kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 89 Looking for Little Red Riding Hood!

Chapter 89 Looking for Little Red Riding Hood!
Rest in the plant greenhouse.

"Jingle Bell!"

Archimedes hurried to the telephone.

"Who! Who! I'm busy!"

Archimedes picked up the phone and before he could speak, Killoli's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Why do you let the evil demons use the desire drive? This is not the game session I arranged! What on earth do you want to do?"

Archimedes said calmly.

"They learned how to use it themselves. There seem to be some smart individuals, hahaha."

Kiroli said seriously.

"I hope you can control the scope of your research."

Archimedes said coldly: "The stronger the evil demon is, the more meaningful the Kamen Rider's battle will be, isn't it?"

Kiroli said sternly: "I am the one who has the right to decide these things!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone angrily.

When Archimedes heard the phone was hung up, he put the phone down and said with a sneer.

"We are tired of being at your mercy all the time."

In the Hall of Desire.

Aomura Yusuke looked at Zimli standing in front of the virtual projection and asked.

"What's going on with that little girl?"

Zimli showed a professional smile and said, "These are the rules of this game. Please wait a moment. I will introduce them when the knights arrive."

Yusuke Aomura nodded and turned the ID core in his hand.


As a series of log-in sound effects sounded, Sakurai Kei and several others came to the Hall of Desire.

Aomura Yusuke looked at Sakurai Kage and the empty waists of several people, and said softly.

"It seems that your desire drive has also been taken away."

Kurama Neone and Sakurai Keikazu nodded and replied at the same time: "Yes."

Then they all told how they lost their desire drive.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Haruka Onin were the last to come to the Hall of Desire.

Aomura Yusuke noticed that Ukiyo Hidetoshi was injured, and there was still blood on the corner of his mouth that had not been wiped clean.

"You were beaten?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said lightly: "Well, I had a fight with the Demon Knight, and your desire drive was also robbed."

Priest Azuma was still looking at the ID core in his hand, but when he heard Hidetoshi Ukiyo's words, he said with a smile.

"Then you are really embarrassed."

Zimli said softly when she saw everyone had arrived.

"All contestants have met the conditions for participation. From now on, the third round of the Desire Grand Prix - the game of musical chairs, officially begins."

Sakurai Keikazu said doubtfully.

"A game of musical chairs?"

Zimli turned to look at the virtual projection.

"It's not just musical chairs, it's a game of competing for the Cavaliers seat."

Images of desire drives and evil demons are played on the virtual projection.

"The desire drives of the seven contestants present were taken away by the mysterious girl."

"The evil demon has used one of the drives to transform into a knight."

"In other words, there are still six desire drives left."

Zimli raised her hands and extended six fingers to indicate.

"Until all the hide-and-seek evil demons lurking in the domain are defeated."

"Players who successfully retrieve the drive will successfully pass the level."

Kurama Neon said worriedly.

"If you fail to get the drive back, you will fall from the knight's position."

Zimli looked at Kurama Neon and explained.

"If you can't retrieve your respective drives before the evil demons do, the number of winners will continue to decrease."

Sakurai Keikazu asked.

"So how do we find the drive?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said softly.

"There is only one known clue, the little girl in the red hat."

Yusuke Aomura commanded quietly.

"Niuniu, go contact your co-workers and see if anyone has seen that girl while working."

"Namao, please tell your fans on live broadcast and ask them to look for it."

"Yingshou, you do the same, post a message on the social platform, and then go take care of the injury."

Azuma Michio, Kurama Nione and Ukiyo Hidetoshi nodded.

When Sakurai Keiwa saw that Aomura Yusuke didn't mention him, he pointed at his nose and asked.

"And me?"

Aomura Yusuke looked at Sakurai Kagewa's clear eyes that revealed innocence, thought for a while and spoke.

"Come on and look around."

Sakurai Keihe nodded happily, "Hi!"

The four of them turned and left the Hall of Desire, and Hidetoshi Ukiyo walked towards the lounge.

Uchino Ippei silently followed Aomura Yusuke and others.

in a room.

Jean looked at the screen in front of him with a solemn expression.

"What on earth is Kiroli going to do? Even the mission channel is closed."

Casper said softly with a cold face.

"Isn't it obvious? Stop us from supporting Ji Fox and Dark Leopard."

Casper paused and let out a sneer.

"Kiroli really thinks he has the final say in the Desire Grand Prix."

Gene turned to look at Casper, looking like he was watching something good.

"Are you going to find someone?"

