kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 98 The first meeting of the two protagonists!

Chapter 98 The first meeting of the two protagonists!
Azuma Michiko drove the truck all the way, and he was indeed an experienced driver who often drove a van. The car drove smoothly, and Aomura Yusuke and the others could hardly feel any shaking in the back compartment.

The truck was racing on the road, passing by a motorcycle on the side of the road. On the motorcycle was a man wearing a black leather windbreaker.

Akiyama Ren's eyes followed the movement of the truck until the back of the truck was so far away that he could no longer see it.

"The battle...is about to begin."

The truck turned at an intersection, a strange sound sounded, and a man's figure appeared in a reflector at the corner.

The man frowned and looked a little anxious. After seeing the truck go away, he disappeared from the mirror.

In the trunk.

Aomura Yusuke and four others sat on the box.

Kurama Neone and Sakurai Keikazu had relaxed expressions, and they even started teasing the devil baby.

Yusuke Aomura turned to Hidetoshi Ukiyo and said.

"There is a problem with this Desire Grand Prix, and the most critical point is this."

"We didn't write wish cards."

When they heard the first half of the sentence, Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu raised their heads and looked at Aomura Yusuke, wanting to hear Aomura Yusuke's analysis.

As a result, Aomura Yusuke said with a serious face that they had not made a wish, and he staggered immediately.

Sakurai Keikazu adjusted his sitting position and said softly: "It seems so, we didn't even write the wish card this time, so we started the game."

Kurama Neone guessed: "Could it be based on the wish card we wrote in the last round of the game?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said quietly: "Maybe."

Sakurai Keikazu asked curiously: "Yusuke, have you ever encountered this kind of situation in the Desire Grand Prix you participated in before?"

Yusuke Aomura shook his head, "Never."

Kurama Nione said softly.

"And Zimli is so strange. It's like she's a different person."

Yusuke Aomura stretched out his fingers and tapped on his take-out bag.

"Hey, you devil, do you know anything?"

The devil baby turned around and faced Yusuke Aomura.

"I don't know anything, I'm just a baby."

"You just need to run quickly, or you'll get caught."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said in a calm tone.

"Now we can only finish the game and see."

in the sky.


Whis in his pterodactyl form shouted loudly, carrying Igarashi Ikki and flying in the air.

shouted excitedly.

"Stop for my uncle!"

Igarashi Kazuki took out a radar that showed the location of the demon baby.

Compare the vehicles on the ground with the location of the devil baby on the radar.

Igarashi Ikki turned his attention to the truck.

"Is that the truck? Weiss! Let's catch up!"

"Yah! Charge!"

Weiss replied excitedly and dived down.

Azuma Michiko happened to glance at the rearview mirror on the right and noticed an unidentified flying object approaching from behind.

"Is that...the Demon Knight?"

Azuma Daozhang used his right foot hard and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, increasing the speed.

Seeing the truck suddenly start to accelerate, Igarashi Kazuki said to Weiss.

"Wes! Speed ​​up and rush forward!"

"Okay! Hey, hey, hey! You boy, stop for me!"

Weiss yelled and flew in front of the truck, spraying flame bombs from his mouth to block the truck's progress.

Igarashi shouted.

"Return Koshiro's demon quickly!"

The chatty Weiss also continued to output.

"Eat my trick!"

"call out!"

"Wait for me!"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Fire bombs exploded on the road, creating potholes and fires in the east and west, which severely affected Azuma's driving.

In order to avoid the fire bombs and prevent the truck from being directly hit by the fire bombs, Mr. Azuma could only drive the truck in an awkward manner. This was probably the most difficult time he had ever driven.

The four people sitting in the back compartment also felt uncomfortable. The sudden explosion alerted the four people, and then the truck began to swing from side to side. Yusuke Aomura and the four of them were like weeds in the sea, following the truck. The swing was forced to swing.

Kurama Nione hit the wall of the rear compartment and complained: "What's going on!?"

Yusuke Aomura put one hand on the wall of the rear compartment and said, "This car, Niu Niu, is not stable."

Director Azuma couldn't hear the complaints in the back compartment, otherwise he would have to find these people and let them try it. How could this car be so easy to drive?

A firebomb landed right in front of the truck, spraying flames everywhere.

Azuma Michiko braked suddenly to avoid running headlong into the fire bomb.

Although the safety of the truck was preserved, the group was also surrounded.

Weiss and Igarashi Ikki jumped down from the air, opened their hands, and blocked the front of the truck.

