The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 26 Facing the furious Tsunade, Fugaku’s determination

Chapter 26 Facing the furious Tsunade, Fugaku’s determination
Chapter 26: Facing the furious Tsunade, Fugaku’s determination
After returning to the village, the first thing Tsunade did was to visit her sister and nephew at the Uchiha Clan's headquarters.

It was discovered that the two people were missing, and after a round of questioning yielded no results, they found the third Hokage, Sarutobi, and found out the truth that broke his heart.

She seemed to have lost her soul, being dragged by Jiraiya and Orochimaru to drink to calm down.

The third generation meant to let Jiraiya and Orochimaru enlighten Tsunade so that she could calm down temporarily and not act impulsively.

But drinking to drown your sorrows makes you even more miserable.

After drinking seven or eight bottles of soju in a row, Tsunade's consciousness was gradually taken over by alcohol-catalyzed anger.

Pretending that he was fine, he separated from Jiraiya Orochimaru from the tavern.

Tsunade, who was drunk and flushed, came straight to the Uchiha chief's house!

Looking outside the house, Tsunade was furious.

Fugaku shouted something bad!

"Tsunade, listen to my explanation."

Before Fugaku could finish speaking, Tsunade suddenly burst out with a tsunami of chakra!
"Right now, I just want to hear your last words!" Tsunade roared and charged forward like a crazed beast!

This speed is no less than Konoha's yellow flash and Namikaze Minato's teleportation technique!

In just a blink of an eye, he was already approaching Fugaku's face!

Tsunade raised her arm high, her muscles tightly tensed, carrying gusts of wind, and slammed down with a punch!
If you were hit by this punch, your head would be smashed in an instant!
Fugaku couldn't care less about the pain all over his body, dropped the door panel and rolled to the side.

Tsunade's speed was too fast and she couldn't stop the car at all, so she punched the door panel with one punch!
With the loud sound of broken boards, wood slag flew all over the room for a while!
Tsunade's punch directly broke the door panel, and also punched a huge hole in the wooden floor!

There was a crisp click.

Because the power of this punch was so powerful that Tsunade's arm was directly fractured and dislocated!

Standing upright unsteadily, with the hot smell of alcohol blowing from her nostrils, Tsunade shook her arms like a puppet with strings cut off.

The next second, part of Baihao's Art was opened, and the bones that were crumbling a second ago were restored to their original state in an instant!
In addition to the blood inheritance boundary of Mu Dun, the Thousand Hands clan also has a powerful recovery ability, Muyin Healing.

With such powerful vitality, the Thousand Hands tribesmen can recover very quickly no matter how serious the injury is!
Although Tsunade cannot be cured by Muji, she is still young and has strong vitality. After the instant opening of Baihao, minor injuries such as fractures can be restored to the original state in the blink of an eye.

After twisting her joints a few times, Tsunade turned to look at Fugaku, who had rolled to the side and was still breathing heavily.

"Give you another chance."

"Do you have any last words?" Tsunade said with murderous intent, approaching Fugaku step by step.

"Tsunade, I am indeed guilty."

"But what happened between Ai and Lanfeng was not my fault." Fugaku defended, still feeling lucky.

Tsunade ignored it, losing all reason under the influence of alcohol.

"I remember, these are your last words"

With that said, Tsunade walked up to Fugaku and raised her arms again, chakra surged like a tide!

Looking at Tsunade who came to claim his life, Fugaku complained in his heart.

Thinking about it carefully, I have lived to be 30 years old in my life, and it seems that I have unlimited glory.

In fact, it was a complete failure!

From falling in love with Senju Ai, to giving birth to Ranfeng, to marrying Mikoto, and then giving birth to Itachi and becoming the clan leader.
Nothing in his life can be decided by himself.

Uchiha was a family he was proud of.

It's also the hand of fate that's holding his throat!

He is said to be the clan leader, but in fact he is just a tool used by the elder to control the Uchiha clan and seize the power of Konoha in the future!

When nothing happens, his security team does the dirty work, and the one who makes the decisions behind the scenes is the Great Elder from beginning to end!
Now that Tsunade learned that her cousin and nephew were killed, she came to ask for help.

At this time, the great elder put a few words on his head!

You are Tsunade-hime's brother-in-law, but I am not!
It's you who didn't treat her sister and nephew well!

When it comes to this responsibility, it is also your personal responsibility!
During the day, my father-in-law's heartless words were still in my ears.

He picked it clean
Seeing Tsunade's powerful fist whistling towards him.

Fugaku lay on the ground, suddenly feeling relieved.Love, I am ashamed of you and Lan Feng
I deserve to die at your sister's hands.

Thinking this, Fugaku smiled bitterly.

Slowly closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry, love, Lanfeng."

"I'm here to apologize to you in person."

There was a deafening roar, and Tsunade's fist smashed down.

The dust in the house was flying like a sandstorm!
Fugaku's head was intact.

On the battlefield, Tsunade used her fists to smash the heads of countless enemy soldiers.

This punch missed the target and only hit the floor beside him.

"You, why don't you hide?"

I don’t know if reason overwhelms the effect of alcohol.

Tsunade regained her consciousness.

Her voice suddenly lost the irrational rage it had before.

Her messy hair covered her eyes, and Fugaku couldn't see her face clearly.

"Why did you miss the target?"

Fugaku didn't answer, but asked in despair.

A minute ago, the door panel was knocked off guard by Tsunade and was pressed heavily against the wall.

Fugaku had already suffered serious internal injuries!
If Tsunade's punch hit him, Fugaku would have no chance of surviving.

He wished Tsunade would beat him to death!

"I am a sinner."

"From the moment I developed feelings for love that were not recognized by Uchiha, my fate was doomed."

"Tsunade-sama, please send me on my way." Fugaku said with a trembling voice as his eyes were closed in pain.

However, Tsunade's fist never landed on him.


A drop of water suddenly and silently fell on Fugaku's face.

Opening his eyes with difficulty, he saw more tears coming out of the hair on Tsunade's face.

"You said it so easily"

"Do you think Ai and Lanfeng will forgive you if you die in my hands?"

Tsunade's voice was full of sadness and unwillingness, and tears kept falling.

"You damn fool!!"

With an angry curse, Tsunade's fist hit every corner of Fugaku's body like a storm.

However, the strange power of breaking gold and breaking rocks just now is no longer there.

These fists now look more like an ordinary woman venting her grief and anger.

Fugaku gritted his teeth and endured the burning pain all over his body without saying a word.

It's just the retribution he deserves!

After fighting for an unknown amount of time, Tsunade was even out of breath, and Fugaku's face was already bruised and blue.

Tsunade raised her arms high, increasing her strength this time.

"I'm not going to kill you because it'll get my hands dirty!"

Then, he punched Fugaku in the temple.

Fugaku fainted on the spot and fell unconscious!
(End of this chapter)

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