kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 95 Battleship Game (I can’t think of a name for the chapter!)

Chapter 95 Battleship Game (I can’t think of a chapter name!)

A surveillance room.

Kiroli stood in front of a virtual projection.

Neelam's figure is on the virtual projection.

Neelam was sitting in the conference room, his body upright, his hands intertwined, his elbows on the table, looking at Kiroli with cold eyes.

"I said, don't interfere in the players' affairs."

Kiroli said eagerly.

"But! Let Ming Bao and the others continue! They are about to find out the truth about the Desire Grand Prix!"

Neelam said calmly.

"The Desire Grand Prix is ​​a real game, not a vulgar show."

Kiroli asked loudly.

"Even if they become game masters! It doesn't matter if you know this is just a reality show!"

Neelam said in a casual tone.

“Become a game warden, but never say always be a game warden.”

"If you can get him on board, you can also get him fired."

"Just like I can make you a game administrator, I can also cancel your qualification as a game administrator at any time."

Kiroli's eyes widened and he shouted.

"Now the evil demons are still growing. Without me to control the overall situation, how will they deal with those guys!"

Nilam looked at Kiroli seriously with a cold expression.

"There are as many people as you want who can replace you."

"Do what you should do, and I will have my own opinions on the review of wishes."

"Don't do unnecessary things again, there will be no next time."

The virtual projection was turned off, and Kiroli's eyes flashed with unwilling anger.

"Why! I'm doing this all for the Desire Grand Prix!"


The sun rises slowly, opening the curtain of a new day.

Aomura Yusuke and Harue Onin were sitting on the outdoor seats of a coffee shop.

Qingjia Wenyin took a sip of coffee and asked in confusion.

"What do you want from me? Didn't Yingshou deceive him into getting the information he wanted to know from me?"

Aomura Yusuke said softly.

"But I haven't gotten the news I want to know yet."

Haruka Onin opened his eyes wide and looked at Aomura Yusuke in confusion.


The corners of Aomura Yusuke's lips evoked a smile that was familiar to Haruka Wen.

"You have fallen out with Kiroli now. If you want to keep your memory, the only way is to work hard to become the God of Desire."

"Or, wait until Yingshou and I become the gods of desire."

Qingjia Wenyin raised his hands to express surrender.

He had PTSD from this smile and gave up decisively.

"I admit, I'm not as smart as you and Yingshou, so don't think about lying to me."

"Just ask directly. As long as I know something, I will tell you."

Aomura Yusuke didn't expect Haruka Wen to be so cooperative, so his smile was a little gentler.

"How much do you know about player amnestics?"

Qingjia Wenyin leaned on the back of the seat and spoke slowly.

"The job I was previously responsible for was to erase the memory of ordinary citizens in the demonic realm."

"At the end of each round of the Desire Grand Prix, a team will be dispatched to erase the memory and clean up traces of everyone in the demonic realm."

"First, ordinary citizens are stunned and brought to the base. The memories are extracted through instruments and modified to a certain extent, and then they are sent home."

"The eliminated contestants should also have their memories deleted in this way."

Aomura Yusuke lowered his head and remained silent, his eyes showing some thoughts.

So every time after the world was reshaped, I woke up in my bed at home because I was sent back by the staff.

Since the memory is extracted and modified using instruments, why has my memory never changed?

Is the instrument the only one that has no effect on me?

I originally thought it was the power of wish-granting that modified people's memories, and I was immune to this power.

Now it seems that I will not lose my memory, which is very problematic.

That being said, it's strange that Hidetoshi doesn't lose his memory.

Isn’t it unscientific to modify memory in a physical sense to have no effect on us?
Well, it seems that it is not very scientific in the first place...

Yingshou is a person of reincarnation and has the memory of each life.

The power to fulfill any wish is also not something that science can explain.

Could it be that the souls mentioned in fantasy novels really exist?

The strength of Hidetoshi's and mine souls makes us immune to the instrument's modified memory?
How come I feel like I got a little bit of information, but ended up falling into a bigger mystery.

Seeing that Aomura Yusuke had been silent, Haruka Wen added.

"I only know this much. Maybe you can get more information when you become a game administrator."

"I'm curious to ask, why do you care about memory?"

Aomura Yusuke recovered from his chaotic thoughts and raised his eyes to look at Haruka Wen Yin.

"It's just out of curiosity. The Desire Grand Prix is ​​really full of mysteries."

"Pang Xiong, besides Killoli, the game administrator, do you know anyone else in the management team?"

Qingjia Wenyin shook his head, "Among the people I know, the one with the highest position is Kiroli."

Yusuke Aomura took out the twin command belt buckles and put them on the table.

"Is Kiroli usually in charge of belt buckles?"

Qingjia Wenyin nodded, "Well, whether it's the buckle you got initially or the buckle you got in subsequent games, they were all distributed by Kiroli."

