The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 96 Ebizo delays time and liberates the people of Chikamatsu!

Chapter 96 Ebizo delays time while Chiyo liberates ten people from Chikamatsu!

Chapter 96 Ebizo delays time, Chiyo frees ten people from Chikamatsu!

But no matter how powerful Amaterasu is, the opponent is a puppet and has no fear or feeling at all.

You can still continue attacking before it burns out.

Lanfeng didn't want to fight, and his Sharingan looked around, looking for a breakthrough.

The only possible breakthrough at the moment is the southeast corner.

The gap was enough for a person to pass through, but just when Lanfeng was about to take action.

Ebizo's skinny figure appeared directly there, his eyes were cold, as if he was ready to die with Lan Feng.

Compared to the ten Chikamatsu people, Ebizo was definitely the most difficult to deal with.

But the only shortcoming of Ebizo is that he is still a human being after all.

Flesh and blood!

Thinking of this, Lanfeng directly activated the universal skill of Kaleidoscope.

Tsukuyomi opened and instantly pulled Ebizo inside.

Although it was only a short moment, Ebizo endured hundreds of years of torture inside.

Ebizo took a step back.

A trace of blood flowed from his eyes.

Take advantage of this opportunity.Lanfeng quickly escaped from the encirclement of Chikamatsu's ten people.

The ten Chikamatsu people collided and quickly bounced away.

Some of the weaker puppets were torn apart and lying on the ground, their limbs twitching.

However, Lan Feng, who had just escaped, did not relax his vigilance.

Although Ebizo has suffered hundreds of years of torture in the Tsukuyomi world.

But this is at best a drain on willpower.

Once you return to reality, this feeling will return immediately.

Sure enough, not long after Lanfeng came out, Ebizo's figure rushed over.

A touch of storm on his hand landed directly on Lan Feng's chest.

He looked at Lanfeng with a sinister expression and said, "What is your purpose? Why do you want to sow conflict between Sunagakure and Konoha?"

Hearing this, Lan Feng's expression was indifferent. It turned out that this old guy still didn't believe it.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, leaned forward and said: "You can use your worst thoughts to guess, the result will definitely be better than this."

"But unfortunately, you probably won't be able to see it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Feng formed a seal and aimed a dozen slender vines at Ebizo.

See here.Granny Chiyo looked horrified, and immediately controlled the ten Chikamatsu people to go to support Ebizo, but it was still a step too late.

Although some of the puppets of the Chikamatsu Ten people helped Ebina hide a large number of slender vines.

But there was still a vine that penetrated directly through Ebizo's heart.

Ebizo spat out a mouthful of blood, and a sandstorm erupted in his hand, sending Lan Feng flying away.

Lanfeng couldn't stand still, so Chiyo took three more injections. Lanfeng used kunai to flick away the three poisonous long needles, his eyes cold.

Chiyo checked on Ebizo's situation.

Although it is not life-threatening at the moment, treatment must be received quickly.

Chiyo ignored it and used medical ninjutsu to help Ebizo heal his injuries.

Seeing this, Lanfeng showed an evil smile and slowly approached Qianyo.

Even at such a dangerous moment, Chiyo did not dare to interrupt the treatment.

If interrupted suddenly, Ebizo's death will be accelerated.

He has already lost his son and grandson, and he must not lose his younger brother again.

Chiyo looked ferocious, and while he was being treated, he controlled ten people from Chikamatsu to attack Lan Feng.

However, without the full control of Granny Chiyo, the ten Chikamatsu people were completely vulnerable.

Lan Feng defeated one of the puppets with a casual strike of his sword.Then he used a kunai to directly cut off the chakra line between them.

The ten Chikamatsu people who lost contact immediately fell down in despair, and Chiyo broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

In this case, as long as the storm blows the killer, they will definitely die.

Chiyo gritted his teeth and said: "What you Konoha is afraid of should be my power. If you need it, you can take my life away. Please don't hurt other people anymore."

Hearing this, Lanfeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a cold face: "Oh, Granny Chiyo is quite confident. It's a pity that what Konoha wants is to defeat the entire Sunagakure Village."

As soon as these words came out, Chiyo gritted his teeth, but at this moment, the support troops from Sunagakure Village rushed over.

Through the sand and dust, Lan Feng made a rough estimate, there must be hundreds of ninjas.

There are more than thirty jounin among them. I didn't expect that the ninja reserves in Sunagakure Village are so rich.

Now some play.

When a group of supporting ninjas saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but said in surprise: "Grandma Chiyo, what's going on, who did it!"

Before Chiyo could speak, he only heard an extremely cold voice saying: "Is this the only thing Sunagakure Village has?"

As soon as these words came out, the ninjas of Sand Hidden Village immediately looked in the direction of Lan Feng.

At this time, sand and dust were everywhere, covering Lan Feng's face.
When the dust dispersed, everyone could clearly see Lan Feng's young yet mature face.

Especially Lanfeng's most conspicuous feature, the Mangekyō Sharingan!

The ninjas of Sand Hidden Village were stunned on the spot, a wave of bad memories emerged again.

Sharingan, something they can never overcome, the symbol of Uchiha of Konoha Village.

I don't know how many friends in their room died under the Sharingan.

The hatred was instantly ignited, and the ninjas of Sunagakure Village suddenly became red-eyed.

"Are they from Konoha? Sure enough, they are all a bunch of sanctimonious villains."

"On the surface, they sign a peace treaty with us, but in fact, they just make us relax our vigilance!"

"Damn it, Konoha killed my parents, I will kill them too!"

"What does Konoha mean? Does it want to start a war again?"

"This is war, this is war, a new war has begun!"

The surrounding atmosphere is getting more and more violent, and the ninjas of Sunagakure Village are clamoring for war with Konoha.

The corner of Lan Feng's mouth raised slightly, this played into his heart.

That's right, if no one doubts Konoha, his plan will be ruined.

At this time, Chiyo's treatment of Ebizo has come to an end.

Ebizo's life is not in danger for the time being.

Chiyo gasped and slowly stood up.

Chakra reconnected with the remaining ten Chikamatsu people, and looked at Lanfeng with cold eyes: "For the atrocities Konoha did to us today, we will repay them twice as much in the future!"

"But today, I must at least kill you first and make a declaration of surrender!"

Granny Chiyo's words instantly ignited the hatred of all the ninjas in Sunagakure Village.

"That's right, what Konoha did to us must be repaid twice as much!"

"We are going to war with Konoha!"

"Why do we have to live in such a remote place?"

"Occupy Konoha!"

The ninjas of Sunagakure have completely lost their minds.

They already had a deep hatred for Konoha.

Then a respected senior like Chiyo also said the same, and they would not doubt it.

But after seeing this scene, Ebizo stood up with difficulty, his eyes cold.

"No, you can't trust him, he..."

Before Ebizo finished speaking, a vine immediately penetrated Ebizo's body!
(End of this chapter)

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