kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 96: Priest Azuma’s Lottery Journey

Chapter 96: Priest Azuma’s Lottery Journey

Aomura Yusuke swung his Leap Sword and slashed at the Chariot Evil Demon.

The Chariot Evil Demon released a vine with his right hand and hit the Leap Sword. The barrel of his left hand pressed against Aomura Yusuke's abdomen, and black and red energy began to gather.

Yusuke Aomura raised his knees and pushed the barrel to the other side.

A black-red shell grazed Aomura Yusuke's waist and hit the ground.

Yusuke Aomura touched the ground with his left foot, jumped up, twisted his waist, and alternated his feet in the air.

His left foot kicked the chariot demon disciple's waist, and his right foot stepped on the ground to support his body.

The chariot demon staggered for two steps. After steadying his body, he swung a whip with his right hand and hit Yusuke Aomura.

Aomura Yusuke took one step forward, turned his body sideways, jumped up and raised his sword from the bottom up, cutting off the vines.

Priest Azuma moved the rocker of the golden fanatic buckle again and again.




"ZOMBIE" (zombie)


A golden star flew out and sank into Azuma Michinaga's skirt, rendering it golden.

The double zombie form that did not appear last time appeared in everyone's sight at this time.

Priest Azuma held a Zombie Destroyer in one hand and fired his bow from left to right, slashing at the evil demon disciples.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the ordinary citizens who had almost evacuated around him, and raised his head to look at the evil leader flying in the air.

"It's almost time."

He took out the gold fanaticism belt buckle from his back and inserted it into the desire drive.





The thruster buckle armor appears on Ukiyo's lower body.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo snapped his fingers and said loudly.

"Then, next is my highlight moment."

The propellers at his ankles turned around and sprayed flames toward the ground, propelling Hidetoshi Ukiyo into the air.


In the Hall of Desire, Zimli and Kiroli looked at the unknown cracks that suddenly appeared in the virtual projection.

Zimli asked doubtfully.

"What the hell is that?"

Kiroli frowned and said slowly.

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the evil demons."

A man wearing a red hood and mask walked over.

"It's so nostalgic...this planet..."

Zimli turned around and asked in surprise: "You are!?"

In a training room, a man is practicing boxing.

Behind him sat an old man with a serious expression.

"The world is about to be reshaped, and it's time for you to reach the top."


Ukiyo Hidetoshi flew into the air and nimbly dodged the vine tentacles swung by the evil leader.

The Magnum Shooter 40X fired continuously, but failed to break through the defense of the evil demons, knocking down a few vines at most.

Priest Azuma saw Ukiyo Hidetoshi shaking the propeller buckle in one go, gritted his teeth and said unwillingly.

"I don't believe what Jihu can do! I can't do it!"




A set of blue water gun armor appeared on the lower body of Azuma Daozhang.

The Zombie Destroyer in the left hand also turns into a water gun.

An evil demon disciple rushed up and swung the spear in his hand at Azuma Daozhang.

Azuma Dao Priest swung the Zombie Destroyer in his right hand, knocking away the spear, and hit the evil demon on the head with a water pipe with his left hand.

"Damn it!"

Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu also took out their golden fanatic buckles and transformed.

"SET" x2 (Place x2)

"FEVER" x2 (Fever x2)




Sakurai Keikazu rocked the rhythm buckle, and Kurama Minone rocked the knife belt buckle.

Although they didn't get their own exclusive buckles, their strength was somewhat enhanced.

Haruka Onin watched with envy as they used the gold fanatic buckle.

"Why am I the only one who doesn't have a gold fanatic buckle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a belt buckle drew a graceful arc in the air and hit Qingjia Wenyin's helmet accurately.


Qingjia Wen Yin let out a cry of pain, covered his head and shouted.

"Who threw me!"

Look down.

The thing that just hit him was a gold fanatic buckle.

Haruka Onin picked up the gold fanatic buckle, looked around, and finally settled on Aomura Yusuke.

Before he could speak, Yusuke Aomura said softly.

"Stop shouting, don't you want this? Use it and shut up."

Qingjia Wenyin chuckled and inserted the gold fanatic buckle into the desire drive.



