The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 91 Night Sparrow Illusion, Sunagakure Village ninjas kill each other!

Chapter 91 Night Sparrow Illusion, Sunagakure Village ninjas kill each other!

Chapter 91 Night Sparrow Illusion, Sunagakure Village ninjas kill each other!

The Fourth Kazekage stood on the high platform, greedily enjoying people's praise.

Without even noticing, a figure had sneaked inside.

"Long live Mr. Kazekage, now the village will be secure for the next few decades!"

"Master Kazekage is so great!"

There's a lot of praise going on outside.

At this time, in the small house behind Fengying.

Gaara had just finished sealing the first tail and was lying on the ground fast asleep.

A masked man appeared, staring intently at Gaara.

Obito stretched out his hand, trying to undo the seal of Ichibi.

But at this moment, a trace of sand slowly gathered, blocking Obito's movement.

Obito retracted his hand because he could feel that the shield made of sand was not easily broken.

No wonder Sunagakure wanted to put Shukaku in this brat's body.

It turned out to be because of this kid's special ability.

Obito frowned slightly, it seemed that he was in some trouble now.

If he attacks forcefully, the ninjas guarding the outside will discover him.

The special Kazekage is known as the strongest Kazekage.

One move of magnetic escape to gold dust is not something that ordinary ninjas can deal with.

It seems that we can only wait for that guy Lan Feng to launch an attack.

While Obito was thinking, a group of ninjas outside suddenly became noisy.

"What's going on? Why can't I see it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could you not see it in broad daylight?"

"No, our vision has been deprived."

"It's an illusion, everyone, hurry up and defend!"

Lan Feng rode Night Bird and flew over the Sand Hidden Village.

Due to Night Sparrow's ability, the ninjas from Sunagakure Village were unable to detect him at all.

Looking at the group of ninjas below, showing their kunai defense and panic, Lanfeng only felt ridiculous.

I saw that I should add some ingredients to them.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng formed a seal and activated Wood Escape.

Countless vine branches emerged from the earth, directly piercing the shoulder of one of the ninjas.

The ninja thought that someone was launching an attack, but due to the limited power, the fear in his heart doubled.

The kunai in his hand kept waving, directly slit the throat of a jounin nearby.

This was a hornet's nest. They could no longer care about anything else and started fighting with each other.

They all thought that there must be an enemy nearby. Although they could recognize their companions by their voices, they did not dare to gamble. After all, they only lived once.

For a time, most of them were killed and injured just from fighting each other.

Lan Feng, who saw this scene from above, had a sneer on his face.

What kind of companions can't trust each other when a sense of crisis comes?

People are selfish. They only think of themselves. Only when they have more love for themselves will they share it with their partners.

If they can't protect themselves, they will not hesitate to swing the butcher knife at their companions.

Not to mention irrelevant people.

This is also the reason why wars occur frequently.

Only when these selfish guys die can the world return to peace.

Thinking of this, Lanfeng formed another seal, controlled the vine branches, and wantonly slaughtered the ninjas of Sunagakure Village.

Even the surrounding civilians were not spared.Although Feng Ying's vision was also deprived, he still maintained considerable sanity.

Hearing the sound of wanton killing below, he quickly said: "Stop it. Don't fall into the enemy's trick."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding ninjas began to listen to the battle.But before they could calm down, they were pierced through the chest by vines and died.

Now the ninjas of Sunagakure Village could no longer calm down.Once again, they were at war with their companions.

Fear had completely taken over their minds, and coupled with Mu Dun's baptism, soon all the ninjas outside were almost dead.

Listening to the gradually disappearing sounds around him, Feng Ying had vaguely guessed something.

But now is not the time to be sad. Why would someone attack Sunagakure Village in this situation?

Suddenly a bad thought arose in his mind. Could it be that their goal is...

Thinking of this, Feng Ying immediately ran into the room.

Due to the obstruction of the building, Night Sparrow's illusions were greatly reduced, and Kazekage's strength recovered a lot.

I vaguely saw a man wearing a mask, absorbing the breath of Gaara's body.

Feng Ying had no excuse and directly used his blood inheritance limit, Magnetic Release·Golden Placer!

The surrounding black sand floated and attacked Obito.

Facing an attack that could tear steel into pieces, Obito did not dare to meet it. He quickly grabbed Gaara, blocked it in front of him, and then quickly stepped back.

Seeing this, the Kazekage quickly withdrew his strength, and Gaara was just a hair away from being torn into pieces.

Seeing this, Obito continued to absorb the chakra in Gaara's body.

He looked at the Kazekage and said, "I didn't expect you to care about your jinchūriki's son."

Hearing this, the Kazekage looked indifferent and looked at Obito and said: "He is a one-tail jinchūriki. If he dies, I will be very troubled."

Hearing this, Obito narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Rasha and said, "What you said is quite hurtful. In this case, I will take away the Jinchuuriki without mercy."

At this time, Obito has absorbed enough chakra for One-Tail. With the help of the Mangekyō Sharingan, it is enough for One-Tail to lift the seal and fall into rampage mode.

Thinking of this, Obito threw Gaara to Rasa like a sandbag.

Rasa's eyes were horrified and she caught Gaara.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Obito turned around and ran away.

Under the influence of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Shukaku in Gaara's body began to restless, and chakra was constantly radiating outward.

Luo Sha's expression was solemn. That's right. The one he looked at just now should be the Blood Chakra Eye!

Could it be said that he is from Konoha?

It's impossible, they have reached a settlement agreement with Konoha.

Moreover, the two village chiefs have mutual interests, so what reason do they have to come to Sunagakure Village to cause trouble.

Could it be to snatch the tailed beast, but they already have nine tails.

Tailed beasts are very difficult to control, one is enough, and having more will not be good for Konoha.

Could it be Konoha's rebellious ninja?
But I have never heard of any Uchiha rebels in Konoha.

Luo Sa couldn't understand, so she gently put down Gaara with a firm look in her eyes.

No matter what, the one who can control the tailed beast is the Sharingan, so the man with the mask must be killed to ensure that the one tail does not go berserk.

Ensure the safety of Sand Hidden Village.

Thinking of this, Luo Sha chased after him.

At this time, ninjas from other parts of the village heard the noise and rushed over to support.

They happened to run into the Kazekage who came out to chase Obito.

At this time, Obito had disappeared, and Feng Ying frowned.

A group of ninjas knelt in front of the Kazekage.

"Master Kazekage, what happened."

"Please give instructions from Lord Kazekage. We are willing to go through fire and water."

(End of this chapter)

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