Chapter 11 It’s Revenge Time

Moonset and sunrise.

The sun illuminated the earth, also illuminated the ruins of Fengyu Village, and the woods filled with corpses of bandits.

No one knows what happened in Fengyu Village the night before. In a house riddled with holes, three more graves were found, two large and one small.

Standing in front of the grave of Yu Tai's family, Lan Feng looked pale and silent.

The breeze blew, and it was also in this courtyard a year ago that Tadashi said the words that once solved the knot in his heart.

A year later, there was a separation between yin and yang.

From this day on, Lanfeng left Fengyu Village and the country of Mao.

There is only one choice left for the road in front of me.

Only by constantly killing can you become stronger, and only by stepping on the corpses of your enemies can you climb higher.

In the battle between life and death with the enemy, either you die or I die.

Under such experience, a seed called hatred, absorbing blood and anger, grew wantonly.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

A lot has happened this year, and the relationship between Konoha and Sunagakure Village has deteriorated day by day.

The seemingly peaceful ninja world began to be filled with the dangerous atmosphere of war.

After experiencing the first two ninja wars, some small countries also realized the importance of ninjas as a fighting force.

In order to prevent being unprepared when war comes again, various countries have established their own ninja villages.

The country of Uno is naturally no exception. The daimyo recruited many families with magical secrets in the country and formed an army.

In times of peace, law and order can be maintained and rule can be stabilized.

When the next war comes, the country of Mao will not become a lamb to be slaughtered.

But among the many Uno Country ninjas who possess secret skills, there is only one missing family that controls the weather.

Where there is light, there will be shadows.

Like other countries, in addition to ninja villages and ninjas, the reckless forces of Uno Country still exist.

Because there are many mountains in the territory, many bandits fled to a mountain and gathered a group of people to occupy the mountain and become the king. This is not new in Uno Country.

Among the forces of these mountain kings, especially the mountain bandits of Kōwen Mountain, they are the most powerful and have the largest number of people.

This night the moon was sparse and the stars were sparse, and it was a fine, sunny day.

The farmers at the foot of Jongwen Mountain have finished their day's work and are ready to go home to eat and rest.

A foreigner wearing a cloak and a bamboo hat was walking towards the mountain at this time.

"Uncle, if you follow this road up the mountain, you can find the bandit's station." A stranger stopped a farmer and asked.

"That's right..."

"But it's so late. Why are you going up the mountain alone? Are you risking your life?" The farmer looked at the handsome face under the bamboo hat and couldn't figure out what this fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old child was planning to do.

But the foreigner didn't even say a word of thanks, turned around and walked along the road towards the mountain.


Deep in the mountains, a cottage covering hundreds of acres is brightly lit.

Hundreds of bandits were entrenched here, raping and plundering everywhere during the day, and returning to the village in Jongwen Mountain at night to eat, drink and indulge in lust.

This group of people have been causing trouble to one side for many years, and the country of Mao has nothing to do with them.

Not to mention the early years, even now that the ninja team has been formed, they are helpless due to the complicated mountain shape that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.The bandits in the village were enjoying themselves, but at the guard post at the gate, the bandits on guard were not in such a good mood.

"Yamamoto, why the hell did you bring your little brat here?" A bandit asked as he looked at his accomplice who had just walked into the guard post.

Yamamoto, who was holding his child in one hand, looked irritated and said viciously: "I lost 10,000+ in the casino yesterday, and that bitch kicked me out. She even asked me to take this bastard with me, saying she didn't want to serve her anymore!" "Really! I envy you, Songmu, because you don’t have a wife to bother you.”

"I don't know what you're thinking. We are bandits. What kind of woman can't be snatched away, but you still get married?"

The man named Songmu said with a playful smile, but he seemed to suddenly think of something again, and his face turned serious and said: "But it's okay if you take your son with you, I always feel that something big will happen tonight."

Yamamoto pulled up a chair and sat down, with a disapproving look on his face and said: "If anything big happens, I don't believe there are people who are not afraid of death and dare to come and cause trouble for us!"

"Don't believe it, last year a group of brothers, led by the second leader, went to rob a village, but no one came back!"

"Later I sent someone to look and found that they were all dead, exactly one year ago today!" Songmu said in a serious tone.

"No there such a thing?" Yamamoto didn't believe it.

Songmu snorted and lowered his voice and said: "Don't believe it, I always feel that something will happen tonight, we have to be careful!"

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the child in Yamamoto's arms suddenly started crying without warning.

Quietly, a figure appeared behind the two bandits.

"It seems that your hunch is very accurate."

"Who is it?" Yamamoto turned around with the child in his arms and saw a strange young man standing in front of him, his cloak fluttering in the wind, and his face covered by a bamboo hat.

"Damn it! Where did you come from, you're looking for death!" Songmu on the side cursed, picked up the spear used on duty, and was about to stab the boy.

In the blink of an eye, two wooden thorns with barbs sprouted from the young man's arms, and instantly pierced the chests of the two bandits.

The two bandits fell down without saying a word, their blood flowing slowly.

Lanfeng took off his cloak and hat, and looked at the bandit's body coldly with a pair of Magatama Sharingan eyes.

Looking at the crying baby that fell to the ground, Lan Feng suddenly sneered.


The long wooden thorns penetrated the baby's body, and the crying stopped abruptly.

"Leaving no one alive is your usual style, isn't it?" Lan Feng said to the baby's body, his voice cold and emotionless.

No one knows what Lanfeng has experienced this year.

Of course, no one knows that most of the unsolved murders in various countries this year were committed by a boy as young as 13 years old.

After three years of training and killing all the way, Senju Ranfeng has reached the level of an elite chuunin.

With skillful use of wood escape combined with the secret technique of weather, he was even able to fight against some jounin.

Today is the death anniversary of Yutai’s family.

To avenge the massacre in Fengyu Village a year ago, killing all these bandits who committed crimes was Lanfeng's first test before taking revenge on Uchiha.

To wipe out the bandits in the entire village with one person's power would be a feast-level trial.

After killing the two bandits on guard, Lanfeng jumped over the door of the house, concealed his presence, and sneaked into the cottage under the cover of night.

The first thing to do is to find the leader of this group of bandits and capture the thief first.

Lurking behind a low wall, Lanfeng stuck his head out and looked at the road behind him.

A drunken bald old man, with his upper body exposed and a wine bottle in his hand, was walking towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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