The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 89 Yagura was killed, and the ninja world was shocked!

Chapter 89 Yagura was killed, and the ninja world was shocked!
Chapter 89 Yagura was killed, and the ninja world was shocked!
Yagura gasped for breath, showed a smile and said: "What a pity, you came a step too late, I have already transferred the three tails away, you will never get it in this life!"

Just after Yagura said these words, his whole body immediately seemed to be burned by flames, and his whole body was in pain.

Obito said with a trace of anger in his eyes: "I don't have the leisure to listen to your nonsense here."

"Hurry up and give me the three tails!"

Yagura endured the pain and gritted his teeth and said: "I told you, it has been transferred!"

Obito finally couldn't bear it anymore and put the knives directly on Yagura's neck.

Due to the influence of the kaleidoscope, Yagura was unable to resist at all.

Obito gritted his teeth and said again: "Where did you hide the three tails? If you tell me, I might spare your life."

Yagura gritted his teeth and met Obito's eyes, but remained silent.

Obito's face was solemn. If possible, he really wanted to kill this guy now.

But there is still no news from Nagato, so he can't act rashly.


black market.

Nagato, Yahiko and Konan swaggered through the city wearing the clothes of Kumogakure ninjas.

Kumogakure and Kirigakure are both frequent visitors to the black market, so they are not surprised.

After walking around the black market to make sure everyone saw them, Yahiko posted the reward order he had prepared.

Then he also deliberately left a mark of Kirigakure Village.

People came one after another to check out the reward, and when they saw the person who was being rewarded, they all backed down.

Although the bounty offered above is very generous, no one is a fool.

For such a small amount of money, he would risk his life to go against a Kage-level ninja.

Because of this weird reward, more and more people came to watch, and they were all talking about it.

"Does Kumogakure and Kirigakure have any irreconcilable conflicts?"

"It's crazy to directly offer a reward for someone's shadow."

"Alas. The ninja world is not peaceful again."

Seeing that the matter was almost coming to a head, Yahiko once again worked overtime to visit the black market ninja and took away the reward?
Everyone who saw this gave Yahiko a thumbs up.

Do you dare to accept such a mission that is obviously life-threatening?

Not to mention that Yagura himself is a Kage-level ninja.

Even if he wasn't, he was still a shadow, and there were so many experts around him.If you go there, you will lose your life.

After removing the reward order, Nagato and the others immediately arrived at Kirigakure Village according to Lanfeng's instructions.

Nagato used his Rinnegan to observe, and two Jōnin from Kirigakure were patrolling.

This is a little difficult.Although their strength is already very strong, they are barely at the level of ordinary jounin.

When facing two jounin, they are not necessarily the opponent of each other.

Thinking of this, Nagato used the Rinnegan to activate the genjutsu.

The two patrolling guards could only feel the flames blazing around them.

That flame is particularly real.So they ran towards the river without any doubt.

Seeing the gap, Nagato and the others quickly slipped in.

After entering, the people they encountered were all Chuunin levels, which they could completely control.

Yahiko jumped down from the tree and knocked out a chuunin.He showed a proud look and said, "Let's make a big fuss."

"Hurry up and finish the task, hurry up and finish the work."

When Yahiko was proud, Nagato took out a kunai and wiped the ninja's neck.

Seeing this scene, Yahiko was stunned and looked at Nagato in disbelief and said:

"Hey, what are you doing? He has lost the ability to resist. Why are you killing him?"

After hearing this, Nagato said coldly: "Now is not the time to be merciful. Our purpose is to provoke a war."

"War is about killing people."

Hearing this, Yahiko couldn't accept it for a long time.

While Yahiko was stunned, Nagato had already started killing people in Kirigakure Village.

There were constant screams, which made people's hair stand on end.

Konan put her hand on Yahiko's shoulder.Yahiko gritted his teeth, this seemed different from what he imagined.

Does it have to be this way to achieve absolute peace?

This price is a bit too high.

Yahiko and Konan quickly followed.

This time it was basically Nagato who was doing the hard work.

Konan and Yahiko couldn't even get assists.

Soon, the Kirigakure Village was in chaos, and the news quickly spread to Mizukage Yagura's room.

"Lord Mizukage. Someone attacked the ninja village at night..."

Before the ninja finished reporting, Obito shot a kunai through his neck.

Obito took a step back, put the long knife against Yagura's throat and said, "Okay, your death has come."

Hearing this, Yagura showed a strange look and said, "You are too confident in yourself."

"My death day has come. Your death day has come."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yagura's eyes turned green.

Obito's kaleidoscope malfunctioned for a moment.

Yagura held a short sword and instantly flicked Obito's sword away.

Then a sword slashed Obito away?

Obito's eyes were horrified, Yagura was indeed worthy of being a Kage-level player.

Just a moment of loss of control can lead to such strong strength.

Soon, Yagura's figure had arrived in front of Obito.

He was about to cut Obito's throat with his sword.

The kaleidoscope took effect again, and Yagura's movements stopped.

A trace of blood flowed from Obito's neck.

Immediately afterwards, Obito penetrated Yagura's chest with one hand.

Yagura stepped back and lay on the ground, gritting his teeth.

He stared at Obito and said, "I, I'm over there..."

Before Yagura finished speaking, Obito's sword was on the ground.

A sword cut off Yagura's head.

Then he gasped and said, "No need to wait, I'm already over there."

After saying that, Obito directly used his divine power to leave here.

Soon several ninjas rushed in. When they saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned and couldn't believe it.

Their Mizukage was actually killed!
That night, Kirigakure turned into a mess.

Their Mizukage was assassinated, and according to the news, it was most likely someone from Kumogakure.

Yahiko and the others took advantage of the chaos and exited Kirigakure Village.

Things seem to be calming down, but the real storm is about to come.

People outside also heard about the changes that happened in Kirigakure Village.

Kumogakure is the prime suspect.

Kirigakure is preparing to launch a war against Kumogakure.

Despite the strong opposition of the five major ninja villages, they still could not calm down the matter.

The spread of this news made the people of the five major countries panic.

It is predicted that the Fourth Ninja War will begin soon.

This is not groundless!
The previous war between Kirigakure Village and Kumogakure Village.It cannot be avoided.

After all, he killed Mizukage and caused so much damage to them.

If you don't pay a price.It really doesn’t make sense.

Of course, the most important thing in Kirigakure Village now is not the war, but establishing the position of Mizukage.

If there is no backbone, even if we launch a war, there will probably be no benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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