kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 90 The Twin Command Belts appear!

Chapter 90 The Twin Command Belts appear!


Azuma Daozhang took out his cell phone and glanced at the message.

Yusuke [The little girl is a demon disciple and has already escaped. Get the three desire drives back, so Niu Niu and Hidetoshi don’t have to rush here]

Priest Azuma looked up at the virtual projection in the sky.

The virtual projection in the sky showed that there were three desire drives equipped with the ID cores of Mingbao, Taili, and Namao respectively.

Priest Azuma muttered to himself.

"They have already obtained the desire drive. I have to hurry up and find the escaped evil devil and get the desire drive back."

"JYA JYA" (evil language: It's our turn to avenge our dead brothers!)

The voice of the evil demon came from behind Azuma Daozhang.

Priest Azuma turned around, twisted his neck, and rushed forward to fight with the demon disciples.

Once again, he performed the operation of defeating the evil demon with the power of his body.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo on the other side also encountered the same thing, and successfully broke through the siege of the evil demons with his extraordinary skills.

A surveillance room.

Kiroli looked at the performance of the knights on the virtual projection and said to himself.

"Without the drive, you're just an ordinary person, that's the end of it, Jihu."

"Next, it's your turn, Mingbao."

When the camera turned, the scene showed Azuma Michizhang and Ukiyo Hidetoshi meeting.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the marks left by the fight on Azuma Daozhang's body and said with a smile.

"It seems that you played very hard."

Priest Azuma replied in the same tone.

"You're not much better."

Qingjia Wen Yin put his hands in his pockets and walked over slowly.

"There are three chairs left, and there are four knights. Maybe one of the three of us will be eliminated."

The three people looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

In fact, to be precise, it was Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Azuma Michiko who looked at Haruka Wenyin together.

The evil demons appeared next to them at this time.

"JYA" (evil language: Go!)

"JYAMATO" (evil language: Revenge for brothers!)

Qingjia Wen was the closest to the evil demon disciples, so he took the lead in fighting with the evil demon disciples.

Aomura Yusuke and three others also arrived at this time.

When Sakurai Keikazu saw the evil demons besieging Wen Yin of the Haru family, he planned to step forward to help.

Aomura Yusuke calmly stopped Sakurai Keikazu, turned to Ukiyo Hidetoshi and said.

"Have you two seen the little girl or the red demon?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo shook his head, "Not yet."

Azuma Taoist Priest said anxiously: "Standing here, there will be no desire to drive to the door!"

Yusuke Aomura nodded, "Then let's look elsewhere."

Sakurai Keikazu scratched his head and said.

"Well, why don't we help Pang Xiong?"

Aomura Yusuke chuckled, "Isn't he a master of fighting?"

Azuma Michichiro, who was familiar with Aomura Yusuke, immediately realized that Haruka Onin must have offended Aomura Yusuke somewhere.

Otherwise Aomura Yusuke wouldn't have this expression of 'I've tricked him'.

Qingjia Wenyin shouted loudly: "I said, how long do you want to watch the show!"

Sakurai Keikazu took out the ninja belt buckle and pretended to insert it into the desire drive.

Yusuke Aomura raised his hand to stop Sakurai Keikazu and teased.

"Aren't you collaborating with the evil demons? You tell them to stop and say that you are one of our own."

Kurama Neon and Sakurai Keikazu made sounds of surprise.

"Eh!?" x2
Azuma Taoist Priest showed that this was indeed the case and looked at Haruka Wen Yin who was still fighting.

You said you were fine, why did you provoke him?
There are now a total of three desire drives, all on Yusuke Aomura's side.

Where will the knights come to help you?

Uchino Ippei, who had been offline for a long time, finally reconnected.

Uchino Ippei ran all the way and came to Aomura Yusuke's side, pointed behind him and said breathlessly.

"Evil...evil disciple...the knight is behind!"

Aomura Yusuke and others looked in the direction of Uchino Ippei's finger.

A group of evil demon disciples came over surrounded by an evil demon disciple knight.

The evil demon knight waved his hand.

"JYA" (evil language: Part [-]!)
The evil demon disciples rushed towards Aomura Yusuke and the others.

Qingjia Wen Yin smiled when he saw this, and now he felt balanced.

The three of them, Yusuke Aomura, inserted their respective buckles into the desire drives.

"SET" x3 (Place x3)

"HENSHIN" x3 (Transformation x3)



Sakurai Keikazu jumped into the air, completed the transformation in the air, and then quickly fell down, cutting through a group of evil demon disciples.

Yusuke Aomura waved the ghost sickle in his hand and rushed directly towards the evil demon knight.

Kurama Neon did not play the rhythm axe, but used the rhythm ax to chop the surrounding evil demons.

