The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 12 The revengeful ghost needs no mercy

Chapter 12 The revengeful ghost needs no mercy
"Hey, old man, where is your leader?" Lan Feng slowly walked out from behind the low wall and approached the drunken old man.

"Ah? You mean the leader? Of course he is in the village master's mansion..."

"Whose subordinate is your boy? How come I haven't seen him before?" The drunk old man smelled of alcohol. He raised his thumb and pointed behind him, while looking Lan Feng up and down.

Lan Feng did not look at the old man, but raised his eyes and looked in the direction he pointed.

In the center of the village is a tower that is six or seven stories high. It was built with various looted goods and was quite impressive.

Presumably, this is the residence of the leader of the village.

"Damn it, you little brat, don't you take me seriously, don't even look at me, you're tired of living!" The old man got drunker, frowned and cursed.

Lanfeng's face was expressionless and he still didn't even look at the old man, which made the drunken old man even more angry.

So, he picked up the wine bottle, pointed at Lan Feng's head and said: "Don't think that my old bones are useless now. When I was young, I was the former leader..."

Before he could tell what identity the old man had when he was young, he suddenly stopped.

Lanfeng grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted the old man high.

The old man's eyes were about to bulge out, because he couldn't breathe, his face turned purple and red, and his limbs were flailing wildly.

Without warning, a slender wooden thorn pierced out of Lanfeng's sleeve, penetrated into the old man's chin, and came out from the top of his head.

The old man's fluttering limbs fell limply in an instant, and the wine bottle in his hand also fell to the ground and shattered.

"This damn ghost must have gone somewhere to drink flower wine again. He came back so late after drinking!" Hearing the sound of broken wine bottles outside the door, an old woman's voice came from a house in the back.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an old woman over sixty years old pushing the door open.

What caught her eyes was a young man with a cold face and an old man lying lifeless on the ground.

"Who are you and what have you done to him!" The old woman became red-eyed on the spot. She picked up a broom and was about to step forward to fight the murderer of her wife.

At this time, the wooden thorn that killed the old man flew towards the old woman at the speed of light, carrying the whistling wind, and hit the old woman in the head.

Dropping the broom in his hand and staggering a few steps, the old woman fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Killing the old couple who had no fighting ability, Lan Feng didn't even blink an eye.

He even didn't bother to look at the old man's body and walked towards the tower in the center of the village.

Pity and sympathy will only become stumbling blocks on the road to revenge.

This is true for every Avenger, and Lanfeng is no exception. In the past year, he has long lost his compassion.

No one has ever been able to survive from his hands.

It's not because he shows no mercy to these bandits who have committed numerous crimes, but because he no longer has the slightest sympathy for anyone who stands in front of him.


At this time, in the village owner's mansion, a small bandit leader was reporting to the bandit leader who was lying on the armchair.

"Master Chief, these two are the harvest from last month."

"One is what the brothers collected in various villages, and the other is the revenue from the town's casinos and Kabukicho. Please take a look." The little boss handed over the two scrolls respectfully.

The bandit leader was about 40 years old, with dark complexion. He looked like someone from Yunyin Village, with strong and muscular limbs and a beard.And those sharp eyes are always revealing cruel murderous intentions.

"If you don't want to look at it, leave it there." The bandit leader waved his hand lazily.

"You'd better take a look... Sir Chief, there are more and more people in the village, and the expenses are getting higher and higher. Gradually, we are beginning to make ends meet..." The little leader said in a low voice, trembling slightly.

"I said not to look, are you deaf?" There was a hint of displeasure in the bandit leader's voice, which frightened the little leader into shutting up.

There are rumors that the war is coming, and the entire ninja world is panicked. Many people have gone to various mountains to join the bandits.

These bandits on Jongwen Mountain are no exception and have added a lot of new manpower.

But a small country like Maozhiguo has not many residents. How much oil and water can it extract?

"When there are too many people, I kill some of them. When I don't have enough money, I just rob a few more times. If I can't get any money, I sell the women and children. Do you still want me to teach you these things?"

The bandit leader's voice was hoarse and ferocious, and the little leader knelt on the ground, kowtowing and apologizing, not daring to express his anger.

"You arrange people to kill all the names starting with the character "く" according to the roster."

"If there are still too many after killing them all, then kill all the ones starting with "い" too!"

Bandits have no conscience, and naturally there is no brotherhood to speak of.

Usually when a group of bandits get together, they can do evil and live happily, but when there are so many people that the village cannot support them, the leader will kill many so-called brothers with just one word.

Just two people talking about each other will kill a lot of their own people, which shows how cruel and ruthless the bandit leader is.

Lan Feng quietly reached the top of the tower and heard this passage through the glass.

"But...but Mr. Leader, what should I do if there is resistance..." The little leader was shaking with fear and asked fearfully.

"Then send more people and kill him and all the people in his team. You have to ask about such a simple thing, you are a loser!" the bandit leader said angrily.

"Yes...yes..." The little boss didn't dare to refute, and kept saying yes with sweat all over his head.

At this time, Lan Feng, who was lurking outside, suddenly noticed an ominous aura.

"But before that, we have to kill a little bastard who doesn't understand the rules and dares to eavesdrop!"

As soon as the bandit leader finished speaking, Lanfeng sensed something was wrong and quickly moved out of the way. A row of shurikens broke through the glass and flew out, grazing the ends of his hair.

What a risk, if you are half a second late, the consequences will be disastrous!

Lan Feng was a little surprised. He had clearly hidden his chakra and aura, how on earth was he exposed?
Could this guy be able to sense the presence of others through walls?
"Who is this reckless thing who dares to eavesdrop on the leader's speech? Stand up!" The little leader's ability to flatter others is top-notch.

Although I don’t know what happened, it’s always right to follow the leader’s words.

Through the wall, Lan Feng could feel that the bandit leader in the room exuded a dangerous aura.

Since he had been exposed, there was no point in hiding. Lan Feng raised his hand and quickly formed the Seal of Si.

"Woodun - Cutting Technique!"

In an instant, several wooden spikes shot out from the window shattered by the shuriken, flying straight towards the bandit leader.

(End of this chapter)

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