The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 95 Ebizo takes action, is it also a super shadow level?

Chapter 95 Ebizo takes action, is it also a super shadow level?

Chapter 95 Ebizo takes action, is it also a super shadow level?

Chiyo's eyes were cold and he followed Lan Feng relentlessly.

At this time, Lanfeng had already made plans to retreat.

Chiyo has obviously believed that this incident was led by Konoha. If Chiyo is killed, he will lose a very strong combat force.

The overall combat power of Sand Hidden Village is not as good as Konoha, even though Konoha has been massacred before.

Therefore, without Chiyo, Sand Hidden Village's crusade against Konoha would be meaningless.

But if they leave now, everything will be meaningless and they will most likely be suspected.

So we still have to make this hatred deeper.

Thinking of this, Lanfeng activated Wood Escape again, and countless vines emerged from the sand.
The frontline troops who had just come to support were impaled by vines and died before they could help.

Blood stained the desert red.

Seeing this, Chiyo's eyes were horrified, and his resentment towards Lanfeng, or in other words, towards Konoha was even deeper.

"You guys are simply a devil!"

Hearing this, Lanfeng continued to retreat without comment.

However, at this time, Lanfeng seemed to feel a figure appearing behind him. Lanfeng quickly adjusted his body shape and saw that it was Ebizo.

At this time, in Ebi Zang's hand, a small ball made of condensed sand was rolling continuously.

The next moment, he attacked directly in the direction of Lanfeng. Lanfeng did not dare to neglect, quickly condensed his chakra coat, and activated his Susanoo form.

But at this time, the maracas in Ebizo's hand was already on Lanfeng's chest.

In an instant, a powerful storm blasted Lan Feng away.

And the chakra coat was blown away by the blast wind in an instant.

Lanfeng frowned slightly, originally thinking that Ebizo was just an intelligence officer.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

As expected, he is indeed the biological brother of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

Ebizo's strength is at least above the shadow level.

It is no wonder that these two siblings have been able to hold the position of the elder of Shayin Village for so many years without anyone changing their position.

With such strength, given Feng Ying's two heads, he probably wouldn't even dare to say no in front of them.

At this time, Chiyo's figure appeared on the left side of Lanfeng, and three silver needles flew straight towards Lanfeng.

Lanfeng used the Mangekyō Sharingan to flick these three long needles away.

The next moment, Chiyo quickly controlled the huge puppet and slashed towards Lan Feng.

There is Ebizo in front, Chiyo behind, and directly above, there is a huge and menacing puppet.

However, when the puppet was about to hit Lan Feng, a giant vine suddenly grew out from under Lan Feng's feet, directly piercing it to the core.

The powerful impact directly flew it out. This sudden change made Chiyo unable to react for a while.

Lanfeng turned around brilliantly and kicked Chiyo away.

The sandstorm in Ebizo's hand slowly condensed, but before it could be used, Lan Feng dodged directly behind Ebizo.

He returned the three long needles that Granny Chiyo had thrown to him before and gave them to Ebizo.

Ebizo felt a stab of pain in his shoulder, and his whole body flew out sideways.

Regardless of whether you have super movie-level strength or not, getting old is getting old.

Lanfeng didn't take Hai Laozang seriously at all.

Seeing this, Chiyo had a solemn look in his eyes.

He quickly came to Ebi Zang and checked his physical condition.

Grandma Chiyo breathed a sigh of relief after discovering that the air pocket was only sealed.

He raised his head and looked at Lan Feng angrily.

This guy actually dares to use his tricks to hurt the important people in his heart. He deserves to be damned!
Chiyo healed Ebizo's wounds, with a solemn look in his eyes.

Now the chakra in his body has been almost exhausted.It is really difficult to fight against a pervert like Lan Feng. Perhaps, he should really activate that ninjutsu.

Thinking of this, Granny Chiyo supported Ebizo and said, "Can you hold on for a while, Ebizo?"

After hearing this, Ebizo slowly opened his eyes and said, "Ah, I can hold on for a while longer."

The two seemed to have a high level of understanding and looked at each other.

Ebizo's body quickly attacked Lanfeng's direction.

The sandstorm on his hands instantly sucked all the moisture out of the surrounding vines.

Ebizo came to Lanfeng almost all the way without any hindrance.

There was a serious look in his eyes.

Lanfeng quickly activated the power of Sharingan, and plum blossoms bloomed around him, and then collapsed.

Seeing this, a solemn look appeared in Qianyo's eyes. This was exactly the illusion that Lan Feng used on him just now.

Looking at the scene of the surrounding space collapsing, Chiyo remembered what Lan Feng had said before.

As long as the person involved believes that the surrounding environment has really disappeared, then even the person himself will disappear.

There was a worried look on Chiyo's face.

But he can't be distracted now, he must wholeheartedly unblock the Jinsong Ten People.

Ebizo looked at the bursting plum blossoms around him, then looked at the condensed storm in his hands, and sighed: "The little devil now is really hopeless."

"Do you really think that a simple illusion can confuse me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ebizo's figure became illusory.

The next moment, it turned into a pile of sand and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Lanfeng frowned slightly, and Susanoo instantly condensed.

The next moment, Ebizo suddenly appeared behind him.

The storm in his hand directly broke through the Susanoo and hit Lanfeng's chest.

Lanfeng remained calm and formed seals to activate the arrival of the tree realm.

But Ebizo's ninjutsu has a natural restraint effect on his ninjutsu.

The vines had already withered before they could reach any closer.

Lan Feng quickly formed a seal and activated the Sharingan's ability, directly deflecting Ebizo's attack.

However, just when Lanfeng wanted to give Ebizo a fatal blow.

Behind him, a puppet with a minotaur head and a human voice suddenly appeared, holding a knife, and stabbed him in the back of the heart.

A trace of blood spurted out from Lan Feng's back.

Lan Feng quickly turned around and blasted away the puppet with the head and body of a bull.

Then quickly back away.

With the help of Mudun Chakra, Lanfeng's wounds began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

During this period, Lanfeng observed his surroundings.

I saw strange-looking puppets in white clothes surrounding him from all directions.

Counting it down, there are about ten.

This should be the most famous of Chiyo Granny's, the Chikamatsu Ten People.

Just as Lanfeng was thinking about it, Granny Chiyo's figure suddenly shook, and ten people from Chikamatsu attacked together.

Seeing this, Lan Feng frowned slightly. She was indeed Qiandai Granny. She controlled ten puppets at the same time and allowed them to attack in different ways.

Each puppet of Chikamatsu Ten People basically has a penumbra-level attack power.

If they were attacked at the same time, even he wouldn't get any good results.

Lanfeng Kaleidoscope suddenly changed.

Directly activate Amaterasu, and in an instant, the bodies of the ten people in Chikamatsu were ignited with black flames.

(End of this chapter)

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