, he suspected that the game operators were targeting them.

Priest Azuma looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Aomura Yusuke, and said with burning eyes.

"Pang Xiong wants me to help him and eliminate you together."

The scene returned to before the game ended, with Azuma Michio and Haruka Onin standing in a room.

Azuma Daozhang held a notebook and a voice recorder in his hands.

Qingjia Wen Yin stood opposite Taoist priest Azuma and said with a smile.

"With this note, you can lead Mingbao and Jihu and become the first and only player to pass this level."

"The God of Desire this year is you."

Priest Azuma remained unwavering, his eyes filled with coldness.

"Why did you eliminate the Dark Leopard and the Extreme Fox in the Grand Prix of Desire?"

Qingjia Wen Yin spread his hands and said helplessly.

"I'm just a small employee. This is a task assigned by the game administrator."

Seeing that Taoist priest Azuma was still thinking, Qingjia Wen hit the railroad while it was hot.

"Don't hesitate, cooperate with me, I will help you become the God of Desire, and you will help me eliminate the Extreme Fox and the Dark Leopard."

Priest Azuma had a serious expression on her face and refused loudly.

"I refuse. I will defeat the Dark Leopard and the Extreme Fox with dignity and dignity on my own, not with such small tricks."

The scene returns to the present.

Aomura Yusuke smiled and said.

"It's normal for us to be eliminated together with you. After all, apart from me and Yingshou, you have been participating for the longest time and are the most likely to become the God of Desire."

"But you must have rejected Pang Xiong."

Azuma Daozhang did not refute Aomura Yusuke's words, but asked doubtfully.

"Why did the gamemaster eliminate you?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said calmly.

"Maybe it has something to do with the wish we made."

Azuma Taoist Priest looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and tilted his head, "Huh?"

Yusuke Aomura explained: "We all wish to become game administrators. He may be worried about being laid off."

"You really made this wish!"

Priest Azuma turned to look at Aomura Yusuke, his eyes widening in surprise.

Aomura Yusuke turned to look at Azuma Daozhang and said suspiciously: "You don't believe what I said that day?"

Azuma Taoist priest made a sound and turned his head.

"Who knows if you are lying again? I am not a simple guy like Taili."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo joked: "You are indeed different from Taili. After all, you are an ox."

Priest Azuma glared at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and said softly.

"What are you going to do next?"

Aomura Yusuke stood up, stretched and said nonchalantly.

"Let it be."

Azuma Taoist priest raised his head, looked at Aomura Yusuke, and said softly: "Do you still want to continue participating in the Desire Grand Prix?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi asked with a confident and calm smile.

"Otherwise? Are you trying to persuade us to abandon the game?"

Azuma Taoist priest opened his mouth, yes, he was not here to persuade them to abandon the game, he just wanted to persuade them to be careful of Pang Xiong.

But as soon as the words came out, it became.

"If you abandon the game, I will look down on you!"

Yusuke Aomura smiled and said, "Then you have to work harder."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said calmly, "This may be your most promising opportunity to become the God of Desire."

After saying that, Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi each left in one direction, leaving Azuma alone on the bench.


In a room, a girl looked at Sumida Kudo's performance on the screen in front of her, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"It's so interesting. If you lose your memory, you will be a good baby. If you regain your memory, you will be a devil."

"Hey, Kiroli, can't you let him participate in the Desire Grand Prix in the next round?"

A virtual projection popped up, showing Kiroli's figure.

Kiroli said with a serious expression.

"Sorry, Lady Beloba, this Desire Grand Prix has already entered the third round. It is a bit unreasonable to add more contestants."

Beloba held her chin with her right hand, feeling a little unhappy.

"Ah, it's so annoying. Why didn't this toy work hard in the last game?"

"If you attract me a little more, I might support him when this Desire Grand Prix starts."

"It's really boring. It's not fun at all."

Killoli hung up the phone, left the monitoring room, and came to the lounge.

Qingjia Wenyin was sitting on the sofa, and Zimli was standing near the bar.

Seeing Kiroli come in, Zimli asked softly.

"What on earth are you doing this for?"

Kiroli walked towards the bar and replied in a deep voice.

"Every time Jihu and Mingbao desire God, they take a step closer to the secret of our operator."

"You have also seen their wishes this time. We can no longer let them do whatever they want!"

Qingjia Wenyin said in a calm tone with his back to Kiroli.

"That's why we have to eliminate them so that their memories can be erased, right?"

Zimli said softly.

"But... shouldn't the operator ensure that the game is fair?"

"Pipon Bear interferes with the normal progress of the game, which has violated the fairness of the game and does not comply with the regulations of the Desire Grand Prix."

Kiroli gave Zimli a cold look and said sternly.

"This is for the Grand Prix of Desire to continue to be held!"

Zimli pursed her lips and did not continue speaking.

Kiroli ordered to Qingjia Wenyin's back.

"We can use any means to make Jihu withdraw from the game in the next round." Kiroli paused, with a look of thought and hesitation in his eyes, and then said.

"It's best to eliminate the Dark Leopard as well."

Qingjia Wenyin turned his head, gave a thumbs up, grinned and said: "OK!"


The sun was high in the sky, and its bright rays filled the entire city.

Under the warm sunshine, people came to play outdoors one after another.

The camera came to a room with the curtains tightly drawn.

Fierce sounds came from inside the room.

"Go on!"

"Move, move!"

"Act according to the plan!"

"You guys stand down! It's my turn!"

