The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 29: Uchiha killed his father with his own hands and was stained red with blood

Chapter 29: Uchiha killed his father with his own hands and was stained red with blood
But these words made Lan Feng feel sick!
"How do you have the right to 'forgive' me?"

"Aren't you the fault of everything now?"

"Your face is too ugly!" Lanfeng said unceremoniously.

Fugaku closed his eyes in pain and shook his head.

"I don't deny a word of what you said. I am indeed ashamed of you and your mother."

"But don't you want to know the truth of the matter? Do you really think that it was me who killed Ai?"

"Actually, I am just the great elder's puppet. He is the decision-maker behind everything."

Every word Fugaku said was true and from the bottom of his heart.

But Lanfeng couldn't even hear a single punctuation mark.

"It's really ridiculous. Why are you trying to quibble when you're about to die?"

"Save your energy, no matter how you distance yourself, you can't change the fact that you killed my mother!"

"If you have any conscience at all, don't resist, let me send you to hell!"

The stormy wind suddenly rose, and the Wooden Release chakra surged: "Wooden Release·Explosive Gun Tree!"

With a loud shout, countless wooden rattans sprouted from Lanfeng's arms, twisted into a stream in the air, turned into tree trunks and rushed towards Fugaku.

Death at the hands of Lan Feng was not unacceptable to Fugaku.

But Fugaku is still unwilling!
Even if he dies, he doesn't want to die taking the blame for the great elder!

Fugaku's eyes were bleeding, and Susanoo instantly formed a semi-complete body, just like a skeleton wrapped in armor.

The purple skeleton arms tightly grasped the vine trunk of the blaster tree.

Squeeze it hard and it will shatter into pieces!

"Lanfeng, I haven't seen you for three years. You have grown a lot."

"It's very different from before, but I don't know if you are really capable of taking my life!"

"Our battle will soon attract people from the village. You'd better stop, otherwise you will be outnumbered."

".Am I going to be killed if I fail to take revenge?" Lanfeng interrupted Fugaku with a sneer, his voice full of mockery: "Isn't your Mangekyo Sharingan just a decoration?"

"Open your dog eyes and take a good look outside!"

Hearing this, Fugaku frowned.

Look to the side again, through the paper window that has been torn into pieces.

The courtyard that was supposed to be the patriarch’s residence
Now there is nothing, a void of darkness!

"What's going on?!" Fugaku was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.

When Fugaku was completely unknown, Lanfeng used Tianyu Zhongzhu to create a different-dimensional space.

Now the entire house is shrouded in another dimension, and no one from the outside can enter at all.

Moreover, all the Uchiha tribesmen outside were deprived of their eyesight by the night bird's feathers, and turned into blind men with black eyes!
The wooden clones slaughtered the Uchiha tribesmen like a group of animals waiting to be slaughtered.

Screams and the cracking sounds of flesh being torn apart were endless.

It's just that Fugaku, who is in a different dimension, can't hear any of these sounds.

Lanfeng looked at Fyuue's horrified expression with great interest.

"Do you think that if I kill you alone, it is considered revenge?"

"Don't be naive! No one in Uchiha is innocent, including your good father-in-law! Haven't you suffered from being dominated by him as a puppet for a long time?"

"Don't worry, he will go to the same place as you tonight!" Lan Feng proudly vented loudly.

Sweat poured down Fugaku's forehead, and his teeth gritted loudly.

"Lanfeng, you shouldn't be like this."

"It's not fair to you to bear such a deep hatred in order to retaliate against me."

Listening to Fugaku still trying so hard to persuade him to give up his hatred, Lanfeng's stomach churned and he almost vomited.

If only, if he, Uchiha Fugaku, had any backbone, he would dare to disobey the great elder for the sake of his lover and son.
Maybe Senju Ai is still alive today.

On the surface, it seems that Fugaku is a poor man who does not want the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha to break out, and has no choice but to be manipulated by the great elder.

But poor people must be hateful!

In Lanfeng's eyes, it was Fugaku's weakness and indecisiveness that made his mother Qianju Ai become a victim.

Use this kind of sacrifice to gain peace in Konoha.

He can't possibly approve it!

Uchiha Fugaku must die here today!

