Chapter 27 Revenge begins, desperate Fugaku

Chapter 27: Revenge begins, desperate Fugaku

Watching the setting sun outside the house gradually disappear, and finally the entire sky was swallowed up by the night.

Tsunade looked at the stars, stood up and kicked Fugaku aside, who was beaten into a human shape.

"Love, if you could see it, you wouldn't allow me to kill him."

"You have always been such a gentle person."

Looking at the meteors streaking across the sky, Tsunade looked haggard.

Hatred is a chain that entangles everyone in the ninja world.

No exceptions.


It had been some time since Tsunade left, but the Uchiha clan leader's mansion was still in a mess.

The door was damaged, extending from the entrance, to the corridor, and into the living room.

Debris of glass and wood were strewn all over the floor.

Fugaku, who was covered in wounds, opened his eyes with difficulty.

"It hurts." Covering his arm, Fugaku sat up while resisting the pain all over his body.

"Fugaku, you finally woke up." Mikoto saw her husband waking up and leaned closer to her.

He raised his sore arms and put his arms around Mikoto's shoulders.

Fugaku remembered what had just happened.

Tsunade didn't make a killing move.

After venting his resentment, he disappeared without a trace.

Fugaku was still a little scared, so he raised his head and looked around the living room.

The entire living room and even the courtyard outside.

They were all filled with Uchiha ninjas.

Everyone was fully armed and on alert.

"Father, he heard that it was Tsunade-sama who beat you like this."

"So, I called all the people in the clan who could gather here, and said that for the next matter, he would personally go find the Hokage-sama." Mikoto leaned against Fugaku's chest and whispered.

Fugaku had mixed feelings in his heart, and Mikoto was a model of a good wife and mother.

"I'm sorry, Mikoto, for making you worry." Fugaku said blaming himself.

"Don't say that."

"I am your wife, and I should share your troubles."

There was no blame in Mikoto's heart, only distress.

For a moment, Fugaku didn't know what to say and gently stroked his wife's hair.

"Master Patriarch, the young master has been found!" At this moment, a servant quickly arrived.

"Where did you find him? How is he?" After hearing this, Fugaku and Mikoto also hurriedly asked.

But after hearing this, the servant's expression changed, and then he whispered in Fugaku's ear: "Master Itachi is fine, not injured, he was just too frightened and has fallen asleep in his room."

"It's just." The other party gritted his teeth and stopped talking.

Seeing the way the other party hesitated to speak, Fugaku felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Where did you find him?"

Fugaku asked eagerly, but the latter looked troubled.

"In the Forest of Death"

"Master Weasel said, it's Thousand Hands Lanfeng."

The servant's words confirmed Fugaku's ominous premonition!
I had long heard that Lan Feng was not dead, and that he had also awakened Mu Dun.

Through Itachi's experience, this rumor can basically be confirmed!
However, before he could recover from the surprise, almost at the same time, the Uchiha ninjas in the courtyard suddenly noticed something strange in the sky.

"Look at the sky!"

"Something fell!"

"It's human! It's all human!!"

The night sparrow spreads its wings and soars high in the sky, its dark feathers blending into the night sky.

Lan Feng was sitting on Night Bird's back, and he was constantly making wooden clones and falling downwards.

After landing on the ground, the wooden clones were instantly surrounded by Uchiha ninjas.

"Why do these guys all look the same?"

"Hey, you ignorant thing, do you know that this is the residence of our patriarch?"

"Look at this face, it looks like the clone of that sick little bastard! He's not dead?"

"You dare to break into the Uchiha clan chief's house at night, you are tired of living!"

Hearing the yells and curses from the tribesmen, Fugaku forced his way to the door regardless of Mikoto's obstruction.Looking at the faces of wooden clones in the courtyard.

"Lan Feng."

Although they hadn't seen each other for three years, Fugaku still recognized his son at a glance!
The wooden clones have the instructions of the main body.

Fugaku was not their target.

Their mission is to clear the way for the main body!

"Stop talking nonsense to these guys, kill them!"

"Let them see how powerful our Uchiha are!"

The Uchiha ninjas displayed their weapons one after another and swarmed towards the wooden clones!

"Be careful!" Fugaku shouted anxiously.

He knew that Lan Feng was no longer what he used to be, but the other Uchiha clan members didn't know that!

Looking at the murderous Uchiha ninja, Lanfeng just nodded towards the sky, and then the night bird immediately flapped its wings!

The next second, countless black feathers fell from the sky.

In an instant, darkness fell.

The Uchiha ninjas surrounding the wooden clones were all deprived of their sight!

The next second, before they could panic, they were killed by the wooden spikes fired from the wooden clone!

Dozens of Uchiha ninjas in a circle fell to the ground like puppets with strings cut off.

The most powerful family in Konoha, the elite combat power of the Uchiha family, are all gathered here.

When the Third Ninja War broke out, the Uchiha family refused to send their elites to the battlefield.

The excuse used was that as a member of the Konoha police force, he had to stay in the village to maintain law and order.

In fact, it was to take advantage of Konoha's lack of combat power and seize power!

These Uchiha ninjas would never dream of it.

He did not escape the fate of dying in battle, but today, he died in the Uchiha clan's camp!
Looking at the courtyard in front of him, there were corpses all over the ground.

Fugaku's heart seemed to have fallen into an ice hole!

His mind went blank and he stood there at a loss.

"Do you know why I didn't take away your vision?"

"Because I want you to see with your own eyes that your own people are being killed one by one!"

"I want you to see yourself being disemboweled by me!"

A cold voice full of sarcasm came.

Fugaku's eyes widened as he watched a young man fall from the sky and land steadily in the courtyard.

"Don't be stunned here."

"Go, let's make a big fuss!" Lanfeng said to the wooden clone.

A group of Mu clones understood the idea physically and mentally and scattered in all directions. Then as the Mu clones left, Lanfeng also began to form seals quickly.

Tonight is destined to be a disaster for the Uchiha clan!

Stepping over the corpses of Uchiha ninjas on the ground, Lanfeng shook his head while preparing the technique to reverse space.

"I didn't expect that the legendary Uchiha only has so much ability."

"If the resistance received is too weak, revenge will not be so satisfying."

"You said yes, Uchiha Fuyake!"

Lanfeng stood still in front of Fugaku and said with a sneer.

After three years, the father and son faced each other again.

Things have long changed!

"Lan Feng? Is it really you?"

Fugaku couldn't believe his eyes.

His memory of Lanfeng still remained in the medicine jar where he was bedridden and coughed all day long.

And the young man in front of him exuded a strong murderous aura.

Except for the fact that his appearance has not changed much, everything else is completely different from the Qianju Lanfeng back then!

Facing Fugaku, he had an expression of disbelief.

Lan Feng sneered and said in a cold tone: "Lan Feng is not here."

"What you have in front of you is the vengeful demon of Thousand Hands!"

Lan Feng glared at Fugaku angrily.

Meeting his son's eyes, Fugaku gasped.

He saw Lan Feng's pair of Sharingan eyes exuding murderous intent!
The next moment, as he completed the seal, streams of chakra were drawn out of his body like a tide!
The Master of Illusion·Tianyu!

(End of this chapter)

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