kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 97 Who fulfilled his wish?

Chapter 97 Who fulfilled his wish?

Yusuke Aomura looked at the familiar white ceiling, got out of bed, and walked to the window.

When passing by the closet, Yusuke Aomura noticed what he was wearing on the mirror.

If I remember correctly, when he defeated the evil demon leader, he was wearing the costume of the Grand Prix of Desire.

Now he has put on his own clothes.

Thinking of Harue Onin saying that the staff would send contestants whose memories had been deleted, Aomura Yusuke subconsciously thought that he had been changed by a stranger and that he was no longer clean.

Then I thought about it, when the world was reshaped, these should be incidental, otherwise the workload in one night would be too much.

Putting aside the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind for the time being, Yusuke Aomura walked to the window and looked into the distance.

There is a peaceful scene outside the window. The buildings and streets destroyed by the evil leader have all been restored to their original state. The streets are bustling with people coming and going.

"The world has indeed been reshaped, but whose wishes have been fulfilled?"

Yusuke Aomura murmured to himself with a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

"Zimli didn't come to announce the result at that time. Does it mean that the person who became the God of Desire is not one of the six of us."

"Is it possible that a seventh person participated in the Desire Grand Prix?"

Yusuke Aomura casually put his hand into the pocket of his jacket and touched something hard, which felt familiar to the hand.

When I took it out, I saw it was a spider phone.


Yusuke Aomura didn't express doubts about the spider phone, but expressed doubts about why the spider phone was on his body.

You must know that the Desire Grand Prix has just ended, and the new round of selection has not yet begun.

The spider phone should have been recycled. How could it appear on my body?

Yusuke Aomura tentatively reached his right hand behind his back and took it out slowly, then slowly brought it to the front of his body, and suddenly opened his fisted right hand.

Well, there's nothing in it.

"What am I expecting? If I get something, I won't be able to feel it."

Yusuke Aomura looked at Spider's phone, turned around and left his home.

In the Hall of Desire.

The exterior scenery, which was originally a sky scene, turned into black with many neon lights.

Yusuke Aomura looked it over and said softly.

"When did you change the decoration style?"



Aomura Yusuke walked all the way from the Desire Hall to the lounge, but did not see the two of them.

The entire space seemed to be empty of people, and it was exaggeratedly quiet.

Yusuke Aomura stood in the lounge, frowning slightly.

"Strange, what about people?"

"Jingle Bell"

The phone's incoming call rings.

Aomura Yusuke saw that it was Ukiyo Hidetoshi and picked up the call.

"Hello? Hidetoshi."

"Yusuke, have you become a game manager?"

"No, and let me tell you something strange, the spider phone is on me."

"I also found out, and I asked Taili and the others. None of them have lost their memories of the Desire Grand Prix, and they all have spider phones on them."

"I'm in the lounge now, and Kiroli and Zimli are nowhere to be seen in the entire space."

"So, something unexpected happened in the Desire Grand Prix."

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi were both lost in thought.

After a long time, Ukiyo Hidetoshi spoke.

"Find a place to gather first and talk to them about this matter."

"Well, I see."

Yusuke Aomura hung up the phone and left the lounge.

Shortly after Aomura Yusuke left, Korath and Zimli appeared in the Hall of Desire.

Colas waved his hand and opened several virtual projections, which showed five people from Yusuke Aomura.

Among them, Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo are in the middle, and the other three people are arranged in a triangle, surrounding them.

"Are these the Dark Leopard and the Extreme Fox who have become the Gods of Desire many times in a row?"

"Just let them try my game!"

Zimli stood aside and smiled charmingly, "Okay, game manager."


in a room.

Casper and Jean approached Neelam.

"Neelam, why are all the screens black!"

Casper was already dissatisfied with what Killoli had done, and his tone of voice was relatively harsh.

Neelam stretched out his hand and motioned for the two of them to look back.

Casper and Gene looked back and saw that Neelam's screen was also black.

Gene was a little surprised and asked in confusion.

"what happened?"

Neelam said in a deep voice.

"A barbarian appeared who wanted to take the goddess of creation as his own."

Casper calmed down and asked.

"The administrator's drive was robbed? What is Kiroli doing?"

Gene said softly.

"Who did it? One of the supporters?"

Neelam shook his head, his expression a little serious.

"Kiroli can't be contacted right now. As for who this person is, you also know him. He is Coras."

Casper gave Neelam a strange look.

"Isn't this guy in charge of the Desire Grand Prix in other regions? He left his post without authorization, and you didn't know about it?"

Neelam said with a cold face: "I was watching the final performance of the Dark Leopard and the Extreme Fox."