Although the Mangekyō Sharingan is powerful.But in Wood Release, there are too many killing moves that can defeat Susanoo!
"That's what I still say."

"If you really feel guilty for me and my mother, then give up your resistance and let me kill you!"

"Otherwise, everything you say is just fart!" Lan Feng's voice was cold and heartless.

Seeing that it was useless to say anything, Lan Feng was determined to fight with him to the death.

Although Fugaku was in great pain, he was helpless.

"Okay, since you said so, Lan Feng."

"Then let's see if you are capable enough!" Fugaku no longer defended blindly, but also became murderous!
Susanoo behind him suddenly had a sharp ax in his hand.

The purple chakra flames rose straight up and slashed towards Lan Feng's face!

Each pair of Mangekyō Sharingan summons Susanoo with different weapons.

Sasuke's Susanoo uses a bow and arrows, while Uchiha Madara's uses a long sword.

And what Susanoo of Fugaku used was the guillotine in his hand!

Seeing the sharp ax trying to strike on his own, Lan Feng remained calm and did not take a step back: "Wood Release·Mu Ding Wall!"

In an instant, square wooden pillars sprang out from under the floor.

A shield was formed, protecting Lan Feng underneath.

"Do you want to resist Susanoo's attack with just this little trick?"

"Lanfeng, you disappoint me so much!" Fuyue shouted angrily and slashed straight at the wall of the ingot.


There was a loud noise, and the barrier composed of wooden pillars was split into pieces with a sharp axe!
Lifting the giant axe, Fugaku looked between the fragments of wood.

But there was no sign of Lan Feng!

There was only one wooden clone on the ground, chopped into two halves!
"Deceived by such a simple deception, your Mangekyō Sharingan is really a show-off!"

Hearing Lanfeng's voice, Fugaku was shocked and quickly retreated to avoid being suddenly attacked.

At this time, Lan Feng's body had already unknowingly flashed behind Fu Yue.

After all, we are facing the Mangekyou Sharingan. We cannot drag it into a protracted battle and must win it quickly!

Just use this trick to kill you!

"Such good eyes are wasted on you, a treacherous dog!"

"I'll take it and put it to good use!"

Before Fugaku could notice him, Lanfeng quickly completed the seal: "Wood Release·Vajra Moves Wood!"

As Lanfeng's hands suddenly slapped the ground, Fugaku turned around in shock.

But it was too late!

Gray-brown tree trunks rose up from Fugaku's feet, instantly piercing the roof!

Before Fugaku could react, the diamond wood suddenly shrank, squeezing Fugaku and Susanoo in the middle like a twist.

"Damn it, what's going on with this technique?" Fugaku clenched his teeth, trying to control Susanoo to swing the guillotine in his hand to chop off these tree trunks.

However, when the sharp ax blade struck the diamond wood, there was not even a single gap left!
King Kong's wood move is one of the most powerful wood escape techniques created by Senju Hashirama.

When Lanfeng returned to the ruins of the shack earlier, there were detailed records on the wooden escape scroll found among his mother's belongings.

It is completely different from the ordinary trees summoned by other wood escape techniques.

This diamond wood is impervious to water and fire, extremely hard, and its hardness is much higher than Susanoo's defense!

Fugaku obviously did not expect that Lanfeng could master such a superb wood escape.

And underestimate your opponent, especially your opponent who is determined to kill you.

This is a fatal mistake!
The incomparable power of the Vajra wood tightly locked Fugaku's Susanoo.

Under the crushing force of the powerful torque, Susanoo collapsed instantly!

"Gah." Fugaku let out a scream, which was drowned in the diamond pillar.

If he hadn't been beaten half to death by Tsunade earlier, Fugaku, who was in full condition, might have been able to maintain Susanoo for a while longer.

But right now, Fugaku only has half a life, and the chakra is simply not enough to sustain Susanoo!
Without Susanoo's defense, Fugaku would be a mortal body.

How can any mortal be able to withstand the crushing force of the diamond wood?

As Fugaku lost his voice, a pool of black blood flowed down the trunk of the diamond tree.

A leaf fell from the branch and slowly fell into the blood stain.

(End of this chapter)

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