The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 32: The feud with Tai and the bitter battle with Orochimaru!

Chapter 32: The feud with Tai and the bitter battle with Orochimaru!

Although Orochimaru was still loyal to Konoha and the Third Hokage at this time.

But just look at his appearance and conversation.

If you don’t know better, you will definitely think that this is a heinous villain.

Faced with the threat of Orochimaru, Lanfeng remained unmoved.

Instead, he sneered mockingly.

"Am I guilty? What am I guilty of?"

"I just made Uchiha pay the price they deserve for their actions."

"Is this considered a crime?" Lanfeng said jokingly.

Looking at Lan Feng's ruthless look.

Orochimaru saw a bit of himself in this young man.

"Okay, let's stop chatting here, the combination of Senju and Uchiha power."

"Let me see how much you weigh!"

After saying that, Orochimaru suddenly raised his arm, "Latent Shadow Snake Hand!"

In an instant, several long white snakes with sharp fangs rushed straight towards Lanfeng!

This is Orochimaru's most commonly used move.

If you are unfortunate enough to be entangled by a snake, you will either die or be disabled!
Lan Feng stood there with disdain on his face, motionless as he greeted the white snake rushing towards him.

Just when it was less than half a meter away from hitting the target.

All the white snakes stopped in the air!

If you look closely, you will see that a row of wooden thorns growing out of the ground have tied these white snakes into meat skewers!

"It seems that I have been underestimated." Lan Feng said coldly.

As the words fell, a raging fire instantly ignited from the long thorns that pierced the white snake!
These beating flames roasted all the white snakes in an instant!

As Lan Feng waved his arms, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

With the help of the wind, the flames suddenly shot up to a height of more than three meters, burning along the snake's body towards Orochimaru.

"Tsk, is there such a thing?" Orochimaru saw that the situation was not good and pulled out his arm from the pile of snakes.

He turned over and jumped ten meters away.

Looking at the fire in front of him, Orochimaru's face turned red.

While he was surprised, he also felt a burst of joy.

"It's not like something Wooden Release and Sharingan can do."

"Boy, where did you learn such a magical move?" Orochimaru asked, raising his voice.

Across the flames flying in the sky, Lan Feng looked at Orochimaru with cold eyes.

The secret technique of weather is the secret ninjutsu of the Yotai clan.

In the Naruto anime, Yota was used as a test subject twice and was reincarnated by Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto.

Although I don’t know who killed Yu Tai in that world.

But there is no doubt that Orochimaru did something extremely disrespectful to the deceased Yuta!
"Originally, you will know the secret of this technique in the near future."

"But now, you won't have this chance!"

Now Lanfeng has one more revenge to take.

Take revenge on Orochimaru for Yota in the Naruto anime world!

"Wood escape · thorn kill!"

As the Mudun chakra surged, many vines quickly grew from Lanfeng's sleeves.

This technique is somewhat similar to Orochimaru's Hidden Shadow Snake Hand.

One uses vines and the other uses white snakes.

The purpose is to strangle the enemy alive!

He saw numerous thorns and vines scurrying toward him like pythons.

Orochimaru, however, still had his trademark evil smile.

"What a wonderful power of wood escape"

"After you subdue this kid, you have to think of a way to get him."

"Can't miss such good experimental material!"

Orochimaru said secretly, clasping his hands together. "Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!" He opened his mouth wide and his chin stretched out like it was dislocated.

The next second, countless snakes spewed out from Orochimaru's mouth!

Even if Lan Feng watched this scene across the TV in his previous life, he would feel sick to his stomach.

Not to mention seeing it with my own eyes now!
But the current situation made Lanfeng vomit uncontrollably.

The speed of the snakes is even faster than the vines killed by the thorns!

Wood Release: Thorn Kill is a difficult ninjutsu, and it is difficult to avoid the snare-like vine attack.

But this technique also has a drawback.

That means you can't take the initiative to seek out the enemy!
The swarms of snakes sprayed out from Orochimaru's mouth were all controlled by Orochimaru, and there was no fear of death at all.

Rushing straight towards the thorns, one after another long snakes were stabbed or entangled by the thorns.

The thorns that hit the entity will no longer move forward and focus on strangling the target that has been hit.

Soon, the snakes and thorns almost died together!
"There is such a thing!" Lanfeng was stunned.

It seems that Orochimaru has already done in-depth research on Wood Release.

He knows exactly how to crack different wood escape techniques!
This is probably the most difficult opponent I have come into contact with so far!

Lanfeng's eyes became serious.

This battle must not be drawn into a protracted war.

Otherwise, with Orochimaru's many tricks, he would be able to catch Yinshi Lanfeng by surprise!
"This shouldn't be all you have."

"Come on, show me your power, descendant of Senju and Uchiha"

"Continue to attack!" Orochimaru shouted arrogantly to Lan Feng.

Lan Feng had a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Haha. Then it's better to be respectful than to obey!"

Just use this move to end the battle! "Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"

The stormy wind gathered the wood escape chakra and transferred it all to the tree seeds in the palm of my hand.

After receiving the activated seeds, dense trees instantly grow, forming a huge wooden dragon with a long hooked nose and thorns all over its body!

In the dark night, the wooden dragon's golden eyes are particularly dazzling!
The Wood Dragon Technique, like the King Kong's Wood Technique, is the secret Wood Release Technique of the First Hokage.

Needless to say, the power of this wooden dragon is so powerful.

No matter who it is, the moment they are touched by the wooden dragon, all the chakra will be sucked out of their body!

Even the Kyuubi was suppressed by this wood dragon technique!
Lanfeng's purpose is very clear.

While defeating Orochimaru, use the wooden dragon to absorb Orochimaru's powerful power!
Orochimaru looked at the giant dragon in front of him and his eyes widened instantly!

"How could he master this level of wood escape!"

There was no time to be surprised. Under the control of Lanfeng, the wooden dragon roared and rushed straight towards Orochimaru!

"Damn, I really underestimated him."

"Ninjutsu: Face-turning Technique!" Orochimaru slapped his hands on the ground and instantly summoned a huge python!

It's hard to say who is bigger, the giant python or the wooden dragon.

Under the control of Orochimaru, the giant python rushed straight towards the wooden dragon.

The two collided in the air and made a loud noise!
The swirling sand and dust made all the ninjas behind Orochimaru unable to open their eyes!
Wait until the dust has passed slightly, and then take a closer look.

The giant python swallowed the entire wooden dragon into its belly!
Face-turning jutsu is one such ninjutsu.

Pythons are creatures that never tear or chew their food.

No matter what the prey is or how big it is.

Swallow them whole and digest them slowly!

"You actually think your python can digest a wooden dragon?"

"You are too naive!" Lanfeng said sarcastically.

However, Orochimaru didn't take it seriously and once again showed a disgusting smile.

"It's really you who are naive."

"No matter how powerful you are, you are still just a yellow-haired brat!"

"Open your eyes and take a good look!" Orochimaru said with a sneer.

As the words fell, the giant python swallowed the whole wooden dragon.

Suddenly disappeared out of thin air!
As a burst of smoke rose up, Lanfeng reacted instantly!
(End of this chapter)

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