Azuma Daochang and Ukiyo Hidetoshi were not idle either, once again fighting monsters physically.

Yusuke Aomura slashed left and right at the Demon Knight, but was dodged by the Demon Knight.

The evil demon knight clenched his right fist to accumulate power and swung it out with a bang.

Yusuke Aomura blocked the punch with the handle of his sickle.

The huge force forced Yusuke Aomura to retreat.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi knocked down an evil demon disciple with one punch, and turned around to see the evil demon disciple knight knocking away Aomura Yusuke with one punch.

Taking the opportunity to leap into the air, he used his physical body to perform a knight's flying kick, kicking towards the evil demon knight.

The demon knight raised his left hand and used his arm to catch Hidetoshi Ukiyo's flying kick from the knight.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi continued to attack the Demon Knight with his fists, but the Demon Knight blocked them one by one with his hands.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised his foot and kicked the evil demon knight.

The demon knight clamped Ukiyo Hidetoshi's leg with his left hand and hit Ukiyo Hidetoshi in the abdomen with his right fist.

Then he hugged Ukiyo Hidetoshi's legs and threw him to the ground.

Qingjia Wen dodged the evil demon disciple's fist and used a whip kick with his backhand to knock down the evil demon disciple.

Seeing Hidetoshi Ukiyo being knocked to the ground, he showed a smile.

Yusuke Aomura waved the ghost sickle to drive back the evil demon knight, and said with his back to Hidetoshi Ukiyo who fell on the ground.

"If you can't transform, just stay aside and don't cause trouble."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and chuckled.

"Isn't this a try?"

Yusuke Aomura turned the ghost sickle blade and said, "Just rest quietly."

After saying that, he rushed towards the evil demon knight.

The evil demon knight waved his right fist and faced Yusuke Aomura.

Yusuke Aomura slid to the right, avoided the right fist, and swung the ghost sickle heavily on the Demon Knight.

The Demon Knight took a step back and pressed the Demon Disciple's belt buckle with his left hand.

The Demon Knight stepped out with his right foot, and countless vines burst out of the ground a little in front of his right foot, stabbing Yusuke Aomura.

Yusuke Aomura kept spinning the ghost sickle with both hands, cutting off the incoming vines.

The evil demon knight rushed out from behind the vines, with circles of dark green energy vines wrapped around his right hand.

Yusuke Aomura pressed the small sickle on the ghost belt buckle very quickly.


The ghost scythe covered with dark purple energy collided with the dark green fist of the evil demon knight!
The energies of the two colors are constantly fighting!


Two energies caused an explosion!
One person and one evil demon were separated!
The little girl wearing a red hat stood not far away, with a weird smile on her face, watching the Kamen Riders.

in a room.

A man sits on a chair and looks at the screen in front of him.

The woman who greeted Ukiyo Hidetoshi before stood aside, holding a tablet in her hand.

The screen was divided into several screens, showing battle scenes of Yusuke Aomura and others.

The man waved his hand, and the screen showing Hidetoshi Ukiyo was brought to the center, and he zoomed in for viewing.

In the picture, Hidetoshi Ukiyo is fighting with several evil demon disciples.

The man smiled with interest, raised his right hand and hooked his fingers.

The woman understood and swiped her finger on the tablet.

A brand new buckle was issued!The man said softly: "Just think of it as compensation for being targeted. The Desire Grand Prix must be real."

The lens turns.

Yusuke Aomura was still fighting the Demon Knight, and the little girl not far away was about to make a move.

A buckle dragged energy tail flames flying past the little girl.

The energy wave blew the little girl's skirt, and at the same time stopped the little girl's movements.

The little girl scattered into countless spores and disappeared.

The buckle hit the Demon Knight, knocking him to the ground, and then flew towards Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi reached out and grabbed the buckle, looking at the brand new buckle with some surprise.


A surveillance room.

Kiroli looked at the virtual projection in shock.

"How is that possible! This equipment has not been installed yet!"

in a room.

Casper said with a smile.

"Look, Neelam takes action."

Gene leaned forward and looked at the buckle on the screen.

"I've never seen this buckle before. Is it new?"

Casper nodded, "It seems to be a new product from the R&D department."

Gene said with some pride: "So Jihu is the first player to use this buckle."

The camera turns to Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

The corners of Hidetoshi Ukiyo's mouth raised slightly, "It seems like things are getting interesting."

Yusuke Aomura struck the Demon Knight with a scythe, and the Demon Knight flew backwards and rolled around on the ground.

Just when Yusuke Aomura was about to attack further, Hidetoshi Ukiyo stopped Yusuke Aomura.

"Yusuke, do me a favor."

Aomura Yusuke turned his head in confusion.


