kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 91 The fox’s plan is in progress

Chapter 91 The fox’s plan is in progress
Hidetoshi Ukiyo released his transformation and walked towards Yusuke Aomura in the back.

"Your desire drives you back."

Yusuke Aomura took the Desire Drive, looked past Hidetoshi Ukiyo, and looked at the Desire Drive that fell on the ground behind him.

Then he looked at the confident and calm smile on Hidetoshi Ukiyo's face.

"You can do whatever you want, I won't interfere."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled, said nothing, turned and walked towards the drive that fell on the ground.

Uchino Ippei took the lead, picked up the Desire Drive on the ground, and put his ID core into it.

"This desire drive is mine."

The virtual projection in the sky changed, and the desire drive that originally contained the ID core of the evil demon changed into the ID core of Crazy Rabbit.

Qingjia Wenyin walked up to Uchino Yihei and gestured proudly.

"The game of musical chairs is all about striking first."

Priest Azuma frowned and said coldly.

"I said 伱, isn't it a bit despicable?"

Kurama Nione echoed: "It's obviously Hidetoshi's trophy, so that's too much."

Uchino Yihei smiled disdainfully, "Originally, whoever gets the desire drive will get this."

"If you're to blame, just blame him for not taking the Desire Drive first after the battle."

As long as I eliminate you, my light will never be far away from me.

Uchino Ippei thought to himself, looking at Ukiyo Hidetoshi with cold eyes.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at Uchino Ippei calmly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised unnoticeably.

"Since we were attacked first, there is nothing we can do about it."


A surveillance room.

Kiroli looked at Nilam in the virtual projection and asked aloud.

"Did you teleport that prop?"

Neelam frowned and said impatiently.

"If the game administrator directly intervenes in the winning or losing of game players, wouldn't it be a show of fraud?"

Kiroli retorted sternly.

"There is no such situation!"

"That's all what the players did on their own initiative!"

Neelam pointed at Kiroli with both hands and said softly.


Kiroli said excitedly.

"That's enough! I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

Neelam turned cold and said in a serious tone.

"I should say this, don't do unnecessary things."

"Especially don't interfere with the underworld leopard's affairs."

Kiroli frowned and said dissatisfied.

"Why? Why do you keep letting the underworld leopard go freely?"

Neelam said calmly.

"This is not something you should worry about. Don't do unnecessary things."

After saying that, Neelam turned off the virtual projection.

Kiroli's eyes changed again and again, angrily looking at the pictures of the Kamen Riders in several other virtual projections.

The camera gradually zooms in on the virtual projection.

Yusuke Aomura and his party returned to the Hall of Desire, and the virtual projection also changed at the same time.

The last three Desire Drives were equipped with Demonic ID cores.

"Three chairs are missing."

Sakurai Keikazu said softly.

"Wait! Whoever has the drive now..."

Kurama Neon looked around with some worry.

"Only four people..."

Zimli looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Azuma Michio and Haruka Onin, and said slowly.

"If this continues, Hidetoshi Ukiyo, Onin Haruye, and Michinaga Azuma will all be eliminated."

Qingjia Wen Yin had a smile on his face and didn't take it to heart at all.

Azuma Taoist priest frowned and looked a little serious.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled slightly, and then his expression became serious again.

Sakurai Keihe said with relief.

"It's okay! There's still time! As long as we defeat those three evil demon knights and get the Desire Drive back, we'll be fine!"

"Why help them?"

Uchino Ippei's voice sounded.

Sakurai Keihe and others turned their attention to Uchino Ippei.

"This is the Grand Prix of Desire. Only the person who wins to the end can become the God of Desire."

"We are all competitors, why would you help them get the Desire Drive back?"

"Isn't now the best time to eliminate them? Suddenly there are three fewer competitors."

Sakurai Keiwa hesitated and didn't know how to refute Uchino Ippei.


Yes, only one person can become the God of Desire in the end, and now is the best time to reduce competitors.

However, Sakurai Keikazu always felt that this shouldn't be the case.

We should help each other when we are in trouble.

In the finals, it all depends on their abilities. Whoever is more powerful will become the God of Desire.

This is what Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo did.

They never think about how to reduce competitors. They always have enough confidence in themselves and believe that they will be the final winners.

Unless someone offends Yusuke Aomura, he will take action.

It was this kind of thinking that subtly made Sakurai Kagewa accustomed to an environment of friendly competition.

Kurama Niyin bit her lip, lowered her head and fell into a struggle in her thoughts.

Aomura Yusuke didn't care so much and turned to Priest Azuma.

"If you want to borrow a desire drive, come to me anytime."

"Or, if you ask me to help you get the desire drive back, that's fine."

Azuma Taoist priest turned his head awkwardly and made a cut.

"Tch, who asked you?"

