The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 142: Kill the 4th Kazekage, the powerful Kimimaro!

Chapter 142: Kill the Yondaime Kazekage, the powerful Kimimaro!

Chapter 142 intercepts and kills the Yondaime Kazekage, the powerful Kimimaro!

"The first step is to rob and kill the Fourth Kazekage, and then let Orochimaru dress up as the Kazekage and go to the Konoha Ninja Village."

"Suigetsu, Kimimaro, and I are pretending to be students from other ninja villages. We are going to take the chunin exams."

"You and Obito are lying in ambush outside. When my signal is given, you will enter Konoha and kill as much as you want!"

"Kill them all, civilians and ninjas alike!"

Hearing these harsh words, everyone looked at each other in shock.

I don’t know what kind of hatred Lanfeng and Konoha suddenly have.

However, they knew that if they did not complete Lanfeng's mission, they might be killed.

After explaining what they should say, Lanfeng cut off the chakra tubes of Kimimaro and the heretic demon.

Kimimaro opened his eyes, and a red chakra surrounded his body.

Feeling this sudden momentum, all members of the Akatsuki organization took a step back.

Kimimaro's strength has increased more than ten times compared to three years ago.

Three years ago, they had already been unable to deal with Kimimaro even if they joined forces.

I wonder how strong Kimimaro will be this time.

Lanfeng touched Kimimaro's forehead, and then said: "You should have heard my plan."

"I have only one request for you. You are not allowed to use the chakra of the heretic demon."

Hearing this, Kimimaro was thoughtful, then nodded and stood up.

In the past three years, Kimimaro has grown a lot, almost catching up with Lanfeng.

The first time Kimimaro stood up, he saluted Lan Feng.

"Don't worry, Lord Lanfeng, as long as it is your instruction, I will definitely do it."

After hearing this, Lanfeng touched Kimimaro's face to express comfort.

The reason why Kimimaro is not allowed to use the chakra of the Heretic Golem.

It was not for Kimimaro to hide his identity.

It’s not that he’s afraid of Kimimaro going berserk.

But Kimimaro, who has not yet undergone cell transplantation, is about to become ill.

If such a powerful chakra is used to fight, genetic diseases will definitely be induced in advance.

If Kimimaro, a war weapon, dies before the success of cell research, it will be his loss.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng said directly: "Then act quickly, I don't want you to be held back."

After hearing this, the members of the Xiao organization, although very impatient, had to obey Lanfeng's order.

He saluted Lanfeng directly, and then headed to Konoha Ninja Village under the leadership of Nagato and Pain.

At this time, only Ranfeng, Obito, Orochimaru, Suigetsu and Kimimaro were left in the field.

Lanfeng glanced at Obito and said, "You should have been following up on the Yondaime Kazekage's itinerary. Take me there now."

Hearing this, Obito looked helpless. This guy was getting better and better at arousing him.

Obito activated the Kamui Space and sucked them all into it.

Soon he appeared in a desert.

The sweat on Shuiyue's body fell like a waterfall.

"This is a place where birds don't poop and there are no people."

After hearing this, Lan Feng's eyes showed a solemn look.

The figure quickly rose into the air, and Lanfeng quickly locked onto a group of marching troops not far away.

And among them was the fourth generation Kazekage, Rasa.

One of the Jonin looked at Luo Sha and said:

"Master Kazekage, is it really okay for us to take just this few people?"

"Grandma Chiyo strongly opposed it, saying that the road to Konoha would be very dangerous." Hearing this, Luo Sha shook his head.

"We are here to visit the Chuunin oral exam, not to start a war. If we bring too many words, it will be self-defeating."

Hearing this, the other ninjas of Sunagakure Village all showed a solemn expression.
The Jonin said again: "Master Kazekage, do you really believe what Konoha said?"

"Senju Lanfeng has indeed been confirmed as a traitor, but it cannot be ruled out that they have discussed this possibility before."

Hearing this, Luo Sha waved his hand and said sternly: "Don't say anything like this again that affects unity in the future!"

"Senju Blue Wind is a devil. I believe that the Sandaime Hokage would not be able to do such a thing."

"If we fall into his trap this time, then there will no longer be a possibility for our Sunagakure Village to live in peace with Konoha."

After hearing this, everyone fell silent and stopped talking.

However, at this moment, several people discovered that someone seemed to be blocking the road ahead.

"Master Kazekage, look!"

Hearing this, the Yondaime Kazekage looked forward intently.

When he saw the man wearing a chrysanthemum mask standing in the middle, he couldn't help but look horrified.

He immediately recognized that it was the culprit who, together with Qianju Lanfeng, attacked Shayin Village six years ago.

The Yondaime Kazekage's eyes were horrified and he spoke directly:
"Hurry up and return to Sunagakure Village immediately!"

After hearing this, the jounin from Hidden Sand Village had not yet reacted.

They were just about to obey Kazekage's order and return to Sand Hidden Village.

But at this time, an inexplicable pressure came down from the sky.

Lan Feng immediately opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

A black flame burned on the bodies of those Jonin.

When the black flame was about to burn onto Luo Sha's body.

The surrounding fine dust immediately floated into the air, and the Fourth Kazekage blocked this almost fatal blow.

In an instant, the fourth generation Kazekage used the substitute technique to escape from the siege of Amaterasu's flames.

He looked up at Lan Feng.

The magnetic release sand gold suddenly condensed into a huge arrow and pushed towards Lan Feng.

The Lanfeng Mangekyō Sharingan changed at this moment.

Around Lan Feng's body, a golden chakra surrounded it.

A yellow Susanoo appeared.

He firmly blocked the Yondaime Kazekage's fatal blow.

Seeing this, the Yondaime Kazekage had a look of horror in his eyes.

The fear of being dominated six years ago jumped into my mind at this moment.

Lan Feng drew his bow and nocked an arrow, shooting towards Yondaime Feng Ying.

The Yondaime Kazekage immediately activated his magnetic escape, forming a shield to block the attack.

But every time he blocked it, he would suffer backlash.

Lanfeng's energy is simply too powerful.

When the Yondaime Kazekage was struggling to resist, a young figure appeared in front of him, it was Kimimaro.

Kimimaro sprouted two bone spurs from his hands and attacked directly at the Yondaime Kazekage.

With every attack, the Yondaime Kazekage's body suffered a backlash.

Immediately afterwards, the Yondaime Kazekage spit out a mouthful of blood, with a solemn look in his eyes.

At this time, Lanfeng also stopped attacking and quietly watched Kimimaro's performance.

Even though he didn't use the chakra of the Heretic Golem, Kimimaro's attack was still very powerful.

He can at least be evenly matched with the Yondaime Kazekage.

(End of this chapter)

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