The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 50 Konoha looks prosperous but is actually withered!

Chapter 50 Konoha looks prosperous, but is actually withering!

Chapter 50: Konoha looks prosperous, but is actually withered!
In the blink of an eye, many days have passed. The entire Konoha Village, under the leadership of Namikaze Minato, has become more and more prosperous.

He soon came out of the haze of the Third Ninja War.

Many ninjas missing on the battlefield were also recovered.

The streets and alleys of Konoha Village were praising the greatness of the Fourth Hokage.

The Yondaime is regarded as a savior-like being.

The group of people who were originally opposed to Namikaze Minato becoming Hokage also changed their minds.

Under this general trend, the ANBU that originally wanted to make some small moves could only stop their efforts.

The village temporarily returned to a quiet and peaceful state.

Seeing this scene, the happiest person was the Sandaime Hokage.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen has stepped down from his position, Konoha still regards him as the greatest Hokage.

Although when he was in office, his political performance was a mess.

But relying on his people-friendly actions and finally choosing Minato Namikaze as the fourth generation was enough to keep him on the altar forever.

"Congratulations to you Minato." Hiruzen Sarutobi's voice came out.

Namikaze Minato scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Thank you, Lord Third, for your blessing. Kushina will be very happy if she knows about it."

At this time, Jiraiya opened the door and walked in.

Pretending to be surprised, he said, "Hey, I didn't expect Sarutobi-sensei to be here."

With that said, Jiraiya came to Namikaze Minato.

He hugged Minato Namikaze and said, "Minato, after you became Hokage, did you stop taking me as a teacher seriously?"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato quickly waved his hands and said, "Jiraiya-sensei, how could you say that."

"In your eyes, I will always be a junior."

"Huh? Junior, are you serious? Then why did you only whisper to the third generation and not tell me?"

Jiraiya hugged Namikaze Minato tightly and said with a wicked smile, "I heard it from outside. Congratulations. You're happy."

"I said you kid, you didn't find another lover behind Kushina's back."

"I usually see you as a pretty serious guy, but I didn't expect you to be so romantic."

Faced with Jiraiya's teasing, Namikaze Minato's hands were numb and his face was red.

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to be unable to bear it, coughed twice and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense. In fact, Kushina is pregnant."

Hearing this, Jiraiya was stunned for two seconds, and his pupils suddenly shook.

"Bad, I'm pregnant!"

"When did you kid do something to Kushina, you bastard."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato couldn't bear it and said, "Teacher, that's enough. Kushina and I are a legal couple."

As soon as these words came out, Jiraiya suddenly realized, scratched his head and smiled: "Ah, sorry, sorry, I forgot."

Namikaze Minato sighed helplessly.

Then he put on a smile and said, "By the way, Jiraiya-sensei, can I invite you to my house for a casual meal tomorrow?"

As he said this, Minato seemed to feel something was wrong.

He looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said, "Sandaime-sama, please come too. When the time comes, I will ask Kushina to cook more dishes."

Sarutobi Hiruzen is the longest Hokage in the human world, and he has already become a human spirit.
Of course I know what Namikaze Minato wants to express.

He immediately refused and said, "Ah, I have some things to deal with tomorrow."

Hearing this, Jiraiya didn't seem to understand the meaning, and asked casually: "Sarutobi-sensei, you have already retreated behind the scenes. Is there anything else that you can't let go of?"

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked solemn and turned to look in the direction of the Uchiha clan.

There are countless worries written on the face.


The residence of the Uchiha family.

A baby's cry passed by.

In the room, Po Wen's happy voice came out.

"Mikoto-sama has given birth to a young master!"

This should have been surprising news, but now the Uchiha people outside are not happy at all.This person had a sullen face and seemed not to welcome the child's arrival.

The death of Uchiha Fugaku was a huge blow to the Uchiha clan.

They could vaguely feel that Uchiha's future would be very tragic.

No one can tell whether the arrival of this little life is a blessing or a curse.

After a while, Itachi walked in.

Originally, he was just like those people outside, with a cold expression.

Itachi, who had just witnessed the cruelty of war, had a very pessimistic attitude towards new life.

He has seen too much death. As long as there is a war, people will die.

So since you will die sooner or later, why should you be born?

This thought has been swirling in Itachi's mind.

But the moment he saw little Sasuke, he seemed to have figured it out.

New life is new hope.

Death is to give these hopes a possibility.

Itachi hugged Sasuke up, finally there was a smile in his eyes.

Seeing Itachi's transformation, Mikoto also showed a gentle smile.

The general took Itachi's little hand and said, "Don't doubt it, you, like Sasuke, are the hope of the future."

Itachi's heart was touched, his eyes widened, and he said confusedly: "Sasuke, is that his name?"

Hearing this, Mikoto nodded and said, "It was your father who named your brother before his death."

Hearing the word father, Itachi's heart sank and he looked down at little Sasuke.

He firmly believed that no matter what happened, he would protect Sasuke.

Even if he died, he would not let Sasuke suffer the torture of that person.

His father had already been taken away from him, and his brother could not be taken away from him again.

Absolutely not!

Itachi was brought back from his thoughts by Sasuke's laughter.

Sasuke was laughing and poking Itachi in the face.

Itachi didn't mind at all, and the laughter of Itachi and Sasuke rang out in the room.

Even the gloomy Uchiha clan members outside were inexplicably infected and showed a hint of smile.

Maybe this child can really bring them hope.


Time flies by like a flash, and in the blink of an eye, a month passes.

During this period, Namikaze Minato worked hard to manage, and Konoha was once again brought to a new height.

It even surpassed the grand occasion when Sarutobi Hiruzen was in power.

The streets and alleys are filled with banners of the fourth generation.

Konoha's current prosperity can be seen in Orochimaru's eyes.

In his heart, he actually admired Minato.

At least now La no longer has that unconvinced feeling.

The only thing he wants to do now is to break through the barriers to human body modification.

He can't go on like this, otherwise, he will never turn over.

In the dark basement, Orochimaru looked pale, holding a bottle of green liquid in his hand and looking at it carefully.

At this time, the dark corner disappeared, and a black shadow slowly emerged.

"Orochimaru, it seems you have succeeded."

Faced with Danzo's question, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and let out a sinister smile.

"Danzo-sama is joking, I'm still far behind."

(End of this chapter)

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