Igarashi Sakura and Natsuki Hana also appeared on both sides of the truck, holding weapons in their hands and looking warily at Azuma Michichiro in the truck.

Inside the trunk.

Aomura Yusuke and the four others fell to the ground in a somewhat embarrassed state.

"What on earth happened...my eyes are rolling..."

The demon baby spoke feebly.

Kurama Neon said nervously.

"Is there a big crisis so soon?"

Sakurai Keikazu leaned against the wall of the trunk compartment and complained: "I feel like I'm going to get carsick."

Igarashi raised his gun and appeared in the back of the truck.

"Wherever you want to take it, come out!"

Sakurai Kage calmed down, stood up, and said to Aomura Yusuke and the others.

"I'll stop them! You go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out the ninja belt buckle and pretended to insert it into the desire drive.

Yusuke Aomura stretched out his hand to block Sakurai Keikazu's right hand.

"Wait a minute, there is only one person outside the door, and the others are at the front of the car."

"Niuniu should be surrounded. If you rush out, how many people can you hit with one person?"

Sakurai Keikazu held the ninja belt buckle in his hand, "What should we do? We can't all be dragged here!"

Yusuke Aomura took out the ghost belt buckle and the golden fanatic belt buckle, and curled his lips.

"Why not? There is no set time for this round of the game."

Kurama Neon looked at Aomura Yusuke in surprise.

"Yusuke, are you planning to kill all the chasing Demon Knights here?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo chuckled and said, "It's a bit troublesome to have people chasing you all the time."

Kurama Neon and Sakurai Keikazu nodded, and the four of them began to transform together.

The devil baby said quickly: "I think we should escape quickly."

"Please pay attention to me! Don't worry about your own transformation!"

"SET" x4 (Place x4)

"HENSHIN" x4 (Transformation x4)

"FEVER" x4 (Fever x4)

"SPECTER" x2 (Ghost x2)


"NINJA" x2 (ninja x2)

"BEAT" x2 (beat x2)


"MAGNUM" x2 (Magnum x2)

Sakurai Kagewa pushed open the door of the rear compartment, jumped out, and released smoke in the air, covering the entire truck.Then he fought against the sophomore Igarashi.

Aomura Yusuke and the other three ran towards the front of the car.

Yusuke Aomura swung a scythe towards Natsuki Hana. Natsuki Hana's vision was blocked by the smoke. When she saw the ghost scythe coming, she could only hurriedly raise the needle kunai in her hand to block it in front of her.

Yusuke Aomura forced Natsuki Hana back, turned around and shouted to Azuma in the cab.

"Get out of the car!"

Priest Azuma looked at the four people who had completed their transformation and curled his lips.

You secretly agreed to transform together without me.

Azuma opened the car door, jumped out, and inserted the zombie belt buckle into the desire drive.


"HENSHIN" (Transformation)

"ZOMBIE" (zombie)

Azuma Taoist priest turned over his hand and took out a gold fanatic buckle, hesitating a little.

Seeing Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo both using the Golden Fanatical Buckle, they finally inserted the Golden Fanatical Buckle.



"ZOMBIE" (zombie)


Priest Azuma clenched her left fist and cheered secretly.

'Yeah! '

On the other side, Kurama Neon faced Igarashi Sakura.

Looking at the scythe in Igarashi Sakura's hand, Kurama Neon said confidently.

"I'm very familiar with using a scythe!"

Sakura Igarashi said equally confidently: "I am the strongest!"

The Beat Ax and Shoebill Scythe fought for several times, but no one had the upper hand.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo stopped Igarashi Kazuki and Weiss alone, and kept firing with the Magnum Shooter 40X in his hand.

Igarashi Ikki gave full play to the advantages of the Bleeding Bull Warrior, crossed his arms in front of him, withstood the Magnum Shooter's 40X bullets, rushed in front of Ukiyo Hidetoshi, and punched out.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo dodged the punch by turning his head, raised his right hand, and hit Igarashi Ikki's wrist with the butt of the Magnum Shooter 40X.

Weiss held the Seal Destroyer 50 in his hand and beat Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

The Zombie Breaker suddenly appeared and blocked the Seal Breaker 50.

Weiss turned to look and shouted excitedly.

"Wow! It's a cow! Ikki! Look!"

Priest Azuma used her right hand to block the seal destroyer 50 and said loudly.

"I am a bully! Not a cow!"

After saying that, he held a Zombie Destroyer in each hand and started fighting with Weiss.

The lens turns.

Sakurai Keikazu and Igarashi were fighting each other for a transition.

