The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 31 Meeting a powerful enemy again, the first fight with Orochimaru

Chapter 31 Meeting a powerful enemy again, the first fight with Orochimaru
Chapter 31: Meeting a powerful enemy again, the first fight with Orochimaru
Sarutobi Hiruzen stood outside the door of the Uchiha Clan Chief's Mansion, watching the black space in front of him suddenly disappear.

I was suddenly surprised and happy!

"The barrier disappeared?"

"Quick, go in and look for it, Qianju Lanfeng is probably in there!"

"Be careful, he is very dangerous!" Sarutobi immediately ordered the ANBU around him.

Several ANBU jounin received the order and entered the house cautiously.

In the house, everyone found Fugaku's body with his eyes gouged out.

They found Mikoto who was unconscious in the side room with one of her arms torn off alive.

Of course, there are also the corpses of Uchiha ninjas scattered all over the courtyard.
Only Lan Feng was nowhere to be seen!
Sarutobi Hiruzen stood in front of Fugaku's body.

Looking at the extremely tragic death of Fugaku, he frowned.

"Reporting to the Third Generation, Senju Lanfeng has not been found!"

"There are also wooden clones outside. They are so powerful that we can hardly resist them."

"What should we do now?" an ANBU jounin asked tremblingly.

Sarutobi felt miserable and slowly closed his eyes.

Lanfeng must still be in the village now, he can't run very far in such a short time.

Now we not only need to find his true body, but also find a way to deal with the wooden clones that are killing him wantonly!
At this point, it is no longer possible to block the news that the Uchiha have been completely wiped out.
The only way is to devote as much combat power as possible to reduce casualties.

As the third generation Hokage, this is the responsibility that Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot shirk!

"It looks like I have to face Lan Feng's wooden clone in person."

"Arrange a feint attack team to attract the wooden clones here as much as possible, and let me try to deal with them."

"Go quickly!" Sarutobi raised his hand and said loudly.

The ANBU jounin shrank and nodded to accept the order.

"Orochimaru, where are you now?" Sarutobi turned around and asked another ANBU.

The ANBU thought for a moment and answered in a deep voice.

"It should be in his institute."

"Sandaime-sama, do you want him to come to help?"

"Then how about putting Tsunade and Jiraiya together?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Sarutobi interrupted the ANBU sternly, and said with a scary look, "Lanfeng is her nephew, and Tsunade must not be allowed to know about this!"

If Tsunade knew what Lan Feng did tonight.

I'm afraid it will help Lan Feng in turn!
As for Jiraiya, if Tsunade sides with Lanfeng, his position may also be shaken.

One Lanfeng is enough to make people anxious.

If Tsunade and Jiraiya help, I'm afraid the entire Konoha will be in danger tonight!
"Remember, just notify Orochimaru, and allocate additional manpower to keep an eye on Tsunade and Jiraiya."

"We must prevent them from participating in tonight's matter at any cost!"



At the Konoha gate.

Because there is a complete security system, defense and reconnaissance barriers are all over the sky.

In the past, there were usually only two chunin on duty at the entrance of the village.

But tonight, there were four ANBU teams guarding the gate of the village, with a total of 12 people.

In order to prevent the murderer from escaping the village, he let the tiger return to the mountain.

These ANBU received a death order and vowed to guard the village gate to the death.

Not a single bird can be let out!


"I heard that the one we have to guard against tonight is the consumptive ghost from Uchiha before?"

An ANBU, holding a long sword in hand, asked his companions on the side.

"Yes, the one named Qianju Lanfeng."

"Shouldn't he have died three years ago?"

"I said he was missing, but I didn't say he was dead." "Hey, that guy was so sick that he couldn't walk a few steps. Doesn't missing mean he is dead?"

His companion could not see his expression through the mask.

But judging from the slight trembling all over his body, he must be very nervous and kept looking around for what was going on.

"Don't take it lightly. I heard rumors that not only is that kid not dead, he has also awakened Mudun!"

"Mudun? How is it possible? That is the limit of blood inheritance for the first generation of adults."

"If that kid has such powerful abilities, how could he be so sick since he was a child?"

"In my opinion, the Third Generation is too worried. If it is really that kid, there is nothing to be afraid of."

In the past three years, under the orders of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the news of Mu Dun's reappearance has been strictly blocked.

Although there are some rumors discussing this matter in the ANBU directly under the Hokage.

But most people don’t believe it!
These four teams were lucky tonight and were arranged to defend at the entrance of the village.

Otherwise, these people would probably be just like the ANBU in the Uchiha clan, with more than half of them dead or injured!

But their good luck has come to an end.

"Who!" An ANBU asked in shock as he vaguely saw a figure coming from a distance.

Upon hearing the movement, all twelve ANBU jounin took out their weapons and faced the front with serious expressions.

Under the cover of night, the face of the visitor could not be seen clearly.

Only a pair of glowing red eyes could be seen.

"Be careful!" An ANBU noticed the murderous intent and immediately shouted to his teammates.

But it's too late!

Wooden spikes sprang out from the ground and instantly pierced all twelve ANBU jounin!
Everyone who was standing one moment was all dead on the spot the next second!

Lanfeng walked to a pile of corpses and watched the blood flow out, soaking his heels.

"Good nutrition." With a sneer, Lanfeng leaned down and stretched out his hand to absorb the blood power of these Anbu.

It takes at least eight to ten years to grow from a genin to an ANBU step by step.

Especially in times of war.

The ANBU members who can survive the war are the elite among the elite!

After absorbing the blood of these people, Lanfeng could clearly feel that his strength was rising.

"This is really an interesting technique."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from behind.

Lan Feng was startled and stood up.

No need to look back, you know who is coming.

Throughout the entire Naruto world, there will never be another person with such a hoarse voice that makes people's hair stand on end.

The proud disciple of the Third Hokage, a genius ninja who is proficient in all kinds of secret arts.

At such a young age, he is already a strong contender to be the next Hokage.

"It seems that the third generation has sent his most proud student here." Lanfeng said coldly with his back to Orochimaru.

Turning around slowly, what caught his eye was indeed Orochimaru's bloodless face and a team of ninjas led by him.

The moment he met Lanfeng's eyes, Orochimaru's face suddenly flashed with joy.

On the boy's face, Orochimaru saw what he had dreamed of most.

"Sharingan, or the three magatama?"

"There are very few people in this world who inherit the bloodline of Senju and Uchiha at the same time, who can use Wood Release and possess the Sharingan."

"Interesting." Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue and licked his lips.

Lanfeng looked at the nausea, frowned and said, "You are indeed so disgusting."

And Orochimaru looked at Lanfeng's eyes.

There is clearly a killing intention of the python staring at its prey!
"I heard that tonight, with just one person's power, you almost killed all the Uchiha."

"This is not a crime that only requires a few years in prison. Are you ready to pay the price for what you have done?"

(End of this chapter)

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