Casper smiled slightly, "Why should I find someone? Do you think the operator really didn't know about what Killoli did?"


on the street.

Yusuke Aomura wandered around, looking for it like a headless fly for a while.

In this game, you can either rely on luck to find the little girl at once.

Either rely on connections and get clues from the perspectives of a large number of passers-by.

Either rely on physical strength to cover every corner of the demonic realm in a short time.

Of the above three methods, the first is suitable for Sakurai Keikazu, the second is suitable for Kurama Nione and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, and the third is suitable for Azuma Michinaga.

Yusuke Aomura chooses the fourth option!
Arrange for the above-mentioned people to find the little girl and then tell him the clues.


A message pops up on the phone.

Fox [Pang Xiong stopped acting and started helping the evil demons fight]

Aomura Yusuke frowned slightly.

[Is this how you got your injuries? 】

Fox [Well, he’s going to eliminate me this round]

【only you?without me? 】

Fox [Indicates that Kiroli feels that my threat is greater than your pride.jpg]

A few black lines appeared on Aomura Yusuke's head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his desire to win was suddenly aroused.

The next second, Aomura Yusuke calmed down again.

Who says the people with the greatest threat factor are eliminated first?

When I play games, I clear the mobs first and then the BOSS!
[This round of the game limits the display of strength. As long as you don’t get the driver, you will be eliminated. There is a lot of room for maneuver.]

Fox [Ah, let’s find the little girl first]


The easy-to-deceive tanuki [Yusuke!I have a clue here!At this shrine! 】

The easy-to-deceive tanuki [Positioning: Shrine]

【receive! 】

Yusuke Aomura directly joined a group, including Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Azuma Michinaga, Sakurai Keikazu, and Kurama Neon.

[Taili found a clue!Gather for a group fight! 】

[Location: Shrine]

The easy-to-deceive civet cat [Hanxiao.jpg]

Namao【I am rushing to the shrine】

A single-bone cow [It’s too far away from me, I’ll try to get there as soon as possible]

Fox [changed group name]

Aomura Yusuke looked at the group name [Underworld Leopard and his four pendants].

Well, it's pretty good. I'm very satisfied. "Ding" x4
Na Mao [changed the group name]

A single-bone cow [changed the name of the group]

The deceptive civet cat [for the sake of being gregarious]

The easy-to-deceive civet cat [changed the group name]

Aomura Yusuke sighed helplessly.

You guys are really hard to get. When I was playing games, my teammates were happy to use them as pendants, and they were vying for them.

I clicked my phone a few times and changed the group name to [Kamen Rider]

The camera comes to the shrine.

Kurama Neon and Sakurai Keikazu arrived at the shrine first.

Sakurai Keikazu asked: "Have you found it?"

Kurama Nione shook her head, "Not yet."

Sakurai Keikazu looked around the shrine.

Kurama Niyin took out her phone and looked through the messages.

"But I've been getting messages from people saying they've seen little girls around here."

"It seems to be in the woods in the backyard."

Sakurai Keikazu searched for a while and found a path.

"Ah, go that way!"

Kurama Nione and Sakurai Kagewa followed the path to the grove.

A group of evil demons stood in front of the little girl. She held three drives in her arms, and they were snatched away by the evil demons.

"Ah! Found it!"

Kurama Nione saw the evil demon in front of the little girl and hurriedly hid behind a tree.

"They seem to be looking for little girls too."

When Sakurai Keihe saw this, he shouted and rushed out.

"Give us back the drive!"

Sakurai Keikazu knocked away an evil demon disciple, and then tried his best to rush towards the little girl.

He grabbed the little girl's shoulders and pulled her behind him.


After saying that, Sakurai Keikazu stepped forward and knocked away an evil demon disciple with his shoulder.

Kurama Neon ran up and said to the little girl.

"It's too dangerous here, go!"

Kage Sakurai fought alone with several evil demons.

Using the power of one's body to defeat evil demons, it's so terrifying!
"call out"

A sound that broke through the sky came!
A stone accurately hit an evil demon who wanted to attack Sakurai Keikazu from behind.

Sakurai Keiwa turned around and saw Yusuke Aomura walking slowly over with a few stones in his hand.


Aomura Yusuke threw the stone in his hand hard and shouted to Kurama Neon.

"Namao, control that little girl."

Kurama Neone didn't understand what Aomura Yusuke wanted to do, but subconsciously nodded and agreed.


After throwing the stones in his hand, Yusuke Aomura also rushed forward and started fighting hand to hand.

