The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 121 Controlling Terumi Mei, Kirigakure becomes hell again!

Chapter 121 Controlling Terumi Mei, Kirigakure becomes hell again!

Chapter 121: Controlling Terumi Mei, Kirigakure becomes hell again!
Seeing that Terumi Mei was willing to give in.

Lanfeng changed the form of Sharingan.

It turned into the shape of a boomerang, instantly reversing Terumi Mei's inner thoughts.

Terumi Mei seemed to be pardoned, and her whole body lay on the ground.He gasped for breath.

Seeing this, Lanfeng didn't show any sympathy and ordered: "Get up!"

After hearing the order, Terumi Mei shook her body, stood up, looked at Lanfeng and said: "Master, what are your orders?"

Upon hearing this, everyone present widened their eyes, especially Obito, who secretly clenched his fists.

He knew that this guy was a pervert!
Lanfeng ignored the strange looks from these people, walked straight to Terumi Mei, put away his Sharingan and said again: "Then let me ask you, do you still want to go to Kumogakure to seek peace now?"

After hearing this, Terumi Mei looked at Lanfeng with charming eyes and said: "I will obey the master in everything from now on. I will do whatever the master tells me to do."

As soon as these words came out, Obito was even more shocked. He didn't expect that Lanfeng could control this woman without using the Mangekyo Sharingan.

What's so wonderful about this?
With Obito's brain, I really can't figure it out.

Orochimaru showed a meaningful smile.

He whispered in a low voice: "This guy is really a genius."

"What kind of bloodline can one have such a talent?"

"The ability of the Mangekyou Sharingan, if I guess correctly..."

Having said that, Orochimaru did not continue.

Then he turned around and walked out of the room.

Seeing this, Xie showed a solemn look and turned around to remind: "You don't want to run away again, do you? No one can protect you this time."

Hearing this, Orochimaru was noncommittal.

"I just think the moon is quite round tonight and I want to go out and take a look."

Hearing this, Xie's expression became even more gloomy.

Because tonight, there is no moon at all.

Moreover, there is no distinction between day and night here.

Lan Feng completely controls Terumi Mei.

Under Lanfeng's instruction, Terumi Mei assassinated the Kumogakure envoy who came to Kirigakure Village to seek peace.

Completely intensified the war situation.

In the next few days, Lanfeng issued a declaration of war to countless ninja villages through Terumi Mei.

He seems to want to challenge the entire ninja world on his own.

All the Ninja Village ignored Terumi Mei's crazy behavior.

I thought Yagura was already crazy enough, but I didn't expect the newly appointed Mizukage to be ten times crazier than Yagura.

Some of Kirigakure's ninjas could not stand Terumi Mei's cruel oppression, so they became rebel ninjas and left Kirigakure Village.

The Daimyo of the Land of Water even ordered that Terumi Mei Mizukage be deprived of her position.

But they were all rejected by Terumi Mei with thunderous means.

Terumi Mei even separated Kirigakure Village from the Kingdom of Water and established a new political power.

And all these crazy actions finally made Kirigakure Village uneasy.

Coups continued, and within a few days, the entire Kirigakure returned to the pre-liberation state.

All the ninjas who came to persuade Terumi Mei were mercilessly killed.

No one dared to persuade Mi Mei anymore, and the entire Kirigakure was completely reduced to hell.

Not only that, Terumi Mei also lived a luxurious life in Kirigakure Village.

The economy of Wuyin Village is also not as good as before.It's as if there is a ruthless devil's hand controlling everything behind the scenes.

Terumi Mei is the puppet on strings.

Loquat Juuzang looked at the sky blackened by smog and couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing the sound, Gansaki Kisame said directly: "Don't be so melancholy, brother Papa."

"Brother Lanfeng has already told you, the ultimate goal of the Akatsuki organization is to rebuild the ninja world."

"Give the ninja world a peaceful world, and then we will make the rules of the world. It's cool to think about it, isn't it?"

"Compared to that world, what is this cruel sacrifice?"

Hearing this, Loquat Juzo looked solemn and said anxiously: "This is my hometown after all."

"My hometown has become like this, why can't I complain?"

Hearing this, Gansaki Kisame showed an evil smile and said directly: "Brother Loquat, you are just too soft-hearted. Sometimes people have to be cruel."

"You have only seen the cruelty of Kirigakure Village today, but who knows who made Kirigakure Village what it is today?"

"Is it the legendary Uchiha Madara, or the Sandaime Mizukage? Or Senju Ranfeng?"

"No, they are the ones who drove us into this darkness."

"If we were like Konoha, growing under the sun, how could such a tragedy happen?"

Hearing this, Loquat Juzo's eyes trembled.

Although I don't agree with what Kisame said, I have more or less figured it out.

If Lanfeng's plan can really be realized, maybe the world can really return to peace.

His vision still needs to be set a little higher.

While Kisame and Loquat Juzo were talking, Lan Feng's figure suddenly appeared behind them.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave."

Hearing this, Kisame Kisaki said reluctantly: "Why so fast?"

"I haven't had enough fun yet. The brutal regime is really exciting."

Hearing this, Juzo Juzo squeezed Kisame's body back.

"If you want to stay here, just stay here. I'm leaving anyway."

After hearing this, Kisame spread his hands and sighed: "I didn't say I wouldn't leave either."

"Just before we leave, should we do something else?"

Hearing this, Juzo Pagoda glanced at Kisame Kisame and said, "What else do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Mikigaki Kisame put his arm around Loquat Juuzou's shoulders and said, "You've always been interested in that Fifth Mizukage, haven't you?"

"Now that he is obeying Mr. Lanfeng's words, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity... huh?"

As he spoke, Kisame stretched out five fingers and then slowly clenched them into a fist.

Understanding the meaning of Kisame's words, Juzo Hagi immediately pulled out his beheading sword and chopped it towards Kisame Kisame's head.

Kisame Kisame immediately crouched down, dodged the blow, and quickly apologized and said: "Why are you so angry, Brother Loquat, I was just talking about it for fun."

Loquat Juzo narrowed his eyes slightly, then put away the broken knife and ignored Kisame.

Lan Feng brought dried persimmon Kisame and loquat Juzo to Mizukage's office.

Terumi Mei heard that Lanfeng was leaving and seemed reluctant to leave.

"Master Lanfeng, are you leaving now? I can't bear to leave you."

Lan Feng also felt a little upset as he kept being called by his master.

Therefore, Terumi Mei was forced to change it to Lord Lanfeng. This was a more respectful title without any ambiguity.

(End of this chapter)

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