The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 41 This is Konoha’s consistent attitude towards heroes

Chapter 41 This is Konoha’s consistent attitude towards heroes
A gust of wind blows.

Roll up the withered yellow leaves on the ground and dance in the wind.

Tsunade's bangs covered her eyes.

Jiraiya couldn't see his face clearly.

"Don't say that, Tsunade."

"We are ninjas. Whether the village is good or bad is not a question we should consider. Naturally, there are three generations of adults and advisors to worry about."

"We just have to do our part." Jiraiya's voice also sounded sad.

Tsunade didn't answer.

These words are just general principles.

Jiraiya just wanted to persuade Tsunade to return to the village, as for these words.

He didn't really believe it himself.

"What do ninjas live for?"

"I don't know now. So I'm going on a journey to find the answer. Jiraiya, take care of yourself."

"Sooner or later you will understand what I just said."

After Tsunade said that, she walked into the wind without looking back.

Taking Silence with him, he disappeared at the edge of the cliff.

Only Jiraiya was left, leaning against a tree helplessly.

Looking at the sky, the flying dead leaves.

The Third Ninja War is still going on in full swing.

The closer it gets to the end, the more vigorously the major powers will fight.

The side that is in sight of victory wants to win as many small battles as possible and get as much loot as possible.

The party that is faced with enemies from both sides and is in a dilemma hopes to seize the opportunity that will appear when it does not know when and turn the situation around.

Konoha was almost one against five, and although good news came frequently, it also suffered heavy losses.

Moreover, there are no longer legends of the Sannin of Konoha on the battlefield.

Jiraiya fights alone.

Tsunade was nowhere to be found.

But Orochimaru did not go to the battlefield again.

He stayed in Konoha as a wounded soldier.

The flames of Budu Yuhun almost burned out his soul.

Although he saved his life, it also left behind sequelae and his body was extremely weak.

Today, the sun is just right.

With the help of the nurse, Orochimaru, wrapped in bandages, walked out of the ward to bask in the sun.

It took half an hour to walk to the park a few hundred meters away from the hospital.

Sitting on the bench, Orochimaru was sweating profusely and panting like an ox.

"Don't be too pushy, Mr. Orochimaru," the nurse said softly, "You are still very weak and cannot do strenuous exercise."

Orochimaru looked at the flowers and trees in the park with blank eyes.

"When I can move, I want to move as much as possible."

“This way you won’t feel like you’ve been abandoned by this world.”

His voice was hoarse than before.

And weak.

The nurse forced a smile, "How could it be possible, Mr. Orochimaru, you are worrying too much."

"I heard that that night, you faced the vicious Thousand Hands Lanfeng almost alone."

"You are our hero of Konoha!"

This name is too heavy.

As soon as the nurse finished her words of comfort, several children were seen playing and running into the park.

Before entering the park, we were still talking and laughing.

As soon as they entered the park and saw Orochimaru, everyone stopped smiling.

"Look at that man over there. Why is he wrapped like a mummy? Is he seriously injured?"

"No, I heard my mother say that this man is a deserter on the battlefield!"

"My father also said that he pretended to be injured and hid in the village because he was afraid of the war!"

"Is there such a person? A coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"


They say sincerity is a surefire skill.

Children's words are unbridled, and sometimes they can also be a sharp sword.

Orochimaru heard these children's unabashed remarks clearly.The nurse's comfort just now was all in vain.

"I knew Konoha thought so." Orochimaru said coldly.

The nurse looked a little embarrassed and hurriedly waved her hand and explained, "That's not the case, Mr. Orochimaru, don't take what children say seriously."

"Children don't think like this on their own," Orochimaru said with a pale face. "Don't they hear everything they say from their parents?"

"So, what does Konoha think of me?"

Orochimaru's voice sounded somewhat lonely.

The nurse was still racking her brains to think of a way to keep Orochimaru from feeling sad.

But he didn't hear a word of it.

Coward, deserter, traitor.
These words were like a branding iron, leaving a deep wound in Orochimaru's heart.

Even more painful than the trauma left by Lan Feng!
Regardless of what Orochimaru had in mind when facing Lan Feng.

A gentleman doesn't care about his deeds.

But judging from the results, Orochimaru can be called the hero of Konoha no matter what!

This is Konoha's attitude towards heroes.

In this way, they criticize and spread rumors about their heroes behind their backs.

Orochimaru even somewhat understood.

Why does Lanfeng want to take revenge on Uchiha and Konoha!

This also made Orochimaru, who was already dark in his heart.

Getting colder!


Orochimaru was enduring suspicion and abuse.

While recuperating in the village.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly.

During the battle between Konoha and Iwagakure.

The East Dead Man led the Iwagakure army and directly attacked the Land of Fire.

After successfully defeating the Konoha defense force led by Misura Hazaki, they were forced to the final predicament where only four people were left.

In this desperate situation.

Namikaze Minato arrived on the battlefield in time.

Easily defeated all Iwagakure ninjas!
With the Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato Namikaze shuttled back and forth across multiple battlefields, making a splash!
God has no adjacent bridge.

The Watergate squad received the mission to set up defenses nearby.

It serves as a transportation artery for Iwagakure to transport supplies to the battlefield.

If you can ambush here, you have a chance to annihilate the enemy's supply line in one fell swoop.

Directly turn the tide of the battle!

Although the Kannabi Bridge is still intact.

That can only mean that the battle of Kannabi Bridge has not officially started yet.

However, we don’t know the specific time point at the moment.

All he could see was the corpses of ninjas all over the ground.

Lanfeng walked around leisurely in the forest.

Look left, look again.

He casually grabbed the head of a corpse and pulled the dead ninja up.

The picture of this person before his death instantly appeared in front of Lan Feng's eyes!
"Is this Iwagakure's communications trooper?" Putting down the body, Lanfeng looked around.

He grabbed another head, closed his eyes and savored it for a moment, "Yes, it's a genin of Konoha."

This is Lanfeng's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Another unique ability!
By touching the target's head, Lanfeng can read all the target's memories.

No matter whether the other party is willing or not!

This ability ignores any defense.

Even, regardless of life or death, it can be [-]% effective!

By coincidence, when Lanfeng read the memory of a deceased person, the person was not completely dead yet.

He originally wanted to attack Lanfeng, but was bounced back by the power of Kaleidoscope.

This ability can also reflect Ninjutsu damage!

Ever since he became proficient in using this second ability, Lan Feng could clearly understand which stage the occupation had reached.

He urgently needs to know the current time.

This determines whether Lanfeng can meet the man who has the ability to change the structure of the ninja world!
(End of this chapter)

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