"ZOMBIE" (zombie)


Haruka Onin waved the Zombie Destroyer and rushed towards the Evil Demon Knight.

Aomura Yusuke wielded the Leap Sword and struck the Chariot Demon disciple continuously. The last horizontal slash knocked the Chariot Demon disciple away.

The Leap Sword lights up and makes a recharging sound.

Aomura Yusuke opened the lever of the cannon's belt buckle.


Unplug the cannon belt buckle and insert it into the groove on the left side of the Desire Drive.




Aomura Yusuke abandoned his chariot and ignored the demon disciples, and jumped up.

With the help of the propeller on its back, it flew towards the evil leader in the air.

Priest Azuma was still cranking the rocker of the golden Fanatical Belt buckle.

"Damn it! Why can't I swing the propeller buckle or turbine buckle!"

Yusuke Aomura moved quickly in the air, getting closer and closer to the leader of the evil demons.

The leader of the demonic disciples raised his vine tentacles and pumped them hard towards Yusuke Aomura, trying to block Yusuke Aomura's progress.

Yusuke Aomura moved left and right, but there was no vine tentacle that could hit Yusuke Aomura.

He rushed to the side of the leader, the evil demon disciple, and kept waving the leap sword in his hand.

With the high mobility of the Twin Command Belts, Aomura Yusuke circled around the leader of the evil demons and attacked continuously.

The leaping slashing sword left sword marks all over the body of the evil leader.

The leader of the evil demons roared angrily, and continued to eject energy rays from the stamens, chasing Aomura Yusuke and firing indiscriminately.

Yusuke Aomura took off in time to avoid the energy ray, and the leader of the evil demons reluctantly stretched out countless vine tentacles to catch up.

Aomura Yusuke stopped and turned around in the air, and swung the leap sword in his hand continuously, cutting off the vine tentacles attacking him one by one.

The severed vine tentacles fell to the ground, killing several evil demons.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo flew over and said to Yusuke Aomura.

"This evil demon disciple is much stronger than the last one, and there is no way to attack it from the inside. We can only attack it from the outside."

Aomura Yusuke nodded and said softly. "I know."

I just used the Leap Sword to slash randomly, but it was not completely useless.

That was Yusuke Aomura looking for an entrance into the leader of the evil demons, and looking for weak spots on the outside.

Different from the evil disciple of Slug Fortress last time, the leader evil disciple this time is the evil disciple of Rafflesia Fortress.

There is no entrance like the mouth, and the doors and windows of the bungalow on the back are also closed, as if it has evolved in a targeted manner.

Judging from the feedback from the Leap Sword's slashing attack, the boss Evil Demon's defense is very high.

The Leap Sword Sword only slightly breaks the defense, and the damage is not as high as the damage caused by cutting a few vine tentacles.

The leader of the evil demons waved his vine tentacles and destroyed the buildings in the city. Apparently, he vented his anger into the city that could not reach Yusuke Aomura.

Energy was gathered at the stamen, and an energy ray was ejected, piercing the building and plowing a trench on the ground.

Yusuke Aomura turned the Desire Drive, and two shoulder cannons appeared on his shoulders.


Without the propeller behind his back, Yusuke Aomura began to fall downwards.

Yusuke Aomura calmly pressed the button of the cannon command buckle.


An aim lock pattern appears on the goggles.

After taking aim, Aomura Yusuke pulled the lever of the cannon's command belt buckle.

The cannons on his shoulders began to gather energy.


Then two thick laser beams were fired at the evil leader, clearing away all the vine tentacles along the way.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo switched the Magnum Shooter 40X to rifle mode and inserted the Magnum belt buckle into the Magnum Shooter 40X.

Turn the wheel on the Magnum buckle and pull the trigger.

A red laser followed the laser shot by Yusuke Aomura and hit the leader of the evil demons.

Yusuke Aomura turned the desire drive again, his body stopped in mid-air, the propeller on his back spurted flames, and he flew back into the air, side by side with Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

The path forward is cleared!
At this time, Azuma Daozhang was still on the ground breaking the gold fanatic buckle, and the armor on his lower body was constantly being replaced.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Kurama Neon and Sakurai Keikazu defeated the Demon Knight and looked up into the sky.