Casper and Gene looked at each other. Although Neelam still had a sullen face, they saw hidden emotions on Neelam's face, which was an emotion called embarrassment.

Neelam coughed and looked at Casper and Gene in warning.

"Anyway, that's the way it is. Even if you come to me, I can't solve it."

Gene said sternly: "Then let him go? We, the audience, are not happy."

Neelam smiled and said with a somewhat meaningful look in his eyes.

"Isn't there someone who will deal with him for us?"


Aomura Yusuke came to a restaurant based on the location sent by Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

The waiter in the restaurant greeted Yusuke Aomura warmly.

"Is this customer alone?"

Yusuke Aomura looked at the decoration in the restaurant and then at the guests wearing strange clothes.

"I said I went to the wrong restaurant, do you believe me?"

The waiter was probably new here, and it was the first time he encountered Aomura Yusuke's answer. He blinked, with clear stupidity in his eyes.


Yusuke Aomura returned to the previous question and answered.

"My friend made a reservation."

The waiter quickly nodded in agreement and guided Yusuke Aomura to the dressing room nearby.

"We offer a variety of special clothing here. I think our customers will look very handsome in this outfit."

After a while, Aomura Yusuke walked out of the dressing room wearing a black robe.

I don’t know what the fabric of the robe is made of, but under the light, it faintly reflects a purple halo.

The waiter's eyes lit up and he praised.

"Sure enough, the guest's temperament is very suitable for wearing this kind of mysterious man-style clothing."

Yusuke Aomura smiled slightly and walked towards where Ukiyo Hidetoshi and the others were.

The four of them, Ukiyo Hidetoshi, were already sitting in their seats, and only Aomura Yusuke was waiting.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi saw Yusuke Aomura coming over and said hello.

"It's just you."

Yusuke Aomura sat on the chair and asked doubtfully.

"There are only five of us? Where is Pang Xiong?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said softly: "He doesn't have a spider phone on him, so he doesn't plan to come."

Sakurai Keikazu asked: "Yusuke, Hidetoshi said you have something to tell us. What is it?"

Aomura Yusuke slowly spoke.

"I went to the Hall of Desire today to look for Zimli and Kiroli, but they disappeared and there was no one in the whole space."

"Zimri and Kiroli disappeared!?"

Sakurai Keikazu said in surprise.

"Could it be that they went out for something?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi continued: "Probably not. There has never been a situation where two people were absent at the same time before."

Priest Azuma held a three-section stick and leaned on the back of the chair.

"And why do we retain our memories? Why are the spider phones on us?"

Kurama Neon continued: "Also, who became the God of Desire? The world has been reshaped, right?"

Aomura Yusuke looked at Sakurai Kei and the others, and asked: "The God of Desire is not among us, right?"

Sakurai Kei and others shook their heads, indicating that it was not them.Kurama Niyin guessed: "Could it be that Pang Xiong became the God of Desire?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo replied: "It's not him, I asked."

Sakurai Keikazu said distressedly.

"So what's going on?"

Everyone fell into silence.

The answers to these questions can only be known by finding the game administrator, but they couldn't find the game administrator.

Sakurai Keikazu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, we can find the game manager. It doesn't matter if we can't find Zimli and Kiroli."

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at each other.

'You didn't tell them that Kiroli was the game master? '

'I thought they found it. '

Aomura Yusuke looked at Sakurai Keikazu, and made eye contact with Ukiyo Hidetoshi again.

'Are you sure he found out? '

Hidetoshi Ukiyo shook his head helplessly and said.

"Kiroli is the game master."

"Huh!?" x3
As expected, as expected by Yusuke Aomura, there were three people who made sounds of surprise and confusion.

Priest Azuma frowned and asked.

"So what do we do now?"

"Jingle Bell"

The voice of Spider's phone rang.

Yusuke Aomura took out his spider phone, took a look at it, and chuckled.

"Isn't there something done?"

Everyone stood up and ran to the toilet to teleport.

Everyone who came to the Hall of Desire looked at Zimli in surprise.

Because Zimli changed from her normal state and put on a red dress, and her makeup was even more charming.

Kurama Neone exclaimed: "Huh? Zimli? Are your clothes changing your image?",

Zimri didn't answer Kurama Neon's question and spoke in a low voice.


Sakurai Keikazu complained softly.

"Why does it feel like not only have you changed your clothes, but your personality has also changed..."

Priest Azuma nodded in agreement.

Zimli said cutely.

"From now on, the Devil Marathon game is about to begin~"

"Devil's Marathon?"