The camera pans to the room.

Wearing headphones and holding a controller in his hand, Yusuke Aomura looked at the game screen attentively, manipulating the characters inside to complete difficult operations one after another.

There are a total of four people in the game. Now the two teammates are listening to Aomura Yusuke's words and are shrinking back, not daring to step forward to operate.

Yusuke Aomura and another teammate rushed forward in tacit cooperation and fought the level BOSS.

The two of them were able to fight the four-player difficulty BOSS with ease.

The two teammates huddled behind looked at the dazzling operation in front of them and let out weak sighs.

"So strong."

"Is this really an operation that can be performed by human hands?"

"I had a feeling that I was useless."

"Be confident, not feelings, but facts."

"You don't do the same!"

"I didn't say I'm not a waste, I'm a waste who can call 666."

"Why are you so proud? They both have no problem challenging a BOSS of this difficulty on their own."

"Well, it's just that this copy requires four people to open it."

"So we are the keys to opening the book?"

"No, we are just tools, and the key is more important than us."


Under the heavy blow from Aomura Yusuke and his teammates, BOSS could only fall to the ground with tears in his eyes, completing a feat he didn't know many times today.

Two big words, pass the level!appears on the screen!
The screen enters the level settlement stage.

Yusuke Aomura smiled and praised: "You hit very well."

Another teammate chuckled and said, "You're not bad either. Let's play together again next time."

Yusuke Aomura nodded, "Well, let's play again next time."

Yusuke Aomura took off his headphones and reached out to turn off the monitor screen.

The camera gives the name of that teammate, M.

Then the camera turned and came outdoors.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo is shooting a magazine cover outdoors.

After a burst of flash, Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who had finished a round of shooting, walked towards the resting place.

"Thank you~"

Two staff members said to Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"You too."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled, nodded, and replied.

Walking to the resting area, Hidetoshi Ukiyo pulled out a chair and sat down.

A woman who was standing aside watching Hidetoshi Ukiyo shoot a magazine cover came over.

"First meeting, Mr. Hidetoshi Ukiyo."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the woman and said frivolously.

"This is a fateful encounter. Am I the only one who thinks this is not the first time we have met?"

The woman said softly.

"I will definitely continue to support you in the future."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled.

Tanuki Soba shop.

Sakurai Keikazu is working as a waiter.

Sara Sakurai smiled and chatted with her boss.

"Thank you so much, boss."

The boss responded with a smile: "It happens that the store is short of a helper, which is also a good thing for me."

Sakurai Kagewa smiled, walked over with a bowl of noodles, and chatted with Sakurai Sara.

A customer walked into the store and Sakurai Keikazu immediately greeted him.


A little girl wearing a red hat flashed past the door.

Sakurai Keikazu didn't know why, but he thought the little girl was strange, and subconsciously chased after her.

When I left the Tanuki Soba shop, there was no sign of the little girl.


Sakurai Keikazu's ID core fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The same situation happened to several other Kamen Riders.

Kurama Nene was about to run away from home when she saw a little girl passing by her door, and then the ID core fell to the ground.

Azuma, who was jogging and exercising in the park, saw the little girl, and the next second the ID core fell to the ground.

Uchino Ippei, who was working at his desk, saw a little girl walking past the company door, and then dropped the ID center.

As soon as Hidetoshi Ukiyo said goodbye to the woman, the little girl walked past Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

The ID core representing Extreme Fox fell to the ground.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo picked up the ID core on the ground, reacted immediately, chased after her, took the little girl's hand, and squatted down.

"Why did you steal my desire drive?"

At this moment, evil demons suddenly appeared and attacked the filming scene.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo warned, "This is not a toy."

He stood up, held the little girl behind him, put on the ID core, and prepared to transform.

"Hide away."

Why are there no scenes of Yusuke Aomura?

Let's rewind and see what happened!
Yusuke Aomura turned off the monitor, walked out of the room with a few bags of snacks, placed the snacks on the coffee table, and sat on the sofa with his legs crossed.

I turned on the TV casually and picked an interesting anime to watch.

He opened a bag of potato chips and stuffed a few slices into his mouth.

He seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye, which made Yusuke Aomura's body stiffen, and the hand holding the potato chips stopped in front of his mouth.

His eyes moved slowly and looked towards the balcony.

A little girl wearing a red hat and white clothes was lying on the glass door of the balcony, looking at Yusuke Aomura.

Aomura Yusuke jumped up from the sofa, stepped on the sofa hurriedly, and took two steps back.

Then the ID core fell on the sofa and rolled to the floor.

The little girl also turned around and jumped from the balcony at this time.

Yusuke Aomura didn't care to pick up the ID core on the ground and hurriedly ran to the balcony.

"Wait a minute! Give me back my desire drive!"

Yusuke Aomura came to the balcony and looked around, but there was no sign of the little girl at all.

I recalled the scene just now.

He was sure that when the little girl turned around, she had a desire drive in her hand!
Yusuke Aomura returned to the living room, picked up the ID core on the ground, and murmured.

"How is this going……"

 I've been having neck pain recently. I woke up today and felt like my neck was about to break. It hurt when I lowered my head, so I went to the hospital for a checkup. As expected, it was cervical spondylosis. How long had I been coding? It was cervical spondylosis. I still had no results in the book. , the body began to have problems first.The doctor asked me to move more and not keep my head down for a long time, but any movement would interrupt my thoughts of typing, so I should just digit slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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