"But there's no way this buckle was given to Hidetoshi by Kiroli!"

Yusuke Aomura looked at the twin command buckles with interest.

"This shows that there are other managers in the Desire Grand Prix, and their positions are at least the same as Killoli's."

"And the person who can give priority to using this new buckle and does not require players to complete hidden tasks, I think the position is above Kiroli."

"This Desire Grand Prix is ​​getting more and more interesting."


Killoli came to the lounge, picked up the phone and called Archimedes.

Archimedes, who was far away in the plant greenhouse, answered the phone and said politely.


Kiroli asked in a deep voice.

"When will the evil demon disciples we will use in the next round be ready?"

Archimedes smiled and said, "It will be fine soon. One of the evil demons that I took good care of has woken up."

"Maybe this time I can give the knights a little shock."

Kiroli said coldly.

"No matter what kind of evil demon they are, the knights can complete the mission of saving the world."

Archimedes laughed loudly.

"Rely on the two Jihu and Mingbao who were not eliminated by you? Hahaha."

Kiroli's face turned a bit ugly and he said angrily.

"The other knights have also improved a lot and can save the world without relying on them!"

After saying that, Killoli hung up the phone directly.

Archimedes looked at the phone in his hand and smiled.

"We are also constantly evolving here."

As the camera turns, the lives of the knights are shown one after another.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo is in the studio, shooting a magazine cover.The flashing lights show Ukiyo Hidetoshi's busyness.

Sakurai Keikazu held the plate and served soba noodles to the customers with a warm smile on his face.

"Sorry for the long wait~Please use it slowly~"

Priest Azuma stood on the scaffolding outside the building, busy tying the steel bars.

Toru Imai was doing other work on the ground.

Kurama Neone sat on the bed in her room, looking at the messages from fans on her phone.

"Jingle Bell"

Kurama Neon took out her spider phone, looked at it, and murmured.

"It's begun..."


A log-in sound effect sounded.

The Knights appear in the Hall of Desire.

Zimli announced loudly in front of everyone.

"Dear players, the leader of the evil demon has appeared."

"From now on, the final battle - the battleship game, officially begins."

"This round of competition is based on points. Please protect the city until the final boss is eliminated." "The player with the highest score will become the God of Desire and create his or her ideal world."

Kurama Neon murmured to herself, "No.1 can get true love."

Sakurai Keikazu clenched his fists and cheered himself up, "I will work hard! For world peace!"

Azuma Taoist Priest said with a serious face: "I must be the winner!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled confidently: "The final winner will be me."

Yusuke Aomura said quietly: "I am in the seat of the God of Desire, waiting for your challenge."

Qingjia Wenyin put his hands in his pockets and said nonchalantly.

"No matter what, end this Desire Grand Prix as soon as possible and let me get off work."

The electronic data flow passed by, and everyone appeared on the street.

Yusuke Aomura looked up and saw a Rafflesia flower flying in the air. Energy rays were continuously ejected from the flower's stamens, destroying surrounding buildings.

"It's this fortress-type evil demon again."

Priest Azuma took out the zombie belt buckle and rushed towards the demon disciple, transforming as he ran.

"I will deal with the evil demons with high scores!"

Sakurai Keikazu held the ninja belt buckle in his hand, "Then I will be responsible for saving people!"

Kurama Neone put on the rhythm belt buckle and said: "If you want to win, you can't lose both!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said calmly: "The key to victory lies in the guy in the sky."

Haruka Onin inserts the monster belt buckle into the desire drive.

"I'll leave this guy up to you."

"SET" x6 (Place x6)


"ZOMBIE" (zombie)



Six people rushed forward.

The ghost sickle blade in Aomura Yusuke's hand made a diagonal slash, knocking down an evil demon disciple.

He turned around to block the evil demon's spear, raised his foot and kicked him.

He placed the ghost scythe on his waist and quickly turned it several times to repel the evil demons around him.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi shot at the evil demon not far away.

An evil demon disciple rushed towards Ukiyo Hidetoshi from the side and stabbed forward with the spear in his hand.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi tilted his head back slightly and dodged the spear attack. He turned around and kicked the evil demon on the back of his head with a roundhouse kick.

Then he added a few rounds of bullets and killed the evil demon.

Priest Azuma wielded the Zombie Destroyer and chopped down several evil demons.

The chariot demon suddenly appeared behind the demon and released vines from his right hand to sneak attack Azuma Daozhang.

Azuma Taoist Priest was unaware for a moment and was entangled in vines, unable to move.

Sakurai Keikazu wielded the double ninja blades and fought off two evil demons.

He ran towards a nearby building and shouted to the fleeing crowd.

"Here, here! Run this way! Leave quickly!"

Kurama Nione helped an ordinary citizen who fell to the ground and said, "Are you okay?"

Several demon disciples rushed over.