Priest Azuma repeated in a low voice.

Zimli picked up a pet's take-out bag, which seemed to contain a strange creature.

"The next step is for everyone to take the newly born devil baby towards the finish line~"

"The total distance is 42.195 kilometers. You can move forward no matter what method you use~"

"Wait a minute."

Yusuke Aomura interrupted.

"Who was the last desire god? Why didn't any of us realize our wishes? And this time, five of us were notified directly. Why?"

Zimli put her index finger to her mouth, bit it lightly, and said cutely.

"I'm sorry, I don't know either~"

“We’ll talk about everything after you finish the marathon game~”

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo put on the same pensive faces, frowning slightly, and their eyes fell on Zimli, trying to see something.


Kurama Neon walked up to the demon baby and said with a smile.

"What a cute devil~"

"Hmph! Much cuter than you!"

The devil baby retorted.

Kurama Neon's smile froze on her face and she made a confused sound.


Sakurai Keikazu smiled and said to Azuma Taoist priest beside him: "You are surprisingly venomous."

Azuma Daozhang also smiled and said, "That's right."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo crossed his arms on his chest and asked in a calm tone.

"Is this the only one you want to take away?"

The devil baby said unhappily.

"Don't call me one! I'm a devil! Do you understand?"

Aomura Yusuke said somewhat coldly.

"Being a devil, but being locked up in a pet's to-go bag."

The devil baby said dissatisfied.

"I've just been born, and I'm still a baby! Even the devil can't resist you hateful humans!"

Sakurai Keikazu said in surprise.

"It's so amazing that you can say such a long list of words just after you were born."

Sakurai Keikazu's words immediately amused several people present.

Azuma Michiko smiled and patted Sakurai Keikazu's shoulder.

"As expected of you."

The devil baby's cheeks bulged with anger and he was speechless.

Zimli waited for everyone to finish laughing before continuing: "This game is a team battle. As long as the devil is brought to the end, everyone can win~"

Sakurai Keikazu nodded and responded softly.

"This is really a very kind design."

Priest Azuma said strangely: "The conditions are so relaxed."

Zimli instructed with playful eyes.

"However, there will be demon knights coming to get in the way, so be careful not to let the demon baby be taken away~"

the demon baby yelled.

"Did you hear that? You guys, please protect me!"

Zimli took out the desire drives and ID cores of Aomura Yusuke and others in turn.

"As for the buckles, the buckles on each player's body at the end of the last round of the game shall prevail."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and prop boxes fell one by one in front of Yusuke Aomura and the others.

Yusuke Aomura opened the prop boxes one by one, which were the ghost buckle, the golden mania buckle, and the twin command buckles.

"Why are you so generous this time and giving so many buckle equipment at once?"

Zimli smiled and said: "Because the Demon Knight will be very strong~"

Seeing that everyone had picked up their equipment, Zimli said in a low voice.

"The game has officially started~"

A burst of electronic data flashed by, and everyone arrived at the starting point of the marathon.

There were all kinds of vehicles in front of them, from one-wheeled unicycles to four-wheeled trucks.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo held the takeout bag and said, "Is this the starting point?"

Sakurai Keikazu asked uncertainly.

"Do you mean to let us... use these means of transportation?"

Kurama Niyin looked at the various means of transportation in front of her, feeling a little confused.

"There are all kinds of them~Which one is better~"

Aomura Yusuke said softly.

"Drive, driving should be the fastest."

The devil baby said anxiously.

"It doesn't matter which one you choose! Let's go quickly!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi replied perfunctorily.

"Hey, hey, hey, actually, you don't have to think too much."

After saying that, Ukiyo Hidetoshi turned his attention to the only truck.

Aomura Yusuke and others also set their sights on the truck.

"That's right."

Sakurai Keikazu smiled, then looked at the people around him.

"By the way, who's going to drive?"

Priest Azuma suddenly spoke.

"Be quick and get in the car quickly."

After saying that, he walked straight to the driver's seat of the truck.

Kurama Niyin smiled softly, "Taoist Master, you are so handsome."

Sakurai Keikazu pointed at Azuma who was walking away, and smiled at Hidetoshi Ukiyo and Yusuke Aomura.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said with a smile: "That's what he said~ Then let him do it~"

Yusuke Aomura smiled slightly, "As expected of a cow."

Sakurai Keikazu opened the rear compartment door of the truck, and several people got into the cargo box of the truck. Azuma Michichiro started the car, and the few people officially hit the road.

On the other side, a group of people called Demon Knights were quickly rushing towards the location of Yusuke Aomura and others.

(End of this chapter)

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