The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 47 The inner struggle, who is the next Hokage?

Chapter 47 The inner struggle, who is the next Hokage?

Chapter 47: Inner struggle, who is the next Hokage?

Two advisors and Danzo.

He also followed closely and bowed to the ninjas.

For a moment, the applause was like thunder.

Some ninjas in the team couldn't help crying.

We risked our lives on the battlefield just to receive flowers and applause after watching the election today.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also clapped his hands gently and nodded frequently.

Looking at the weather-beaten faces of Konoha ninjas one by one.

However, they are still lucky.

Although most of them were injured to varying degrees.

But there are more Konoha ninjas who have become heroic souls who died on the battlefield.

Matt Dai defeated seven Kirigakure ninja swordsmen with the power of one person.

In the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, Obito Uchiha died due to meritorious service at the age of only 13 years old.

And his own son Sarutobi Shinnosuke...

When I think of these people who have dedicated their lives to Konoha and will stay on the battlefield forever.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but feel sadness welling up in his heart.

He thought about the unbearable past again.

On the battlefield, bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable.

But the massacre that happened in Konoha Village that night was the responsibility that the Third Hokage could not shirk!
I calmed down a bit.

Sarutobi cleared his throat and said calmly: "Everyone, this is the last time I will lecture you as Hokage."

"I have decided to step down as the Third Hokage."

"In the very near future, we will be voting on who will be the next Hokage."

Speaking of this, Sarutobi glanced at Minato intentionally or unintentionally.

Sensing Sarutobi's gaze.

Minato didn't know what to do for a moment.

He had to turn his head and look at Kushina aside.

"Why did the Third Generation suddenly decide to step down?"

"Kushina, weren't you fine when you returned to the village?"

When Kushina returned to the village to deliver information.

Participated in rescuing Orochimaru.

Of course she knew all about Lanfeng's massacre in the village.

The Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan are distant relatives.

Kushina was also heartbroken about what happened to Senju Ai and Lanfeng's body, and she didn't want to remember it.

So he didn't tell Minato.

"When I have time, I will explain it to you slowly." Kushina said with a slight smile.

Soon, the voting meeting began.

Participated by Konoha senior officials, advisors, elders and battlefield veterans.

In fact, even if this vote is not held.

The choice of the Fourth Hokage is almost obvious.

Right now, there is no one more suitable than Namikaze Minato.

His outstanding performance in the Third Ninja War.

Strong combat ability, sharp mind and command talent.

There is no doubt that he is a good candidate for leadership.

Although three years ago, the war had not yet started.

The most likely successor to Hokage is not him.

"Have you decided, Danzo?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked coldly.

More than half an hour has passed since the meeting began.

All participating representatives have basically completed their voting.

Only Danzo remained unmoved.

He crossed his arms and closed his eyes in silence.

"Danzo!" Sarutobi raised his voice.

At this time, Danzo opened his eyes indifferently.

"I abstain."

With the cold voice, the temperature in the conference room dropped a lot.

"Don't act out of emotion. What does abstaining mean?"

"You should know very well who to vote for!" Xiaochun scolded with a frown.

Danzo closed his eyes again.

He said in an extremely cold voice: "Who you think you should choose is up to you."

"I don't plan to vote because I don't think there is anyone who is worthy of my trust as the Hokage candidate."

"What are you doing?" Xiaochun still wanted to refute.

But Sarutobi put out his hand to stop him.

Shaking his head, he looked at the two apprentices beside him.There were supposed to be three Konoha Sannins.

Now, sitting next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, there were only Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, seemed to be struggling internally.

I have yet to write down the name I think is appropriate on paper.

"Jiraiya, what are you waiting for?" Sarutobi asked expressionlessly.

Glancing at the teacher, a drop of sweat slowly slid down Jiraiya's forehead.

"Teacher, I"

Just about to speak.

Jiraiya's eyes met Orochimaru's again.

Orochimaru, from beginning to end, did not say a word.

But his sharp and cold eyes spoke louder than a thousand words!

If there hadn't been the Third Ninja War, it would have been Minato Namikaze who stole the show.

Orochimaru was supposed to be the best candidate for the Fourth Hokage!
The most proud disciple of the Third Hokage.

Konoha Sannin.

Ninjutsu genius.

Either one is a resounding name!

However, in just the past three years, everything has changed.

Namikaze Minato became Konoha's great hero.

And what about Orochimaru?
Under Sarutobi's instructions, he faced Senju Ranfeng alone.

In the end, he was defeated by Lan Feng and almost died.

After barely rescuing his life, he became a complete useless person.

No one would give the Hokage's hat to someone who couldn't even concentrate chakra.

From a Konoha genius to a useless person.

Orochimaru experienced ups and downs in his life in just a few years.

He had a cold personality, but now he often goes without saying a word for many days.


Under Orochimaru's piercing gaze.

Jiraiya was also in great pain.

"Don't look at me like that, Orochimaru."

"Don't force me to do things that go against my heart." Jiraiya said painfully.

As friends who grew up together.

Of course Jiraiya knew how talented Orochimaru had been.

but now
Even if Namikaze Minato is not his disciple, he still knows it clearly.

Minato is the most suitable candidate for Hokage.

However, to be precise, Jiraiya would rather Minato was not his apprentice at this moment!

Now, he voted for Watergate.

How will we face Orochimaru in the future?


I'm afraid I can't get rid of this hat.

"You don't have to worry about me."

"Choose whoever you want." Orochimaru said coldly.

This was the first thing he said in days.


Jiraiya's back was wet with sweat.

This was when Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth.

"Jiraiya, I know what you are worried about."

"Justice comes from the heart. I believe in your inner choice. No one will think that you are partial to your apprentice."

Sarutobi said this with great justice.

The original intention was to comfort Jiraiya.

But when Orochimaru heard it, he had a different meaning.

"As expected of a teacher."

"I would never favor my own students."

Anyone who hears Orochimaru's sinister words will understand.

He was full of resentment towards Sarutobi Hiruzen!

It was Lanfeng who almost killed Orochimaru.

But the one who arranged for him to die was Sarutobi!

With great inner struggle.

Jiraiya finally made up his mind.

He gritted his teeth and quickly picked up the pen, fearing that he would waver again later.

"Sorry, Orochimaru"

"I can not do it."

(End of this chapter)

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