Kurama Neon hurriedly asked the ordinary citizens to leave, and met the evil demon disciples herself.

The rhythm ax was swung continuously and several evil demons were driven away.

Qingjia Wenyin waved his fists and fought with great excitement while guiding ordinary citizens to evacuate.

After Azuma tried his best to break free, he kicked the Zombie Destroyer's front handle, and then lifted it upwards with force.

The chain saw on the Zombie Breaker cut the vines, freeing Azuma Michiko from the trap.

Azuma, who had regained his freedom, waved the zombie destroyer in his hand, constantly cutting off the oncoming vines, and gradually approached the tank demon disciples.

The chariot demonic disciple suddenly stretched out the vines in his hands and stabbed Azuma in the waist and abdomen, knocking Azuma away.

Then he swung the vine like a whip and struck Azuma Taoist Priest.

Priest Azuma was thrown away, fell to the ground, and rolled twice.

The chariot demon slowly walked towards Azuma Daozhang, and fired an energy bomb from the barrel of the pitcher plant-like gun in his left hand.

Aomura Yusuke appeared in front of Azuma Daozhang, and the ghost sickle blade moved from bottom to top, splitting the energy bomb.

The tank demon disciple looked at Aomura Yusuke and said.

"You are still so free and undisciplined, reaping the benefits."

Yusuke Aomura didn't understand why the chariot demon disciple said that about him, so he rushed forward waving the ghost sickle.

However, Priest Azuma stood there as if struck by lightning, looking at the chariot demon disciples in surprise.

"Huh? I'm just too worried."

Kurama Neone and Sakurai Keikazu work together to fight an evil demon knight.

The strength of the evil demon knight has also increased a lot, and he can actually fight against two people.

After resisting the two special moves, he pressed the button of the demon's belt buckle.

The right fist wrapped in vines suddenly knocked Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu away.

Kurama Nione got up from the ground and looked around and found that the evil demon disciples were surrounding him, including the evil demon disciple knights.

"Why are there so many evil demons this time!"

Sakurai Keiwa looked up and looked around, and suddenly thought of the final battle before he became a Kamen Rider.

The scene then was as tragic as it is now.

Kurama Neon said with some wavering.

"Can we really win? In the end, will we still have to rely on Ming Bao and Ying Shou?"

Sakurai Keikazu looked at the demon knight in front of him and said to Kurama Neon beside him.

"I don't know, but it's not time to give up yet."

"Yusuke and the others are still fighting hard, we can't fall behind!"

After saying that, Sakurai Keihe rushed forward again.

Kurama Niyin held the rhythm ax in her hand and cleared away the evil demon disciples around her, as well as the evil demon disciple knights who had just come over.

Aomura Yusuke fought against the Chariot Demon disciples, but did not gain the upper hand.

The tank demon released its vines and whipped them towards Yusuke Aomura.

Yusuke Aomura stomped his feet and jumped back to avoid the attack.

Priest Azuma walked up to Aomura Yusuke and said.

"These evil demons have become more powerful than before. Let's just deal with the guys in the sky directly."

The leader of the evil demons seemed to have heard what Azuma Daozhang said, and turned around and fired energy rays towards the knight.

The range of the energy ray was so wide that Aomura Yusuke and the others had no time to dodge.

Everyone was hit and fell to the ground.

Aomura Yusuke stood up again and looked up at the leader of the evil demons.

"Finally the BOSS appears."

Azuma Daozhang took out the golden fanaticism buckle, turned the desire driver, and then inserted the golden fanaticism buckle into the right side of the desire driver.

"The castle is going to be destroyed from within, right."





Priest Azuma looked at the propeller in his hand and said confidently.

"Looks like this time, it's my turn to be lucky!"

He was about to fly towards the evil leader.

Yusuke Aomura slapped Azuma on the back of the head.

"I just said you were starting to use your brain, but now you're starting to be reckless, right?"

Priest Azuma turned to look at Aomura Yusuke unhappily.

"Nether Leopard! What are you doing!"

Yusuke Aomura stretched out his hand and opened the golden fanatic buckle of Azuma Michiko.

"Just a propeller buckle and you want to destroy the castle from the inside?"

"Back then, Yingtou was also holding the thruster buckle. You can swing it to the thruster first."


Priest Azuma looked a little crazy as the propeller in his hand turned into a drill.

"Isn't this just like last time?"

Yusuke Aomura took off the ghost belt buckle and took out the twin command belt buckles.

"If you don't swing the propeller buckle or turbine buckle, it's useless for you to go up."

Aomura Yusuke held the leaping sword and rushed towards the chariot demon disciple.

The key to the final battle lies with the evil leader.

And the trump card to defeat the evil leader is in his own hands!
A crack appeared in the sky somewhere in the city.

At the same time, a big war was taking place in the city next door.

(End of this chapter)

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