After kicking over an evil demon disciple, he snatched the Desire Drive from its hand.

"this is mine."

After saying that, Aomura Yusuke stepped on the evil demon disciple hard again.

Take out the ID core and put it into the desire drive, wear it around your waist, and take out the ghost belt buckle from behind.


"HENSHIN" (Transformation)


Aomura Yusuke wielded the ghost sickle and started hunting evil demons in the woods.

For a moment, the evil demons fled in all directions like frightened birds, but they could not escape from the cheetah's claws.

Sakurai Keikazu looked at the scene in front of him and didn't know who was the victim.

The evil demon who had just been knocked down by Sakurai Keihe was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and the desire driver in his hand fell to the ground.

Sakurai Keikazu picked up two Desire Drives and threw one to Kurama Nene.

"Ni Yin! Catch it!"

Kurama Neone took the Desire Drive and thanked her: "Thank you very much."

After a while, Yusuke Aomura came back, and there was not a single evil demon left in the woods.

Including the one lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

Yusuke Aomura walked up to the little girl, squatted down, and his compound eyes lit up with a strange purple light.

"Kid, you took away six of our desire drives, and there are only three here."

"How about three more?"

The little girl twitched her lips, showing a weird smile, but said nothing.

Yusuke Aomura slowly came closer, and the feeling of oppression on his body became stronger and stronger.

Sakurai Keihe couldn't help but said: "Yusuke, she is just a little girl."

Yusuke Aomura released his transformation, raised his eyes and looked at Sakurai Keikazu.

"Have you ever seen a little girl who could take away our desire drive through the air?"

"Have you ever seen a little girl appear on the balcony of my third floor without any sound?"

"Have you ever seen a little girl jump from the balcony on the third floor of my house? Is it okay?"

Sakurai Keikazu was speechless for a moment, "This..."

Aomura Yusuke stood up and said to Kurama Neon.

"Namao, please search me."

Kurama Neon nodded, squatted down, and began to search her body.

After a moment, he shook his head at Yusuke Aomura.

"Nothing at all."

Aomura Yusuke frowned, she took the desire drive away, yes.

Now, if it's not on her body, has it been taken away by evil demons?

Yusuke Aomura took out his spider phone and looked at it. It still showed that there was only one evil demon knight.

Sakurai Keikazu asked anxiously.

"What should we do, Yusuke?"

Yusuke Aomura suddenly took action and punched the little girl.

Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu were both shocked by Aomura Yusuke's sudden hand.

What happened next surprised them even more.

The little girl was seen facing Yusuke Aomura's attack without dodge. Countless spores appeared behind her and shot towards Yusuke Aomura.

Yusuke Aomura withdrew his right fist and crossed his hands in front of him.

He was knocked back several steps by the spores and crashed into a tree.

Yusuke Aomura showed a confident smile at the corners of his mouth.

"As expected, you are not human at all."

"Evil followers are evil followers. If you test them casually, they will be exposed."

The figure of the little girl has disappeared, replaced by an evil demon that has never been seen before - the bishop evil demon.

Aomura Yusuke inserted the ghost belt buckle, completed the transformation, and rushed towards the Bishop Demon.

The ghost sickle swung down, but hit the ground directly.

The evil bishop turned into countless spores and disappeared.

"JYA JYAMATO" (evil language: Stupid humans! You will pay the price!)

Sakurai Keikazu said in disbelief: "Is the little girl transformed by an evil demon?"

Kurama Neon looked at her hands suspiciously. She had just touched a little girl.

Aomura Yusuke released his transformation and explained.

"It can't be said to be a transformation. It should be an illusion-like ability that makes us think there is a little girl in front of us."

Sakurai Keiwa looked at Aomura Yusuke with admiration.

"Yusuke is really amazing. You can also see the hallucination."

Kurama Neon also looked at Aomura Yusuke with admiration, her eyes sparkling with stars.

Aomura Yusuke shook his head and said softly.

"I didn't see it either, I just gave it a try."

"That punch will stop when it hits the little girl."

"The evil demons were brainless and thought they were exposed, so they took the lead in attacking and wanted to gain an advantage."

Sakurai Keikazu looked at the desire drive in his hand and asked.

"What now? Hidetoshi and the others haven't gotten the Desire Drive back yet."

Yusuke Aomura took out his mobile phone and sent a message in the group.

[The little girl is an evil demon and has already escaped. After getting back the three desire drives, Niuniu and Yingshou don’t have to rush here]

(End of this chapter)

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