The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 141: After a year, the plan to destroy Konoha is restarted!

Chapter 141 After ten years, the plan to destroy Konoha is restarted!
Chapter 141 After ten years, the plan to destroy Konoha is restarted!

Hearing this, Lan Feng raised his eyebrows.

"That guy Orochimaru really understands my heart."

Having said this, Lan Feng stood up straight away, his eyes were deep, and he said, "In that case, let's go back."

Hearing this, Obito asked doubtfully: "Then you don't care about the affairs of this place?"

Hearing this, a solemn look appeared in Lanfeng's eyes, and he said, "You don't need to worry about this anymore. Take me to see Orochimaru."

Obito didn't waste any time, activated the Kamui Space, swept the wind, and returned to the base of the Kingdom of Water.

When he reappeared, he was already in Orochimaru's research room.

Although he was mentally prepared, Orochimaru still seemed a little scared when he saw Lan Feng.

However, Orochimaru did not stop his research.

Pour a drop of purple liquid directly into another red reagent bottle, and the two will react instantly.

A cloud of pink smoke emerged.

Seeing this, Lanfeng frowned slightly, looked at Orochimaru and said, "The genetic research should be almost complete."

"If you are just doing these insignificant studies, don't blame me for not warning you."

Hearing this, Orochimaru calmly picked up the reagent bottle and shook it in front of Lan Feng.

"Don't worry, genetic research has entered the final stage."

"Now it's just a matter of waiting for time to pass and then we can grow a new organization."

"What I'm doing now is just passing the boring waiting time."

At this point, Orochimaru changed the topic and said directly: "That guy Fei has already conveyed everything I want to say to you."

Hearing this, Lanfeng was noncommittal, looking at Orochimaru indifferently and said: "Ah, I have already said it, but I would like to hear what you mean."

Hearing this, Orochimaru looked up at the ceiling, showed an evil smile and said, "To be honest, I really miss my Sarutobi-sensei after not seeing him for so many years."

"I wonder how Mr. Yuan Fei has been doing these past few years. I really want to personally give him a big gift."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru's face suddenly darkened.

Then he looked at Lanfeng and said, "You and I should have the same idea."

"Such a great opportunity can cause heavy losses to many ninja villages in one fell swoop. You won't let it go."

Hearing this, Lan Feng's face showed no expression.

Orochimaru couldn't even detect a hint of hatred in Lanfeng.

"Have you forgotten that unforgettable hatred?"

"Isn't this hatred enough to continue supporting your crazy plan?"

Hearing this, Lan Feng turned around and said, "I established the Sound Ninja Village."

"After the genetic experiment is completed, you will go to the Sound Ninja Village and take up the position of Sound Shadow."

Hearing this, Orochimaru couldn't help but look horrified.

He was completely stunned and couldn't believe it.

Establishing the Sound Ninja Village is part of his plan.

He originally planned to establish a Ninja Village and then compete with the wood industry.

But he never told anyone about this plan.

Why did Lanfeng know and build the Sound Ninja Village in advance?

Is this guy powerful enough to see the future?

Orochimaru froze in place, unable to say a word for a long time.

Lanfeng had already walked to the door. After opening the door, he said: "With the name of Yinying, it seems that I am a little short of visiting Konoha's Chunin Examination."

"Get ready, let's go and kill the Yondaime Kazekage!" As soon as these words came out, let alone Orochimaru.Even Obito was shocked.

Their information has been gathered online, and the Yondaime Kazekage is going to visit Konoha's Chunin Examination.

He also stopped by to explain misunderstandings and reach a peace treaty.

But they still didn't tell Lanfeng about this matter, but Lanfeng still guessed it.

They had to marvel at Lanfeng's intelligence gathering capabilities.

While they were marveling, Lan Feng had already walked out of the room.

Immediately afterwards, Lanfeng summoned all the members of the Xiao organization back.

A group of members of the Akatsuki organization stood below, looking at Lan Feng sitting in the middle, with a solemn look in their eyes.

Scorpion's anger seemed very strong, and he said directly: "If you have anything to do, just tell me quickly, I hate waiting!"

Upon hearing this, Shuiyue put the broken knife on his shoulder and said, "Hey, Mr. Xie, your temper is really bad."

"Since Lord Lanfeng has summoned us all, there must be something big to talk about."

Hearing this, Deidara clenched his fists excitedly and said, "What big deal is it? Tell me quickly."

"I can't wait to take us to experience more splendid art."

As soon as he said this, Hidan squeezed up from behind, carrying his Mitsuki Lotus, licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Have you finally thought clearly about promoting our evil god?"

"Why don't we just turn the Akatsuki organization into the headquarters of the Evil God Cult?"

"I think it's pretty cool here."

Listen to the chatter below, chattering there.

Lanfeng opened the Mangekyou Sharingan. Seeing this, everyone shut up?
He just stood there, not daring to speak.

The next moment, Lan Feng said coldly: "Ten years have passed."

"Within these ten years, I have summoned you and provided you with shelter."

"Now, it's time for you to do your part."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what Lan Feng was going to say.

The next moment, Lan Feng straightened his body and said seriously:
"After ten years, Konoha destroyed the plan and started again!"

After hearing this, all members of the Akatsuki organization, including Xie, frowned.

Of course they knew about Konoha, which was the head of the five great ninja villages.

Although it suffered two devastating attacks, it still could not stand among the five great ninja villages.

Lanfeng actually said that he would launch some plan to destroy Konoha.

Although they like challenging and exciting things.

But with their current strength, isn't it a bit reckless to fight against the strongest ninja village among the five major countries?

Although some people are worried, others are happy.

Kisame Mikigaki clenched his fists and walked out.

"After so many years, are you finally willing to let us go on a killing spree? It's really exciting."

Immediately afterwards, Kakuzu also walked out, licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Are you going to take me to find a stronger heart this time?"

"The hearts I've been looking for over the years are just too crotch-stretching."

"It would be great if we could snatch the heart of the Sandaime Hokage."

After hearing this, Lanfeng waved his hand to signal them to be quiet.

Seeing Lan Feng's appearance, everyone became quiet.

At this time, Lan Feng was heard saying:
"Next, let me briefly introduce the planning process."

(End of this chapter)

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