Aomura Yusuke turned to look at Ukiyo Hidetoshi, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi nodded clearly.

After noticing this scene, Uchino Ippei's eyes darkened and he held his hands tightly.

Just when the two of them turned to leave, Uchino Ippei said in a low voice.

"Underworld Leopard! Why?"

Aomura Yusuke made a confused sound.

"Huh? What why?"

Uchino Ippei stared at Yusuke Aomura with his eyes fixed on him.

"Why are you helping them?"

Aomura Yusuke said calmly.

"My pleasure."

Uchino Ippei shouted unwillingly.

"Now is the perfect time to eliminate them, isn't it!"

Aomura Yusuke's expression became arrogant, and he looked condescendingly at Uchino Ippei.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be number one anyway."

Uchino Ippei was stunned for a moment.

Aomura Yusuke's cold eyes were different from the way he looked at Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

The light no longer shines on me...

Yusuke Aomura turned around and left the Hall of Desire with Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

Uchino Ippei's eyes gradually became a little crazy, staring at the retreating figures of the two people.


in the lounge.

Kiroli looked at the picture on the virtual projection and praised: "You did a good job, Pang Xiong."

Qingya Wenyin said to Kiroli with a smile.

"If nothing else happens, Jihu will be eliminated soon. What about Mingbao?"

Kiroli frowned and said softly.

"Don't worry about him for now."

Zimli spoke softly.

"Is it really appropriate to do this?"

Kiroli said seriously.

"Of course, Jihu and the others have crossed the line, and they are a restless time bomb."

Kiroli smiled slightly.

"Very good, now the game is a little more interesting."


Hidetoshi Ukiyo's home.

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo were sitting at the dining table eating.

Aomura Yusuke asked softly. "Deliberately letting Crazy Rabbit take away the Desire Drive, what are you planning?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled, knowing that a curious cat couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay. Just follow the plan. When people think their plan is successful, they will relax their vigilance."

"At that time, maybe we can get some information from Pang Xiong."

Yusuke Aomura chewed the steak in his mouth and said softly.

"If you don't get the Desire Drive in the end, you will be eliminated."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled confidently and calmly.

"Isn't it with you?"

Aomura Yusuke was unmoved and said disdainfully.

"Maybe it's because I made a wish to participate in the Desire Grand Prix forever."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said with a chuckle.

"Well, at most you will be eliminated from this Desire Grand Prix. Anyway, you got the Desire Drive."

"My dream of becoming a game manager can only be fulfilled by you."

Yusuke Aomura calmly cut the steak on the plate.

"So what makes Kiroli think that eliminating us and making us lose our memories will prevent us from exploring the Desire Grand Prix and allow him to keep his position as game administrator."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo lowered his head and cut the steak gracefully.

"Well, who knows."

Yusuke Aomura picked up a piece of beef and said softly.

"You follow your plan and I will take care of the desire drive."


In the Hall of Desire, the knights were summoned again.

Zimli showed a professional smile and looked at Aomura Yusuke and the others.

"Now that all the desire drives have been used, let's ask the contestants to find the evil demons who are playing hide and seek in the city."

Kurama Nione asked softly.

"A hide-and-seek evil demon?"

Zimli replied with a smile.

"Yeah, find it and defeat it to end the game."

"At that time, players with desire drives will be considered as passing this level."

Sakurai Keikazu looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Azuma Michio next to him, "Hidetoshi and Azuma, they will be eliminated."

Sakurai Keikazu turned around and took off his ID core and handed it to Azuma Daozhang.

"Daozhang, Hidetoshi can borrow Yusuke's, and I'll lend you mine. With this, you can defeat the Demon Knight and get back the Desire Drive."

Priest Azuma looked down at the Desire Drive and sighed.

"You are such a good old man, but no need, I can just rely on myself."

Qingjia Wen Yin walked over slowly with his hands in his pockets.

"I advise you, if you want to become the God of Desire, it's better to leave Jihu and the others alone."

"Especially since Jihu also got a powerful buckle."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo took out the twin command belt buckles, "Is this what you're talking about?"

Then he handed it to Aomura Yusuke casually.

"Is that enough now?"

Qingjia Wen Yin said, "With or without this buckle, I advise them to leave you alone."

Kurama Nione walked up to Ukiyo Hidetoshi, "Do you already have a plan to make a comeback?"

The corners of Ukiyo Hidetoshi's mouth raised slightly, showing a confident smile.

Zimli said loudly.

"The evil demon has appeared. Please complete the mission as soon as possible, knights."

An electronic data stream passed by, and Aomura Yusuke and others were teleported out of the Hall of Desire.

The seven people were divided into two groups, one group got the desire drive, and the other group didn't get the desire drive.

Yusuke Aomura looked at the demon disciples in front of him, took out the twin command belt buckles and looked at them.