Ukiyo Hidetoshi took two steps forward and came to Aomura Yusuke's side.

"Lend me your desire drive."

Yusuke Aomura put away the ghost sickle blade and said softly.

"Isn't it the same if I do it?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled slightly and looked into Aomura Yusuke's eyes.

Ah, no, he looked at the compound eyes on Yusuke Aomura's helmet and said nothing.

Yusuke Aomura nodded, pulled out the ghost belt buckle, and released the transformation.

He said while taking off the ID core.

"take it."

The other people were confused, how could they reach a consensus! ?
What is Hidetoshi Ukiyo going to do?

Can you speak clearly?Don't make us guess!
The riddle man is the most annoying thing!
Ukiyo Hidetoshi took over the Desire Drive with a happy smile on his face.

"Thanks, 10 minutes, no, I'll return it to you in 5 minutes."

Aomura Yusuke waved his hands indifferently and retreated to the back, leaving the battlefield to Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo installed his own ID core, put the desire driver on his waist, and threw away the brand new buckle.


"HENSHIN" (Transformation)


Ji Hu appeared on the battlefield in his physical form, with a pair of goggles attached to his helmet.

Kurama Niyin and the others said in surprise.

"Eh? Only the head has changed?"

"It looks so ordinary."

"Is this really worth it?"

"No way..."

A sword flew over, circled around Ukiyo Hidetoshi twice, and was caught by Ukiyo Hidetoshi.


Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the buckle on the leap sword, broke it, and said doubtfully.

"Why...can't you pull this buckle off?"

"This is my first time getting this kind of weapon."

"Well, let's practice our skills first."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised the sword in his hand, pointed it at the evil demon disciples, and then rushed over.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi waved the Leap Sword in his hand, drawing streaks of yellow and blue sparks in the air, cutting down one evil demon disciple after another.

Everyone's attention was attracted by this gorgeous special effect.

Yusuke Aomura said with great interest: "Oh~ it looks like a good piece of equipment."

Sakurai Keikazu retreated to Aomura Yusuke, "Suddenly it became Hidetoshi's home court."

Kurama Niyin said in a nymphomaniacal manner: "Master Hidetoshi is so handsome."

Azuma Taoist priest clicked his tongue, "You really stole the show. Where did that little girl go?"

Qingjia Wenyin walked to Uchino Yihei and said softly.

"You see Ji Hu is very unhappy."

Uchino Yihei glanced at Qingjia Wenyin and pretended to be dumbfounded.

"what are you saying?"

Qingjia Wen Yin smiled and said, "It's okay, because I also feel unhappy with him."

A whisper like a demon sounded in Ippei's ears.

"How about it, do you want to eliminate the polar fox with me?"

Uchino Yihei's eyes changed and he stared at Qingjia Wenyin's eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

The camera returns to Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi kept waving the leap sword in his hand, and he defeated the evil demons one after another.

The blade of the Leap Sword shone brightly and made a unique sound, attracting Hidetoshi Ukiyo's attention.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo looked at the buckle on the Leap Sword and tentatively moved the lever of the buckle.


Ukiyo Hidetoshi tried to pull out the buckle.

"Oh! It was pulled out, that is to say."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo inserted the buckle into the desire drive.




"This armor looks so powerful."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo looked at the armor up and down, clenched his fist and felt the power.

The Demon Knight walked slowly towards Ukiyo Hidetoshi and pressed the Demon Disciple's belt buckle with his left hand.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo struck first and fired several rounds from the cannon on his shoulder.

The evil demon knight waved his fist and blocked the cannonballs one by one.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo took the opportunity to quickly approach the evil demon knight, and struck his shoulder with his leaping sword.

The demon knight's right fist was wrapped in vines and hit Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

However, Hidetoshi Ukiyo blocked it with his leaping slashing sword. With a flick of his left hand, he pushed away the evil demon knight's right fist.

The cannon on the shoulder was aimed at the Demon Knight and fired again, directly sending the Demon Knight flying away.

The evil demon knight climbed up from the ground and shot out long vines from his hands.

The armor on Hidetoshi Ukiyo's lower back spurted flames and flew into the air, avoiding the vine attack from the Demon Knight.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo, who was flying in the air, fired again, and the extremely powerful cannonball knocked the Demon Knight to the ground again.

After landing, Hidetoshi Ukiyo pressed the button of the cannon's command buckle.


After Hidetoshi Ukiyo finished aiming, he pulled the lever of the cannon's command belt buckle.

The cannons on his shoulders began to gather energy, and the wings on his back extended and dug into the ground to stabilize his body.


Two thick lasers fired from the cannons on his shoulders.

It directly bombed the Evil Demon Knight, leaving a driver on the ground.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi sighed: "The destructive power is a bit strong."

(End of this chapter)

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