The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 30 The pleasure of revenge, Sharingan evolves again

Chapter 30 The pleasure of revenge, Sharingan evolves again

Chapter 30: The pleasure of revenge, Sharingan evolves again
There was no expression on Lanfeng's face.

I don't know what Uchiha Fugaku looked like at the last moment before his death.

Is it fear?
Or the relief of finally being killed by his son
Looking at the blood-stained leaves, Lan Feng sneered.

Bend down and pick it up.

Just like Senju Hashirama, when he picked up the holes in the leaves thrown by Uchiha Madara.

Lanfeng looked at the leaves soaked in Fugaku's blood.

"Mother, have you seen it?"

"I finally avenge you."


Sadness came like a tide, swallowing up Lan Feng's entire mind.

He fell to his knees and the bloody leaves slipped from his hands.

Following the wind, it drifted into the darkness shrouded by illusion outside the window.


Outside the illusion barrier, the massacre continued.

The villagers outside the Uchiha station were all evacuated.

But within the station, the Uchiha clan members were not so lucky.

Because they were deprived of their eyesight, the Uchiha ninjas were powerless to fight back.

Not to mention civilians!
Lan Feng's wooden clone killed everyone on sight without mercy, no matter men, women, old or young, no one was spared.

Received news that someone was committing murder at the Uchiha station.

Almost all the ANBU in the village were mobilized to fight against the ridiculously powerful "murderer".

"What's the situation now?"

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen received the ANBU report and rushed to the scene without any delay.

In front of the clan leader's mansion, Anbu was helpless against the genjutsu that had been transferred to another dimension.

Meeting Sarutobi was like meeting a savior.

"Sandaime-sama, you are finally here!"

"It seemed like a barrier, but it didn't look like a barrier. We tried everything that might work."

"But there is no way to break the barrier of this jutsu." An ANBU jounin reported with a stern look on his face.

Sarutobi's eyebrows almost knit together as he looked up and down at the black barrier in front of him.

Reaching out, wanting to touch.

But this seemingly thin barrier like an egg shell cannot be penetrated no matter what.

"I have never seen such a technique before"

The Third Hokage was nicknamed Doctor Ninjutsu, and he was like a walking encyclopedia.

But even the ninjutsu doctor has never seen this flawless illusion before him.

Although I don’t know how this technique can isolate space.

But who wrote this technique?
Sarutobi knew it all too well!

"Tsunade, where are you now?" Sarutobi asked the ANBU behind him without looking back.

"I can't find her anywhere now"

"Near the village gate, some villagers said they saw her appearing near the village entrance in the evening."

"They should have left the village!" Anbu thought for a while and said.

When he heard that Tsunade was not in the village, Sarutobi breathed a long sigh of relief.

If Tsunade knew that the Uchiha station was sealed in another space, the one who massacred her was her nephew Lanfeng.
I'm afraid it will only add to chaos!
"Listen, the person inside now may be Qianju Lanfeng who disappeared three years ago."

"If it's really Lan Feng, he's probably awakened the Wood Escape, and it's his Wood Clone that's being massacred here!"

Listening to Sarutobi's stern words, all the ANBU felt the hairs on their bodies stand on end.

"What do you mean?"

"Activate all reconnaissance squads on standby and search for Qian Hand Lan Feng's body with all our strength!"

"If you can capture the main body, the wooden clone will naturally disappear!"


Sarutobi was worried, staring blankly at the dark barrier in front of him.

Now, we can only hope that Lan Feng's body is not inside.

From now on, there may be no Uchiha family in Konoha!Sarutobi's prayers were naturally going to be in vain.

At this time, Lanfeng was sitting alone in the courtyard corridor of the patriarch's mansion.

In the Naruto anime, many stories happened in this house.

Fugaku and Itachi's father-son conversation.

Itachi stabbed his brother Sasuke to the head, and said "Forgive me Sasuke, next time".

Later, Mikoto Fugaku died under Itachi's sword.
Although there is darkness in the world of Naruto.

But overall it's still full of love and bonding.

This life comes to the real world of Naruto.

Lan Feng finally understood.

The world is as black as a crow!

After releasing the wood escape of Vajra Wood, the huge towering Vajra Wood slowly burrowed back into the ground.

Uchiha Fugaku's body was too horrific to look at.

The bones were dislocated, and the skin and flesh were torn all over the body.

Lanfeng stood up numbly and walked to Fugaku's body.

Whether it's Fugaku in the anime or the one in front of Lanfeng.

They all died at the hands of their own sons.

This can be regarded as the end of the world line.

"It seems like you went a little too far." Lanfeng squatted down and inspected Fugaku's head.

It wasn't that he thought his father-killing act was excessive, but he was simply worried that the huge destructive power of the Vajra Move would damage the most precious part of Fugaku's body.

When Fugaku's eyelids were opened, the eyeballs underneath were intact.

"It's okay." Lan Feng exhaled.

He sneered and dug out Fugaku's eyes!

"What you owe me and my mother can never be repaid no matter what."

"These eyes are just a small compensation."

Putting Fugaku's kaleidoscope into a test tube and sealing it, a satisfied smile gradually appeared on Lanfeng's face.

These eyes will be of great use in the near future!

Suddenly, Lan Feng noticed a slight difference.

Look carefully at the test tube in your hand.
There was a reflection on the wall of the tube, and it was not the pattern of Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan.

The sharp shurikens at the four corners lie across the middle, and four jade-like dots are scattered in all directions.


"Hahahaha!" Lanfeng laughed wildly, the powerful chakra in his body surging like a tide.

After completing his revenge on Fugaku, his Sharingan also evolved!
This unique kaleidoscope pattern in the world is the best proof!

"Fugaku, you died well!"

"When you were alive, you never looked at me, but now that you are dead, you have helped me a lot!"

"I still have to thank you!" Lanfeng said with a wild smile to Fugaku's body on the ground.

The chains of hatred tightly wrapped around Lan Feng's heart.

Three years ago, Zhongfu seemed to have guessed wrong about what he said to Lanfeng.

He underestimated Lanfeng's hatred for Uchiha!
At this moment, Lanfeng felt extremely happy because his great revenge had been avenged!
There is nothing more satisfying in the world than killing an enemy with your hands!

If falling into darkness is the prerequisite for becoming stronger, then Lanfeng is willing to be swallowed up by the darkness in his heart.

This kind of ninja world is full of injustice and conspiracy.

A voice sounded in Lanfeng's mind, which reminded Lanfeng.

Yes, just revenge against Uchiha and Konoha is not enough.
"I made a decision."

"This kind of world, even if it is completely destroyed, there will be no regrets!"

Lanfeng held the test tube tightly in his hand, and Fugaku's eyes inside were floating up and down in the preservation solution.

And his own Mangekyou Sharingan was also spinning rapidly.

"To destroy this entire ninja world, I'm afraid more power will be needed."

"Fortunately, I know very well where to find the way to become stronger."

"Start from there!" Lan Feng's eyes flashed red, releasing the space displacement created by the illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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