The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 122 The cowardly Danzo, Lanfeng returns to the chapter base!

Chapter 122 Cowardly Danzo, Lanfeng returns to base!

Chapter 122 Cowardly Danzo, Lanfeng returns to base!
Hearing Terumi Mei's words, Lanfeng turned around and said, "No matter how reluctant we are to leave, we have to leave. Do your duty well and I will come back again."

Seeing that Lanfeng had decided to leave, Terumi Mei did not continue to stop him.

They also forcibly organized the ninjas of Kirigakure Village to send Lan Feng off.

Lanfeng took Orochimaru and others straight out of Kirigakure Village.

The moment they came out of Wuying Village, the sun shone on their faces, and several people flinched.

Especially Suigetsu, Zabuza and them felt a bit dazzling.

They hadn't seen the sun outside for a long time, so they seemed a little scared.

Kisame Kisaki raised his head and glanced at the huge sun and said: "Instead of being underground in the darkness with heavy fog and shadows, it is most comfortable under the sun."

Faced with Kisame's meaningful words, Juuzou Loquat did not reply.
Several people headed all the way to the base of the Kingdom of Water.

However, at this time, Lan Feng felt as if something was following behind him.

Turning his head to look, the guy had disappeared without a trace.

Lanfeng didn't pay attention and continued to lead them back.

At this time, on a branch, Danzo was gasping for air and sweating all over his body.

He had been squatting outside Kirigakure Village for a long time, and originally wanted to take the opportunity to assassinate Lan Feng.

But when he came out again, there were so many ninjutsu masters gathered around Lanfeng.

These guys have records on their ANBU roster.

As expected, the ninja wearing the scarlet amber must be the Red Sand Scorpion.

He is the grandson of Chiyo's mother-in-law. His strength is unknown, but his puppetry skills are as good as Chiyo's.

Several other Kirigakure masters are also among the candidates for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

There were even two who were members of the former Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

It belongs to an existence that is infinitely close to the shadow level.

Especially the one following them was a partner he could never forget in his dreams.

Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas of Konoha Ninja Village!

How did they get together?

Putting these configurations together, even if he risked his life, it would be impossible for him to hurt Lan Feng in the slightest.

But just now he clearly had the opportunity to assassinate Lan Feng, but he didn't dare to take action.

Danzo punched the trees one after another, gritting his teeth and resenting his own cowardice and incompetence.

This time Danzo made a belief that only by becoming stronger can he be able to kill Lanfeng and become Hokage.

At this time, Kakashi was looking at Danzo not far away.

There was a solemn look in his eyes.

Like Danzo, he didn't have the courage to assassinate Lan Feng.

Regardless of whether there were so many people around him, he just didn't dare to take action.

After all, he failed to live up to the expectations of the Sandaime Hokage.


Lanfeng took Orochimaru and others all the way back to the Water Kingdom base.

Kisame looked at the vines all over the mountain and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Is this the move used to deal with me? It's really surprising."

Kisame put his hand on the vine, and a surge of chakra suddenly poured into his body.

Samehada moved excitedly behind his back, frantically absorbing the chakra in the vines.

"It's incredible that chakra can be secreted from it."

Looking at the dried persimmon Kisame looked around like a curious baby.

Lan Feng ignored him and directly launched Wood Escape and Tree Realm Descend. "" After taking all these vines back, several people quickly returned to Madara's underground base.

Looking at the surrounding scene, several people looked a little surprised. This place was really weird and safe.

Especially those statues of gods make people feel extremely real.

Lan Feng picked up Kimimaro from Obito's arms and placed him on the stone platform.

Connect Kimimaro to the chakra channel of the heretic demon.

A steady stream of chakra from the heretic demon poured into Kimimaro's body.

Kimimaro suddenly felt extremely painful.

For such a small body, it is indeed difficult for him to bear such a large amount of chakra.

However, as the successor of Corpse Bone Vein, Lanfeng believed that he could be made into the most powerful human weapon.

Chakra continued to pour in, and Kimimaro screamed in pain.

Obito and others couldn't bear to see it.

Not only did Lan Feng fail to restrain himself, but he also increased the output of the heretical demonic elephants.

There was no regard for Kimimaro's personal safety.

Seeing this, Orochimaru stood up and said: "If the main body is damaged, future genetic research will lack a lot of experimental materials."

Hearing this, Lanfeng glanced at Orochimaru coldly and said, "You don't need to worry about this kind of thing. You just need to study the genes of the corpse veins with peace of mind."

"Whenever you discover a true corpse bone vein, you will be free."

Hearing this, Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, looked directly at Lanfeng and said: "As long as I clone a real corpse bone vein, you will give me one, right?"

Hearing this, Lanfeng said without comment, "I promised to give you a clone of the corpse bone veins."

"But I didn't say which one it was. Don't you think I would give you the first clone?"

Orochimaru's face was twisted. Although he had known this result for a long time, Orochimaru was still a little unwilling after it was confirmed.

And Lanfeng said that one of them could be given to him.

It didn't say which number should be given to him.

In other words, it may not be his turn for the second clone.

But now that he was on someone else's territory, Orochimaru didn't dare to say anything, and said with a smile: "Then I hope you will abide by the agreement."

"I now need a specialized research room with all the materials and instruments available."

After hearing this, Lanfeng looked directly at Obito and said, "You should have saved a lot of funds over the years."

"I leave Orochimaru's research to you."

Obito's eyes narrowed slightly after hearing these neither salty nor bland words.

This guy really tried to trick him into death.

Although he did save some funds over the years.

But to engage in something like genetic research that consumes a lot of money, his funds are far from enough.

Thinking of this, Obito's eyes showed a solemn look and said: "If you just build a research room and purchase some initial materials, it is indeed enough."

"But with some follow-up research later, it is estimated that there will not be that much left."

Hearing this, Lanfeng pretended not to hear it at all, looked at Obito again and said, "Go and bring Yahiko Minato, Konan and the others over."

"Let them also get to know the real leader of the Akatsuki organization."

After hearing this, Obito was helpless and used the Kamui Space to hide his figure.

Not long after, Obito appeared again, and there were three more people around him.

They are Nagato, Yahiko and Konan.

(End of this chapter)

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