Sakurai Kagewa held a ninja double blade in each hand and kept slashing at Igarashi Daiji.

Igarashi dodges left and right, firing bullets from the Levell gun in his hand, attacking Sakurai Keikazu.

Sakurai Keikazu swung an energy slash and collided with the bullet.

The two energies collided with each other and an explosion occurred!

Smoke from the explosion blocked their view.

The sound of mirage came from the smoke.

"Sophomore year! Swap with me!"

After the smoke dissipated, Igarashi Daouji released his transformation and panted.

"Mirage! Please step aside now."

Sakurai Keikazu looked at Igarashi Daji who had released his transformation with some surprise, "Are you a human?"

Mirage came online, knocked off Igarashi's sophomore number, and said softly.

"That's not right~ I'm a devil!"


Sakurai Keikazu raised the ninja double blade again and looked at the mirage warily.

"Devils reside deep within human beings."

The mirage turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared. When it reappeared, it was already behind Sakurai Keikazu.

"Let me take a look at your devil."

As soon as Sakurai Keikazu turned around, Mirage tapped his forehead with a finger.

Mirage saw Sakurai Kei and the devil deep in his heart, and his expression became a little uneasy.

"Who are you...?"

Demon Sakurai Keiwa turned his head, looked at the mirage, and said coldly.

"Huh, he's just an ordinary person praying for world peace."

Sakurai Keiwa took two steps back, away from Mirage's fingers, and said, "Who are you talking to?"

Not far away, a red barrier suddenly appeared and kept approaching Sakurai Kage and the two of them.

Wherever the red barrier passed, buildings and everything along the way were shattered into data and swallowed by the red barrier.

Mirage looked at this scene in surprise and asked uneasily.

"Hey...what is that thing?"

Sakurai Keikazu said in surprise and confusion.

"The demonic realm is shrinking!?"

"Evil Realm!? What is that..."

Mirage repeated doubtfully, and before he could finish his words, he was forced to be taken offline by the sophomore Igarashi.

The sophomore Igarashi turned to look at Sakurai Keikazu and said anxiously.

"It's better to evacuate from here first."

Sakurai Keikazu nodded, and Igarashi turned around and retreated with the second-year Igarashi who had completed his transformation again.

The two people, who were at war with each other a second ago, managed to evacuate together in a friendly manner with just one sentence. It was probably difficult for ordinary people to do such a thing.

Sakurai Keihe's situation here also attracted the attention of Aomura Yusuke and others.

Aomura Yusuke pressed the ghost belt buckle and slashed at Natsuki Hana.


Xia Muhua broke the queen bee seal back to the top and then to the bottom again.

The acupuncture kunai condensed orange-red energy and fought against the dark purple energy slash.

Yusuke Aomura stepped forward, turned his body in the air, and swung his sickle again, hitting Xia Muhua.

Xia Muhua was knocked out and fell to the ground.

Yusuke Aomura turned around and looked at the suddenly shrinking demon field, and said to himself.

"What's going on, forcing us to reach the finish line early?"

Just as Sakurai Keikazu and Igarashi were retreating, a Kamen Rider wearing pitch-black armor and holding a saber slowly walked down the steps next to them, blocking their way.

The powerful aura exuded from his body made Sakurai Kage and the two of them take two steps back involuntarily, subconsciously raising the weapons in their hands on guard.

"That's... Kamen Rider?"

Sakurai Keikazu said uncertainly.

Ryuga turned to look at Sakurai Keihe and the two, and waved the Dragon Saber in his hand.

"I'm going to destroy everything!"

Before he finished speaking, Ryuga rushed towards the two of them.

Ryuga knocked Igarashi aside with one strike, then turned around and faced Sakurai Keikazu with a slash.

Igarashi sophomore rushed up and hit Ryuga with his Levell gun, but Ryuga stopped him with one hand.

Sakurai Keikazu took the opportunity to slash Ryuga from behind with his sword. Ryuga just moved a small step to the right and dodged the attack.

Ryuga turned around and struck Sakurai Keikazu with a heavy blow on the back. Sakurai Keikazu staggered forward two steps.

As soon as Igarashi took a step forward, he was hit with an upward slash from Ryuga and was sent flying.

Finally, Ryuga kicked Sakurai Keikazu away, ending the battle.

I didn't suffer any harm during the whole process!
Sakurai Keikazu and Igarashi rolled around on the ground in embarrassment. After standing up, they looked at Ryuga warily.

(End of this chapter)

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