The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 100 The world of Tsukuyomi, the cruel truth!

Chapter 100 The world of Tsukuyomi, the cruel truth!
Chapter 100The world of Yuyue, the cruel truth!
Luo Sha's performance made Lan Feng very satisfied. This was the right way. The more intense their hatred for Konoha, the more beneficial it would be to him.

Lan Feng did not stop and continued to let the illusion work.

People kept coming around Luo Sha, and even Luo Sha's former partners were asking him why he didn't save them.

Luo Sha sat down on the ground, covered her head and said: "Stop, stop, please, kill me, don't hurt my companions anymore."

Luosha's abnormal behavior awakened Granny Qiandai.

Chiyo's eyes shifted from Ebizo to Rasa.

Seeing Luo Sha's painful look, Qianyo forced himself to calm down, ducked and attacked in Lan Feng's direction.

"Hey, kid, what did you do to Kazekage!"

Hearing this, Lanfeng dodged Qianyo's attack and said with cold eyes: "Do you also want to feel it?"

Hearing this, Chiyo was pulled into the world of Tsukuyomi before she could react.

Looking at the red environment around him, Chiyo frowned.

He had seen it in Ebizo's information book. It seemed to be the special ability of the Sharingan, Tsukuyomi.

It is an ability exclusive to the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Chiyo's eyes were horrified, not knowing what would happen next.

When Chiyo was alert, a red-haired child suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chiyo shed tears when she saw this, it was his grandson, the Scorpion of Red Sand.

Chiyo was about to greet him, but the next moment, Xia's smile suddenly disappeared, and then replaced with an indifferent expression.

Chiyo was stunned. The thing he least expected to see happened.

Immediately afterwards, the scene changed, Xie was practicing puppetry alone, and the puppets he controlled were his father and mother.

When I saw Scorpion controlling his father and mother to embrace him.Chiyo's heart seemed to have been ripped out.

It was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

For so many years, she has been studying the reincarnation technique and wanted to resurrect Xie's parents, but she ignored it. What Xie lacked most was companionship.

If he could spend more time with Scorpion, maybe he wouldn't go astray.

Just when Chiyo was regretting it, the scene suddenly changed again.

The familiar scenes around her made Chiyo a little scared.

Ninjas are fighting everywhere.

Ninjas from Sunagakure Village fell one after another, and the war broke out. It was true, this was the Third Ninja World War.

Chiyo continued to move forward with an uneasy heart.

Although he had vaguely guessed what was waiting for him ahead, he still didn't want to stop.

Maybe it's not too late to stop here.

Rivers of blood flowed around her, and soon Granny Chiyo saw a familiar figure.

That was his son, and his daughter-in-law, who were also Scorpion's parents.

And the two of them were fighting against a white-haired ninja.

He knew that face, it was Konoha's genius ninja, Hatake White Fang!

Chiyo gritted his teeth, it was this guy who killed his son, leaving Xie without his parents.

Chiyo could no longer control herself and rushed towards Hatake White Fang like crazy.

But the body passed through Hatake Baiya's body.

Only then did Chiyo realize that this was just an illusion, the illusion used by that guy.

Chiyo didn't want to waste time here anymore. He had to deal with that guy as soon as possible, otherwise the entire Shating Village would be in danger.

But just as Chiyo was about to leave, Xia's parents rushed in the direction of White Fang.

Seeing this, Chiyo's eyes were horrified, and she shouted loudly: "Don't go up, you will die. Stop, Hatake White Fang!" Chiyo's mother-in-law's cry received no response from anyone.

Hatake White Fang passed them by, and in an instant, Xia's parents arrived.

Killed instantly, this scene made Chiyo unable to believe it.

After all, his son was once recognized as the favored son of Sunagakure Village.

The future of Sunagakure Village.

Unexpectedly, just one move, how could this be possible!

Chiyo slowly looked at his son. At this time, his son's eyes had become cold and frightened.

Hatake White Fang slowly turned around and said coldly: "You did a great job. I look forward to fighting you again next time."

After saying that, Hatake White Fang left.

When Chiyo looked back, his son had fallen into a pool of blood.

It turned out to be suicide!

Chiyo opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe this fact. How could his brave son commit suicide because of this little setback.

Chiyo was disheartened, surrounded by the fallen bodies of Konoha and Sunagakure.

This result did not interrupt his hatred for Konoha.

If it weren't for Hatake White Fang's ridicule, his son wouldn't have died so cowardly.

This debt must be repaid with blood by Konoha!
Chiyo gritted his teeth, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his eyes.

This extreme sadness actually broke through Lanfeng's Tsukuyomi world.

Lanfeng frowned slightly and looked at Granny Chiyo and said, "Not bad, you can actually break through my Tsukuyomi world."

"But so what if you come out, your ending. Or maybe the ending of Sunagakure Village is already doomed."

Chiyo gasped for breath, looked at Lan Feng coldly and said, "As long as I kill you, Sunagakure Village can be saved."

Hearing this, Lan Feng raised his brows and said, "You are quite confident. Let's take a look at the situation in your Sunagakure Village first. Do you want to kill me yourself?"

Hearing this, Chiyo frowned and looked back.

At this time, all the ninjas in Sunagakure Village have fallen into the world of Tsukuyomi.

Some of them cried, some laughed, and some even couldn't bear the pressure and directly raised the kunai and penetrated their own throats.

Seeing this scene, Qianyo gritted his teeth, looked at Lanfeng and said: "You devil, how long are you going to torture them? Do you have the ability to fight me openly?"

One after another, ninjas from Sunagakure Village could not bear the pressure of grief and committed suicide.

Lan Feng took a deep breath and said, "Don't you think this is a wonderful piece of music?"

"Stop struggling, it is the general trend for Konoha to unify the ninja world."

"No matter how hard you struggle, you can't change it."

After hearing this, Granny Chiyo said directly to Lengtian: "Konoha, okay, I remember, sooner or later, I will make Konoha pay for its blood debt with blood!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Granny Chiyo pulled out three long needles.

Seeing this, Lanfeng was prepared, thinking that he would use the same old routine again.

But the next second, Granny Chiyo flew the long needle directly towards the Yondaime Kazekage.

The long needle stuck into Luosha's neck, blocking the flow of chakra.

In an instant, Rasa retreated from Tsukuyomi's world.

Luo Sha was sweating profusely and knelt on the ground with tears streaming down her face.

Although he knew it was just an illusion, he still couldn't get out of it.

At this time, Granny Chiyo was still using the same technique to rescue the ninjas in the Tsukuyomi world one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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