"Are Yusuke and the others going to defeat the final BOSS?"

Sakurai Keikazu said.

Qingjia Wen knocked down the evil demon disciple with one punch and shook his hand a little sorely.

"Is it over?"

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi simultaneously pulled the levers on their respective belt buckles.




The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, simultaneously assumed knight kicking postures and quickly kicked towards the leader of the evil demons.

In the sky, two large patterns of the underworld leopard and the polar fox appeared!

The leader of the evil demons wanted to stop the two of them, but the vine tentacles had just been cleaned up by the two of them, and no new vine tentacles grew for a while.

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo gathered powerful energy in their legs and kicked through the body of the evil leader.

The two of them fell to the ground, and a huge explosion occurred in the air.


The flames filled the sky, lighting up the entire city!
At this moment, everyone has light in their eyes!

After the flames dissipated, the evil leader fell to the ground, making a large dent in the ground, with some flames still remaining on his body.

However, the announcement of the end of the game did not sound!
Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the corpse of the evil leader and asked in confusion.

"What's going on? Why isn't the game over yet?"

Azuma Taoist priest finally clicked the golden fanatic buckle one more time.





The armor of the propeller buckle appeared on the lower body of Azuma Michiko.

Priest Azuma whispered angrily.

"It's all over, what's the use of shaking it now."

Sakurai Kei and others ran to Aomura Yusuke and the others.

"Is it over? Is the God of Desire Yusuke or Hidetoshi?"

Yusuke Aomura shook his head, "It seems like it's not over yet."

"Huh?" x4
In the Hall of Desire.

The man wearing a red hood who suddenly appeared just now was holding a sharp knife and holding it on Zimli's neck.

"Hand over your Vision Drive."

Kiroli frowned and gritted his teeth.

"Okay, I'll hand it over!"

Kiroli took out the Vision Drive, took a look at it, and then threw it to Korath.

Korath caught the Vision Drive and put it directly on his waist.

Korath pressed his thumb against the Vision's drive.


A circle of light drew down from Zimli's head, and Zimli was instantly changed into a set of clothes.

Kiroli stared at Korath in surprise, his eyes wide.

Korath put down his sword and stopped kidnapping Zimli.

But Zimli stood beside Coras obediently, with a smile on her face.

Korath took off his mask, looked at Kiroli and smiled proudly.

"From now on, I am the game master."

Zimli turned to Coras and said.

"Please advise, gamemaster."

Kiroli looked at all this, but was at a loss to do anything, so he asked aloud.

"what are you planning to do?"

Colas said excitedly.

"I want to rebuild this world!"

After saying that, he took out a wish card and wrote a line of words in a quick and easy manner.

The camera zooms in and you can see what is written on the wish card.

[A world without the Desire Grand Prix]

Koras raised the wish card and said confidently.

"Fulfill my wish!"


The bell to reshape the world rings!
Aomura Yusuke and others looked at the surrounding buildings that were beginning to recover in surprise.

Sakurai Keikazu said in surprise: "What's going on? Isn't it over yet?"

Priest Azuma's eyes widened and she asked in surprise: "Who is the God of Desire!?"

Kurama Niyin was a little confused: "Zimli didn't come to announce the results, what happened?"

Qingjia Wen Yin scratched his head and said nonchalantly: "After get off work, after get off work, the God of Desire has nothing to do with me anyway."

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

This was the first time the two of them had encountered this situation.

There was no announcement of the end of the game, no Zimli announcing the results, and no one knew who had become the God of Desire.

The world began to reshape itself, and someone's wishes began to come true.

"Is it to prevent us from becoming game masters?"

Aomura Yusuke asked softly.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi didn't know the reason, so he frowned and replied.

"Ah, who knows."

In a flash of white light, everyone disappeared.

Yusuke Aomura closed his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened them again, he found himself lying on the bed again.

What comes into view is the familiar white ceiling.

Although I don’t know who fulfilled the wish and reshaped the world.

But this operation is still as familiar as ever!

(End of this chapter)

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