The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 90 New action, massacre of Sunagakure Village!

Chapter 90 New action, massacre of Sunagakure Village!

Chapter 90 New action, massacre of Sunagakure Village!

Under this situation, some rebellious ninjas are ready to take action.

They desperately want to do something to mess up the situation of the war.

This way they are freer outside.

Ninja Village was in no mood to send people to arrest them.

Regarding this point, Lanfeng had some miscalculations.

After all, if war really breaks out.

If no one goes after those traitorous ninjas, then they will not take the initiative to defect to the Akatsuki organization.

It seems that there is still some pressure to be exerted on them.

At least Minato and the others had to go and pull the heads themselves.

However, Lanfeng wanted to put this matter aside first.

When a war is really started, more rebellious ninjas and homeless ninjas will definitely be born.

At that time, the Akatsuki organization will be able to better select members from the best.

Just as Lanfeng was thinking about it, he saw the door being pushed open and Obito walked in with cold eyes.

Seeing Obito's displeasure, Lanfeng clapped his hands and said, "Well done. After this incident, our plan will go more smoothly."

Hearing this, Obito's eyes showed a solemn look, and he sighed and said: "It's a pity that the Three-Tails is not obtained, and the Eye of the Moon plan cannot be implemented smoothly."

Hearing this, Lan Feng couldn't help but frown slightly, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "It seems that you haven't given up on the Eye of the Moon project yet."

"I do want to implement the Eye of the Moon plan, but it is just a transitional plan."

"As for hunting the tailed beast, there is no rush."

"There are still many tailed beasts, enough for us to collect for a while."

Although Lan Feng said this, Obito was still a little unhappy.

Yagura has obviously been controlled by him for so long.

But in the end, he was actually killed by Yagura.

Not even bringing back the tailed beast was a great shame.

Although his pupil technique is not a control type, as the basic configuration of Sharingan, it can be regarded as a complete mess for him.

Seeing that Obito was still depressed, Lanfeng stood up and said, "Don't be so sad. I'll take you to a fun place. I'm sure I can let you vent your anger."

Hearing this, Obito didn't seem to understand and asked, "What do you mean by this? Do you have a new mission?"

Lanfeng was doing warm-up exercises and said with an indifferent expression: "That's right, this time we are going to Sunagakure Village to create some things in Sunagakure Village to make them doubt Konoha."

As if he heard the meaning of Lanfeng's words, Obito's eyes were solemn.

Although three years have passed, Konoha has almost recovered.

But it is still in a very poor and weak period.

It has even been unable to maintain its position as the top of the five major countries.

Obito took a deep breath and asked his question.

"In addition to provoking a war between Kirigakure Village and Kumogakure Village, do you also want to provoke a war between Sand Hidden Village and Konoha?"

Lanfeng was noncommittal about what Obito said.

He walked straight out, and Obito followed suit.

After they went out, Lanfeng said:

"What you said is not entirely correct. In addition to provoking a war between the two families, you also want to take away Shukaku."

"Of course, apart from them, no one from the other Ninja Villages can be spared. We must make them all active."

Hearing this, Obito took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that the guy in front of him seemed very strange.

Strange yet familiar.Familiar yet terrifying.

Become a partner with this guy.You really need to be mentally prepared.Lan Feng didn't wait for Obito to speak and activated the Wood Release Chakra.

Now that there are no Black Zetsu and White Zetsu guarding this place, some barriers still have to be set up.

The Wood Release Chakra was released, and countless vines and wooden stakes sealed the surrounding mountains.

Threads of chakra are released outwards, covering the surroundings tightly.

Let alone people, not even a fly can fly in.

After doing all this, Lanfeng looked directly at Obito and said, "Let's go."

Hearing this, Obito had no choice but to do as he was told.

Obito put his hand on Lanfeng's shoulder, activated his divine power, and the two disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already in a vast desert.
Not far ahead is the country of sand, Sand Hidden Village.

Obito looked solemn as he looked at the similar buildings in Sunagakure Village in the distance.

"It's unlucky to be targeted by you in this remote and remote place."

In response to Obito's complaints, Lanfeng didn't have a chance and said directly: "Okay, don't talk nonsense. We came with a purpose this time."

"If you're to blame, blame them for being too close to Konoha."

Having said this, Lanfeng began to assign tasks.

"When you enter Sunagakure Village later, you will go to the One-Tail Jinchuuriki and break his seal."

"After the seal is released, you can use the Sharingan to control Ichibi. The louder the noise, the better."

"It's best if people in Konoha hear the news and come here..."

Having said this, Lanfeng's lips couldn't help but curl up.

Seeing this, Obito said with cold eyes: "You are really insidious."

"With your progress, I'm afraid Konoha will be gone without waiting until your plan succeeds."

Hearing this, Lanfeng shook his head and said solemnly: "No, you don't understand Konoha very well. There are many miracles in this village."

"Otherwise I wouldn't bother to play with them."

With that said, Lan Feng didn't waste any more words and directly summoned Night Sparrow.

A black peacock appeared out of thin air, and around the night bird, part of the space was distorted, and the practice fell into darkness.

When he was in Konoha, Obito had already seen the powerful ability of Night Sparrow.

It was an illusion that could deprive others of their vision.

Not even the Mangekyō Sharingan can completely resist this genjutsu.

Therefore, Obito's current vision has been eroded by night sparrows.

Lan Feng rode Night Bird and headed straight towards the Sand Hidden Village.

He paid no attention to Obito who was following behind.

Obito frowned, he was used to it, after all, this guy was a complete cold-blooded animal.

Obito used the Kamui Space to enter Sunagakure Village first.

At this time, countless jounin were gathering together in Sunagakure Village, because today was an important day.

A new jinchuriki is born!
And he is also their Feng Ying's biological son.

Kazekage's spirit of sacrificing himself for the village was admired by the people and ninjas of Sunagakure Village.

Everyone was shouting long live Hokage, but no one mentioned the real hero who sealed the One-Tail for the village, Gaara!

Because the moment Gaara became a Jinchūriki, he was already bound to the First One.

He is the outward appearance of Ichibi.

Their dislike for the One-Tailed One was no less than Konoha's dislike for the Kyuubi.

Naturally, they would not cheer and celebrate for this child who didn't know anything yet and became a Jinchuuriki just because of the special chakra in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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