The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 49 Orochimaru’s research, greater benefits!

Chapter 49 Orochimaru’s research, greater benefits!
Chapter 49: Orochimaru's research, greater benefits!
Orochimaru sneered.

Still facing Danzo.

"Do you think I've been playing games with the test tube beaker for so long?"

"Ever since my soul was burned by that bastard, I've been looking for a way to recover."

"And the source of his talent as a hybrid of Uchiha and Senju."

He is obviously not someone who accepts his fate.

I saw Orochimaru holding up a test tube.

There was a trace of fibers floating inside, human muscle tissue.

These organizations were obtained during the battle with Lanfeng that day.

"If you can get the complete Sharingan, my research speed can be further accelerated."

"Now, I'm getting closer and closer to combining the power of Sharingan and Wooden!"

"Only one step left!" Orochimaru's eyes flashed with cold cunning.

Danzo was unconsciously shocked.

But he did not make any revelations, and still said calmly: "Yes, then the Fifth Hokage, you will have a better chance."

"Hokage?" Orochimaru suddenly turned his head and looked at Danzo mockingly.

"Do you think I still want something that is in vain now?"

"What I want now is greater benefits!"

As early as childhood.

Orochimaru attended a funeral for the first time.

For the first time, I learned the meaning of death.

At that time, he was still a shy and ignorant child.

He followed Hiruzen Sarutobi and spoke little.

A small snake that appeared at the funeral attracted his attention.

"Teacher, what is this?" asked the young Orochimaru.

"This is a snake that is shedding its skin." Sarutobi stroked his disciple's hair lovingly, "Snake can extend its lifespan and even avoid death by shedding its skin!"

That day was probably the turning point in Orochimaru's life when he took office.

From then on, he became obsessed with research.

How to gain power, how to gain eternal life.

All research directions point to one conclusion.

The ancestor of ninja, the power of the Sage of Six Paths!
Now, the first person in history to possess the blood of the two sons of Sage of Six Paths has appeared.

He is a descendant of both Asura and Indra.

Theoretically, Qianju Lanfeng is the perfect immortal body!

And the fundamental purpose in his heart is to protect Danzo of Konoha.

It is this kind of power that is needed!

"It seems that your research cannot be underestimated." Danzo said coldly, his eyes fixed on the test tube in Orochimaru's hand.

"Sharingan is not a problem, I can prepare it for you as much as you want."

"Now that our interests and goals are aligned, you will be my most effective assistant!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru was stunned for a moment.

But he soon turned around again.


I'm afraid Danzo doesn't take Orochimaru seriously yet.

He only regards him as the level of his assistant.

available over time.

It’s still unclear who the assistant will be.

Orochimaru himself knew this.

One day in the future.

He will become the force that subverts the entire Konoha!
"Yes, Danzo-sama"

"The best assistant."

As the sun sets, the birds return to their nests.

Konoha, which had been busy all day, gradually returned to calm.

People were immersed in the joy of the new Hokage's succession.

I believe that under the leadership of Namikaze Minato, Konoha can quickly get over the trauma of the war.

Recover your strength and become the strongest in the ninja world again!
But there are also people who are not in such a happy mood.

"Teacher, congratulations."

Kakashi's childish face had an indifference befitting his age.

Those dead fish eyes, I don’t know when, they have been so cold and lifeless every day.

"Thank you, Kakashi." Minato forced a smile.

"I feel ashamed that people say I am a hero of the war, but only I know that because I was busy traveling around the battlefield, I failed to protect you, my team members."

"I have to bear the main responsibility for the deaths of Obito and Lin." Looking at the teacher's self-blaming expression, Kakashi was unfazed.

He even reached out and patted Minato on the shoulder.

"Don't say that, teacher, their sacrifice is worth it."

"If you, teacher, only focus on protecting us instead of rushing to various battlefields, more people will die."

"Sacrifice is inevitable, and we cannot let you take all the responsibility on yourself."

I was moved by Kakashi's sensible remarks.

Kushina couldn't help but feel a sore nose, and came over and hugged Kakashi.

"Thank you for thinking so, Kakashi."

"Having an outstanding student like you is Minato's pride and luck."


Without warning.

Kakashi felt a tingling sensation in his Sharingan.

He quickly changed the topic to divert his emotions.

"Stop talking about this, teacher."

"When are you and Mistress going to get married?"

Kushina blushed instantly.

In a peaceful atmosphere, Kakashi bid farewell to Minato.

He didn't know it yet.

The stinging pain just now will always be with him.

Many, many years.


Here, sleeping are countless brave guardian spirits of Konoha.

No one has counted how many tombstones there are here.

There are many empty tombstones or burial mounds under them.

Because many of these Konoha heroes did not leave any bodies behind.

War is always so cruel.

Those who survive often live forever knowing their loved ones and losing their comrades.

and the pain of losing a friend.

After leaving Minato's house, Kakashi arrived here delicately.

Standing in front of a tombstone.

He looked extremely lonely.

"Bring soil."

"I'm here to see you."

As he spoke, he leaned down.

Place a handful of white flowers in front of Obito's tombstone.

He stretched out his hand and wiped the dust on the tombstone while muttering to himself.

"You know, Minato-sensei is getting married to his wife."

"I hope they can give birth to a healthy baby in the future. Maybe I can become that child's teacher by then."


On the surface, he is talking to himself.

In fact, they all hope to chat with their friends in “heaven”.

Let Obito's spirit in heaven protect Konoha and protect the teacher and his family.

Everyone thought Obito was dead.

Of course.

No one thought there was any way to survive in that environment.

After a moment, Kakashi slowly stood up.

He sighed.

"If possible, I would rather it was me who died then, not you or Lin."

"Obito, you may not know that the ones who survive are the ones who suffer the most."

Bathed in the sunset, the last afterglow.

Kakashi put his hands in his pockets and turned to leave.

The sunset dragged a long shadow behind Kakashi.

And what he didn't know was.

Not long after he turned around and left.

A shadow flashed by.

Flowers in front of Obito's tombstone
He was torn to pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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