"Let me experience the strength of the new equipment."


"HENSHIN" (Transformation)


A pair of goggles was worn on the black helmet.

The Leap Sword flew forward, flew around Aomura Yusuke, and was caught in Aomura Yusuke's hand.

Yusuke Aomura tried waving the Leap Sword in his hand, drawing streaks of energy sword light in the air, leaving yellow sparks and blue current.

Yusuke Aomura's eyes lit up, as excited as he was when he got high-end equipment while playing games.

His left hand drew across the blade of the sword and he spoke loudly.

"Next, meet your destiny."

Yusuke Aomura met the evil demon disciples and kept swinging his leaping sword.

With one sword, one evil demon disciple knocked down all the evil demon disciples in front of him in minutes.

A faint light shone on the sword of the Leap Sword.

Yusuke Aomura tried to break off the cannon belt buckle on the Leap Sword, but he couldn't.

"Isn't it fully charged yet?"

On the other side, Azuma Michio did not act together with Ukiyo Hidetoshi, but began to look for the evil demon knight alone.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Haruka Onine met each other and the two started talking.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's plan began.

After Aomura Yusuke chopped down a wave of demon disciples, three demon disciple knights came out.

At the same time, he raised his hands and shot vines towards Yusuke Aomura.

Yusuke Aomura quickly waved the leap sword in his hand to cut off the incoming vines, and at the same time retreated in small steps.

Kurama Neone and Sakurai Kagewa rushed up, waving their weapons to attack the Demon Knight.

The three evil demon knights separated and met Aomura Yusuke, Sakurai Keikazu, and Kurama Nione respectively.

As for Uchino Ippei, he was waving a fruit knife to fight the evil demons, and glanced at Yusuke Aomura and the others with cold eyes.

The evil demon knight stepped on the ground, and two vines stretched out from the ground, wrapping around the leaping sword.

He pulled back hard to take the Leap Sword away from Aomura Yusuke's hand.

Yusuke Aomura kicked the ground hard, followed the power of the Demon Knight, and approached the Demon Knight.

The Leap Sword stabbed the Evil Demon Knight with one sword. The Evil Demon Knight covered his chest and staggered back.

Yusuke Aomura turned his wrist and wrapped the leaping sword around it. Then he lifted it up and the vine was cut off by the leaping sword.

The leaping slashing sword glowed brightly, and a sound effect sounded.

Yusuke Aomura reached out and opened the cannon belt buckle.


Then he pulled off the cannon belt buckle and inserted it into the desire drive.




Yusuke Aomura looked at the armor on his body and shook his shoulders.

Two cannonballs were fired like fire, hitting the evil demon knight not far ahead.

"Yeah, I'm really embarrassed."

The Demon Knight got up from the ground and pressed the Demon Disciple buckle.

The evil demon knight rushed towards Yusuke Aomura with his fists waving.

The propeller on Aomura Yusuke's waist spurted out flames, driving Aomura Yusuke back into the air.

With a shake of his shoulders, he fired two more cannonballs in the air.

The evil demon knight blocked the cannonball with his fist, but his body inevitably took two steps back.

A strange cry came.

Yusuke Aomura fell to the ground and turned to look.

I saw the little girl slowly walking out, with countless red spores appearing around her, and she turned into a demonic bishop.

The weird cry was made by this evil bishop, as if it was taunting the knights.

The demonic bishop waved his bare hand and released countless spores that enveloped everyone.

Yusuke Aomura jumped back and used the propeller on his waist to get out of the spore range.

Kurama Nione, Sakurai Keikazu, and Uchino Ippei were unable to escape in time.

The three people's compound eyes lit up with a flash of red light, and then they started attacking each other.

The Demon Bishop and the three Demon Knights stood aside and watched the show.

They are obviously expressionless faces, but one can feel the sarcasm on their faces.

Yusuke Aomura tapped the ground with his right foot and quickly rushed towards the three of them.

He kicked Uchino Ippei and grabbed the hands of Kurama Neone and Sakurai Keikazu with both hands.

"Wake up!"

The compound eyes of the three people returned to their original color and they said blankly.

"What's going on? Am I not attacking the evil demon knight?"

"Nether Leopard? Jinghe? What happened?"

The demonic bishop waved his hand and released a large number of spores, which fell on the four people and caused a small explosion.

Sakurai Kei and the three of them immediately canceled the transformation. Aomura Yusuke was able to carry it off because the defense of the Twin Command Belts was high enough.

Then the demonic bishop turned into a large number of spores and disappeared in place.

Yusuke Aomura only had time to fire a few cannonballs, but failed to stop the Demonic Bishop.

Uchino Ippei lay on the ground, looking at Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu with resentment, and then looked at Aomura Yusuke with a bit of coolness.

He blocked them with his hands, but kicked me away!
(End of this chapter)

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