The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 101 The 4th Kazekage is angry and declares war with Konoha!

Chapter 101 The Yondaime Kazekage is angry and declares war with Konoha!
1 The fourth generation Kazekage was angry and declared war with Konoha!
Seeing this, Lanfeng couldn't help but applaud Qianyo.

Being able to come out of the Tsukuyomi world.He can also rationally think of ways to save others.

It is indeed a super movie level.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Lan Feng doesn't want to drive them all away anyway.

As long as their hatred for Konoha is achieved, his goal will be achieved.

Soon all the ninjas woke up from their Tsukuyomi. Most of them looked frightened and looked like they had not yet come out of their dreams.

But most of them also hate Konoha deeply. If there is another war, Lanfeng believes that the scene will be beautiful.

As time passed, Luo Sha finally woke up from her dream, her eyes became cold, and she looked at Lan Feng fiercely and said, "Konoha, are you ready for the war?"

Hearing this, Lan Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said proudly, "Zhengchou doesn't have a formal reason to eliminate you."

"If you are willing to take the initiative to send one. We would also be happy to ask for it."

Hearing this, Luo Sha gritted his teeth and finally knew Konoha's true purpose.

It turned out that he wanted to force them to take the initiative to start a war, so as to have a reason to completely eliminate them.

What a vicious plan. Is this the true face of the Sandaime Hokage? It's really terrifying.

Rasa clenched her fists, looked at Lan Feng and said, "Then listen carefully today. As the fourth generation Kazekage of Sunagakure Village, I officially declare war on Konoha!"

As soon as these words came out, all the ninjas in Sunagakure Village raised their arms.

"War, war!"

The entire Sunagakure Village was blinded by hatred, and even Chiyo did not object.

The corner of Lan Feng's mouth raised slightly, it should have ended when he got here.

But both Rasa and Chiyo are smart people.

If he left like this, they would definitely become suspicious.

In line with the concept of doing a complete show, there is still one last big show.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at Obito and said, "Did you hear that, the Fourth Kazekage wants to launch a war against Konoha?"

"Can such a dangerous idea exist?"

Upon hearing this, Obito understood and immediately used the kaleidoscope to control Shukaku.

Shukaku suddenly let out that unpleasant cry.

The thick tail swung towards the ninjas of Sunagakure Village.

Facing the powerful power of one tail, ordinary jounin and chuunin could not resist it, and were swept away in an instant.

Seeing this, Rasa immediately formed a seal and quickly ran towards Shukaku.

"How could it be possible for you to succeed."

"Magnetic Release·Explosion!"

Fine golden yellow dust is scattered around Shukaku.

Shukaku was instantly blown away.

But this did not cause any fundamental harm to Shukaku.

Shukaku continued to destroy the village, and the ninja civilians once again suffered numerous casualties.

Seeing this, Chiyo trembled all over, gritted his teeth and looked at Lanfeng and said: "Your purpose is to force us to start a war, right?"

"Now that we are willing to start a war with you Konoha, why are you killing our villages."

"There's no formal reason then."

Hearing this, Lanfeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, waved his hand and said, "Don't slander anyone. Shukaku did all this and has nothing to do with us in Konoha."

"Besides, the war is what you want to start, and it has nothing to do with Konoha."

Hearing Lanfeng's words, Qianyo gritted his teeth.

The chakra lines in their hands once again connected the ten people in Chikamatsu.

The bull-headed puppet instantly attacked in the direction of Lan Feng.However, Lan Feng did not challenge them.

Quickly retreat to Obito's side.

The other puppets soon followed.

Lanfeng and Obito were surrounded from all sides.Obito frowned slightly.

This guy, good things can't be found in him, but bad things can definitely happen in him.

Of course, he also knew what Lan Feng meant.

The bull-headed puppet rushed towards Lan Feng in an instant.

The next moment, Obito directly activated his divine power and absorbed it into the divine power space.

The other puppets were also absorbed into it.There was a look of horror in Chiyo's eyes.

He could clearly feel that his chakra lines were still connected to them, but they just disappeared.

Lanfeng took advantage of the situation and cut off Chiyo's chakra line.

Chiyo frowned, thinking that it would be difficult to deal with these two guys after losing the ten Chikamatsu people.

Granny Chiyo looked silent, as if she had made a great determination.

Then he crossed his arms, and the blue chakra spread around him.

The scope is so wide that it directly includes Shukaku.

If I guessed correctly, this should be some kind of sealing technique, and it seems quite powerful.

After Chiyo arranged the arrangement, he looked at Lanfeng with cold eyes and said, "Hurry up and ask Shukaku to stop, otherwise, I will seal you all here."

Looking at the powerful Chatra magnetic field around him, Lanfeng had no doubt that Chiyo had this ability.

But, he wasn't worried either.It's not certain whether Chiyo can finish this powerful chakra consumption alive.

Thinking of this, Lanfeng looked at Qianyo coldly and said: "You are already an old man, so don't show off anymore. This kind of sealing technique is not something you can bear."

It seemed that Lanfeng was right, Qianyo didn't hide anything at all, and said bluntly: "Then what do you mean, I don't dare to risk my life to seal you?"

"I will do anything for Sunagakure Village. Don't underestimate the determination of a dying person."

Hearing this, Lanfeng let out a breath, looked directly at Qianyo and said, "Oh, then I really underestimated you. But don't underestimate us either."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Feng slapped the ground.

There was a cold look in his eyes: "I advise you to quickly recall the fear that Konoha brought you in the first place."

"Woodun, the tree world is coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless thick vines suddenly appeared in the distance from the ground, much thicker than before.

Seeing this, Chiyo suddenly looked frightened and trembled all over.

Compared with this arrival of the tree world, it was just a joke before.

Is it true that Sand Hidden Village is going to die in the hands of this guy today?

Chiyo wanted to activate the sealing technique quickly.But the next second, a vine directly tied her up.

Seeing this, everyone looked in the direction of Granny Chiyo.

They want to save him, but they still have to deal with Shukaku's attack here, and they can't separate themselves at all.

Just as they were thinking, countless vines bound them, and in an instant, they were drained of chakra and died.

Saw this demon going on a killing spree again.

Granny Chiyo and Luo Sha couldn't help but look frightened.

Chiyo looked at Lanfeng with fierce eyes and said: "You devil, what do you want to do? Konoha's goal has been achieved, hasn't it?"

Hearing this, Lan Feng sneered and said, "I didn't say that. Instead of starting a war with you, it would be a good choice to eliminate you directly."

(End of this chapter)

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