The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 123 establishes the tone of the Akatsuki organization and begins to perform tasks!

Chapter 123 establishes the tone of the Akatsuki organization and begins to perform tasks!
Chapter 123 establishes the tone of the Akatsuki organization and begins the mission!
Lanfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Orochimaru and others and said: "The three of them are the founders of the Akatsuki organization.

"The red-haired one in the middle is called Uzumaki Nagato, and he is your leader."

Hearing this, Kisame Kisame, Juuzou Loquat, including Zabuza.

They all showed a look of disbelief.

These three brats looked smaller than Lanfeng and Obito.

Turns out to be the founder of the Akatsuki organization?

And the one in the middle who looks thin and weak is actually their leader, which is really hard to believe.

Mikigaki Kisame walked over and hugged Uzumaki Nagato's shoulders and said: "This brat who is not as tall as you is our leader. How can I be convinced by this?"

Hearing this, Konan and Yahiko immediately pulled out their kunai, pointed at Kisame and said, "Stay away from Nagato, otherwise we won't be polite!"

After hearing this, Kisame's chakra appeared on his hand and he was about to take action.

Seeing that Yahiko and Konan were in danger, Nagato immediately activated the power of the Rinnegan.

In an instant, a powerful force pushed Inikisaki Kisame out.

Everyone was shocked, they knew how amazing Kisame's chakra was.

It was really unbelievable that he was pushed out by the kid in front of him with a glare.

Everyone looked towards Uzumaki Nagato's eyes and saw the Rinnegan going around and around, making people's eyes dizzy.

Kisame Kisame gritted his teeth and said, "Those eyes, could it be that..."

Before Kisame could speak, Lanfeng picked up the conversation and continued: "Yes, that is the Eye of God, which is more advanced than the Mangekyou Sharingan."

"The configuration of the Immortal of Six Paths, the Eye of Reincarnation!"

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

Everyone has heard of the legend of the Six Paths Sage who created the ninja world.

And except for the Immortal of Six Paths, no one has been able to open the Samsara Eye so far.

How on earth does this young man know what virtues and abilities he has? He can actually open the Eye of Reincarnation.

No wonder Lanfeng chose him to be the leader of the Xiao organization. This guy is indeed extraordinary.

Seeing everyone's shocked looks, Lan Feng said coldly: "Aren't you still convinced now?"

"Since you have joined the Akatsuki organization, all actions must be subject to the decision-making of the leader of the Akatsuki organization."

"If not, I will personally take action to get rid of him."

After hearing this, everyone, including Inigaki Kisame, became serious.

No one dared to disobey Nilanfeng.

Since Nagato is the leader chosen by Lanfeng, they must recognize him.

Everyone bowed to Nagato.

"See the leader!"

Seeing this, Nagato, Konan and Yahiko looked at each other in confusion.

His expression seemed a little nervous.

Finally, Nagato took a step forward and said with cold eyes: "Get up!"

After hearing this, everyone stood up.

At this time, Lanfeng issued the first order and said: "Research funds are now limited."

"For the time being, you just go out to take on some tasks and earn some funds."

"Half of the funds will be given to Orochimaru for research, and the other half will be given to Konan as funds for future activities."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other. Although they had some differences on this decision, they all did not dare to disobey Nilanfeng and could only nod in agreement.

Finally, Lanfeng also divided the mode of performing tasks in pairs.

Let them take care of each other.

Soon, everyone except Orochimaru formed a team to take on the mission?
Lanfeng was guarding Kimimaro to prevent him from having any accidents.

If his experiment succeeds, Kimimaro will become the most powerful weapon in the world.

By the time.There is no one stronger than this child in the entire ninja world.Thinking of this, Lanfeng also connected to the chakra channel, still absorbing the endless chakra in the outside demon statue.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Members of the Akatsuki organization have been accepting tasks from various black markets step by step, thereby earning high bounties.

Of course, new members are also being developed at the same time.

Part of these bounties were used for Orochimaru's genetic research.

There is also a part that is stored with Xiao Nan for future emergencies.

Lan Feng took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

He and Kimimaro have been absorbing chakra for three consecutive years.

His body had reached its limit and he had to forcefully wake up.

Lanfeng cut off the chakra pipeline and stopped the input of chakra.

At this time, Kimimaro's body.But still absorbing chakra.

And the upper limit is still not reached.

Lanfeng couldn't help but let out a breath of turbidity. He was truly worthy of being the only successor of Corpse Bone Vein, and he was able to persist for such a long time.

Lanfeng didn't bother Kimimaro, he stood up and walked out of the underground passage?

Looking at the surrounding scenery, which was still the same as before, he couldn't help but show a solemn expression.

Maybe it's time to start taking action again. In the past three years, I don't know how the war outside has been going.

I wonder if the Konoha Ninja Village has forgotten him. It's time to create another wave of hatred.

But before that, he needed to take a look at Orochimaru's research results.

After all, this is related to the inheritance of corpse veins.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng walked straight towards Orochimaru's research institute.


research room,

Orochimaru looked at the data in front of him and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

Three years have passed, although there have been breakthroughs in genetic research.

But it is simply impossible to copy a complete corpse's bone veins.

From the corpse veins, Orochimaru has analyzed some truths.

It turns out that the Kaguya clan has always had a terrible genetic disease.

And this genetic disease is hidden in the corpse veins.

As long as you inherit the corpse bone veins, you will definitely not be able to escape the fate of early death.

No wonder Lanfeng was so anxious to clone a new corpse.It turned out to be preparation for this.

But the history of corpse bone veins is very strange.

Are they people who have violated the taboo of life and death?
Death is their inevitable fate. Even if they clone a new corpse, they cannot completely avoid this fate.

And I want to truly clone a new corpse vein inheritor.

There must be a second ginseng copy, otherwise accurate gene replication will not be possible.

If Lanfeng knew, he wouldn't even be able to clone a second Kimimaro.

Then he will definitely be abandoned like a lost dog, or even killed.

Over the years, he has taken money from the Akatsuki organization, and in addition to doing research, he has also been secretly working on his own business.

If he is discovered, he will definitely die.

Of course, there is a more risky method, which is to kill Kimimaro.

Then extract all the genes in his body.

By using all the genes to complete the deficiencies in these genes, a new body can be cloned.

(End of this chapter)

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