The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 42 You are indeed here, I have been waiting for you for a long time

Chapter 42 You are indeed here, I have been waiting for you for a long time
Chapter 42: You are indeed here, I have been waiting for you for a long time
Every time you pass a battlefield.

Lanfeng cleared the obstacles and killed the surviving ninjas one by one.

Now, for Lanfeng, absorbing power from the blood is no longer the most important thing.

He needs information.

Only if enough information is collected.

Only then can we judge the current time point.

If you are lucky, you can meet that person
The vitality in the blood is completely unnecessary.


"This is Kumogakure's medical ninja."

"Here. Haha, he's not dead yet. I'll give you a ride."

"Look at this again, Sunagakure's command staff?"

The billowing wind was like taking a walk after autumn, crossing the battlefield.

One by one, he checked the memories of the corpses on the ground.

In the Naruto anime, there are not many descriptions of the Third Ninja War.

If you want to know the current time, is it before or after the battle of Kannabi Bridge?

Not an easy task.

Just like watching a movie, Lanfeng looked at the memories of the corpses one by one.

In the distance, two figures emerged.

"His guess was indeed correct. This kid is really here."

said a man.

His body seemed to be split in two down the middle.

The left side is completely black, while the right side is completely white.

The entire upper body was wrapped between two pitcher plant-like serrated leaves.

"I didn't expect that the legend was actually true. It's so interesting."

"This kid has an ominous power, why don't we kill him here."

White Zetsu's voice is lazy, while Black Zetsu's voice is ruthless.

Beside Jue, stood another man.

Wearing a black cloak and a white swirling mask covering his face.

"That's the kid?"

"Doesn't look much older than me"

The 12-year-old Uchiha Obito's voice already sounded like he had gone through a lot of changes.

Full of world-weary emotions.

"How about it? Do you want to wait for him to come over here?" Bai Jue asked calmly.

Obito crossed his arms and snorted coldly, "No, let's go there."

"He has discovered us."

Hei Jue was stunned for a moment, "How is that possible?"

Although Black Zetsu didn't believe it, Obito was absolutely right.

The place was full of corpses and half-dead people.

The ground is full of poor and weak chakra.

Suddenly a powerful source of chakra appeared in the distance.

Of course Lanfeng had discovered Obito and Zetsu.

"I didn't expect it, it seems it's a step too late." Lan Feng murmured to himself, with some disappointment on his face. "It looks like that old guy is dead."

Watching Obito and Zetsu walking toward him step by step.

Lanfeng touched his chin.

Not necessarily.

"If you could see his eyes, you'd know what time it is."

"Or listen to what he says later!" Lan Feng said with a sneer.

Obito's face under the whirlpool mask had an extremely cold expression.

He came to stand in front of Lan Feng and looked up and down.

The 15-year-old boy in front of him was not exactly what he had imagined.

"Uchiha orphan, fate finally led you to me."

"I have been waiting for you for a long time. I have a plan related to the future of our Uchiha."

Obito said in Madara's cold voice.

Through the only hole in the vortex mask.

Lanfeng could see a Sharingan glowing red.

After a moment's pause, Lanfeng asked the crucial question.

"Who are you?"

The voice was as cold as Obito's.

There was even a hint of disdain.Hei Jue heard this and was the first to frown, "Boy, pay attention to your tone and attitude."

"If you don't want to die, you'd better be polite!"

Obito on the side stretched out a hand to stop Black Zetsu from continuing.

Staring at Lanfeng's face with his Sharingan.

"Uchiha Madara."

Obito said.

Hearing these four words, Lanfeng's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that it is really too late.

Obito calls himself Madara Uchiha, which means the real Madara is dead.

All the work was in vain.
Lanfeng felt a little disappointed in his heart, but he didn't show it.

Still feeling a little lucky.

Take a look at his Sharingan again to see if it has opened up to Kaleidoscope.

If Obito's kaleidoscope eyes were opened, there would be no chance that Madara would still be alive.

As a consolation prize, take away the eye that can enter the divine space.

It’s also a good profit!

"Uchiha Madara?" Lanfeng shook his head sarcastically and said disdainfully: "There is a limit to bragging. If Uchiha Madara is still alive, he must be hundreds of years old, hahahaha."

"Are you an immortal monster?"

Obito's eyelids twitched.

I was furious for a moment!

"My patience has its limits."

"If you make rude remarks again and again, it's hard for me to guarantee that you won't die here!"

This "Uchiha Madara" said viciously.

Lanfeng tried his best to hold back his laughter in his heart.

Obito knew nothing about Lanfeng.

Lan Feng knew everything about him!
When they met for the first time, from what Obito said just now, it was not difficult for Lanfeng to guess that the other party knew that there was such a person as him.

Moreover, it is very likely that it was under the arrangement of the real Madara.

Wait for yourself to appear nearby.

Now that we are facing each other, we will inevitably have to fight.

On the one hand, it is necessary to test Lanfeng's strength.

On the other hand, it is also a slap in the face to this person who shouldn't be there!

"Okay, I've never known what it's like to die."

"If you have a way to kill me, just do it."

"It's just" Lan Feng suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

He stared at Obito's Sharingan.

"Uchiha Obito, you'd better weigh how much you weigh!"

Obito's heart tightened.

The hairs on the back of my neck immediately stood up!

"What are you talking about?"

"What did you call me?!" Obito asked through gritted teeth.

Lan Feng was careless.

"U, Chi, Bo, Obi, Earth!"

Word by word.

Every word he said was like a hammer hitting Obito on the head!

"Hahaha, Obito, it seems your disguise has been seen through." Bai Jue also teased to add insult to injury.

"I didn't expect you to be depressed sometimes." Black Zetsu also mocked Obito mercilessly.

Although he couldn't see Obito's expression through the mask.

But Lanfeng could guess it.

This boy who opened a kaleidoscope at the age of 13 and massacred villages and teachers with his nine tails at the age of 14.

This moment is unprecedented panic!
"Oh, it seems like I have to stretch my muscles today."

"I heard from the old man every day that a hybrid of Uchiha and Senju appeared in Konoha. He is so powerful that he is expected to become the next Sage of Six Paths! I finally saw him today."

"Then let me see if you are really as strong as that old guy said!"

Obito said, pulling off the cloak behind him.

The Senju cells on the left half of the body were rolling and surging, and the Wooden Escape chakra quickly gathered.

But Lan Feng suddenly raised his hand.


"Who is the old thing you just mentioned?"

(End of this chapter)

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