The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 48: The 4th Hokage is born, some are happy and some are worried

Chapter 48: The Fourth Hokage is born, some are happy and some are worried

Chapter 48: The Fourth Hokage is born, some are happy and some are worried

There was no doubt about the outcome of the vote.

Except Danzo abstained.

Everyone unanimously approved the selection of the Fourth Hokage.

"So, strictly speaking"

"The third generation of adults has an unshirkable responsibility regarding Ai and Lanfeng."

"You can even say that he is an accomplice!" Namikaze Minato said with a solemn expression.

After listening to Kushina's story.

Minato felt the same in his heart.

The Konoha he knew shouldn't be like this.

The Third Hokage should not be indifferent to the innocent people in the village being killed for nothing.

Even acquiescence!
"The Third Generation has his own reasons."

"The Uchiha were too powerful before."

Kushina shook her head helplessly.

Minato closed his eyes and frowned.

"I have always thought that the second generation's policies are too radical."

"Uchiha has always had the idea of ​​​​rebellion. To a certain extent, he was forced by the second generation."

Although it says so.

Minato still had a stronghold in his heart.

Uchiha's persecution of Lanfeng and his son cannot be easily washed away.

And in the near future, he will also have to face this problem.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Kushina stood up and opened the door.

I saw an ANBU standing outside the door.

"Congratulations, Minato-sama."

"The voting results are out. Minato-sama, please be prepared. The inauguration ceremony of the Fourth Hokage will be held in three days."

Not surprisingly.

Although Kushina had been prepared for this news.

But he still couldn't hide the joy in his heart, "That's great Minato, you're going to be Hokage!"


He turned to look at his fiancé.

No excitement can be seen on their faces.

"What's wrong Minato, why are you unhappy?"

"This is the position of Hokage that many people dream of!"

Seeing Kushina's innocent smile, Minato couldn't bear to pour cold water on her.

He could only smile reluctantly.

"Of course I'm happy, Kushina."

"It's just that I don't know if I can be a good Hokage."

This is not modesty.

Minato knew very well that he had no idea about the future of Konoha and Uchiha.

Lanfeng almost killed all the Uchiha clan that night.

Not even civilians were spared!

However, only a few special survivors were left alive.

Uchiha Itachi.

Also, Uchiha Mikoto is about to give birth.

The unborn one in the belly, Uchiha Sasuke.

Minato was puzzled as Lan Feng had no intention of killing these people.

He didn't know many secrets of the Uchiha clan.

Especially, the evolution of the Sharingan.

and how to obtain the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

But one thing is certain.

These few surviving Uchiha.
I don’t know when in the future, it will become a serious problem for Konoha!
Whether Minato wanted it or not.

Three days later, the Hokage inauguration ceremony was held as scheduled.

It was not his choice.

The streets of Konoha were deserted, and everyone gathered around the venue.

The grand occasion is unprecedented, and the level of excitement even exceeds that of the Bon Festival.

Just as all the residents of Konoha took to the streets to cheer for the newly appointed Fourth Hokage.

There are also people who are carrying out their own research in dark and damp corners with resentment.Orochimaru.

The principle of good fortune and misfortune could not be more suitable for him.

Although he lost his combat ability due to an "accident".

And the name of Hokage is almost within reach.

But after being idle, Orochimaru also had more time to devote to his shady research.

This secret laboratory is hidden deep underground outside Konoha Village.

In the narrow space, the lights are dim.

Every table is filled with various bottles and jars.

The preservation solution and petri dishes are filled with all kinds of weird specimens and test specimens.

Orochimaru was almost submerged in the experimental equipment.

He didn't even seem to notice anyone approaching from behind.

Until Danzo was close at hand.

Then I heard Orochimaru's cold words: "Is it really appropriate for you to appear here at this time?"

Of course Danzo knew what he meant.

Currently, Konoha is holding a ceremony to celebrate Namikaze Minato's inauguration as the Fourth Hokage.

Danzo, a high-ranking official in Konoha, did not attend.

This obviously doesn't make sense.

"It's nothing. That boy Minato may not want to see my face."

Danzo said with resentment.

It seems that he comes here often, and he is familiar with the dark basement.

Danzo playfully picked up one test tube after another.

While looking at the contents inside, he said seemingly casually: "The situation you and I are facing now is actually the same to some extent."

"We are the roots of Konoha. We are buried deep underground all year round, doing shady jobs and taking on most of the dirty dark side of the village. This is our fate. But..."

"No one said that he would never see the light of day."

What a Konoha Riddler.

Although Orochimaru understood what he meant, he pretended not to understand.

"You can speak more clearly."

"You know, any negligence during the experiment may cause irreparable consequences."

"It's better not to play guessing games. Just tell me what you want from me."

He turned his back to Danzo and remained focused on the research at hand.

The two were silent for a moment.

Neither spoke.

Evil people and villains can often maintain the most basic tacit understanding.

Based on the same evil intentions.

But Orochimaru and Danzo are not completely evil people in the strict sense.

But they can also understand each other's thoughts.

"I have decided to support your research."

After a long time, Danzo broke the silence.

Orochimaru sneered.


"This is really news. So you have only started to support me now?" Orochimaru said sarcastically without concealing his inner sarcasm, "If it weren't for your support, where would this laboratory come from?"

That's right, this basement research institute was built by Danzo.

Long before Orochimaru lost all his power.

His shady research has been carried out for a long time with Danzo's secret support.

"But..." Orochimaru suddenly changed his attitude.

"What you mean by support is that you won't stand by me in the vote for the Fourth Hokage?"

Danzo had already guessed that Orochimaru was worried about this matter.

I have already thought about my speech.

"What's the use of saying this now?"

"That kid Minato is the one everyone expects. My abstention during the vote is already my greatest support for you."

"You do not have the qualifications to become Hokage now, but if that research is successful and the next Hokage is elected, I will do my best to support your election."

Faced with Danzo's prepared answer.

Orochimaru was obviously not satisfied.

It's okay to use this kind of words to fool others.

It's a bit naive to try to fool Orochimaru!

(End of this chapter)

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