The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 97 The death of Ebizo completely intensified hatred!

Chapter 97 The death of Ebizo completely intensified hatred!
Chapter 97 Ebizo’s death completely intensified hatred!
The corners of Lan Feng's mouth were slightly raised, and his face was cold.

He did not allow his hard-finished plan to be disturbed.

If Ebizo was lying there, even if the storm came, he wouldn't be able to survive.

It's a pity that this guy is too sober.

Ebizo's figure moved back, and his eyes that were originally empty seemed to finally have a look at this moment.

And the last person he looked at was his sister, Chiyo!

Tears welled up in the corners of Chiyo's eyes and her eyes widened.

As Ebizo's body fell to the ground, Chiyo collapsed.

Tears fell all over the floor like broken beads.

When there was a deafening sound in the throat.Backflow of blood throughout the body.It's impossible to judge at all.

At this moment, she wanted to escape, she tried to convince herself that it was all fake.

It was obvious that he had just undergone a medical operation.

Behind Chiyo, the ninjas of Sunagakure Village gritted their teeth and roared in a low voice: "The war has begun!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the ninjas took out their kunai and ran towards Lan Feng.

It is necessary to put Lanfeng to death.

Seeing the groups of ninjas, Lanfeng didn't panic at all.

A hand was slapped on the ground, and countless vines flew out and penetrated them directly.

But Lan Feng did not kill them directly.

This is the army of hatred that he has cultivated with great difficulty, and it cannot die easily.

However, since they want to die, they have to pay a price.

Seeing their friends around them fall into a pool of blood one after another, this deepened their hatred of Konoha.

Once upon a time, they were like this on the battlefield, continuing to fight with the death of their companions.

The ninjas from Sand Hidden Village rushed towards Lanfeng like crazy.

But no matter how many ninjas there are, Lan Feng can handle them with ease.

Under this situation, Chiyo was helpless and wandered to Ebi's hiding place.

At this moment, she didn't feel that Ebizo was dead.

Looking at Ebizo's quiet demeanor, I just thought he was playing a game of pretending to be dead with me.

Chiyo knelt down and showed a kind smile.

"Get up quickly. This time, my sister loses."


East of Sand Hidden Village.

Obito controlled Ichibi and fought against the Yondaime Kazekage and Rasa.

This was originally supposed to be a one-sided battle, but under the powerful strength of Luo Shaci's Sand Gold, it suddenly turned into a headwind situation.

Obito stood on top of Shukaku's head and gasped.

Among the five great ninja villages, the Kazekage should be the weaker one.

But take a look today.That's not the case at all.

Luo Sha's Magnetic Release, even if the Raikage, who is recognized as the strongest, comes, he probably won't be able to take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Obito frowned, and it seemed that he could no longer sit still and wait for death.

Thinking of this, Obito used the Kamui space and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he already had a crying child on his hands.

That child is Rasa's second son, Gaara!

Seeing this, Luo Sha looked at Obito with a cold face and said, "What do you mean, are you Konoha so despicable that you want to threaten the lives of children to win?" After hearing this, Obito's eyes were cold.He looked at Luo Sha and said, "I want you to surrender immediately, otherwise your son's life will be at risk."

Luo Sha's face did not show any fluctuations. She closed her eyes and said coldly: "It's just a container. There are many in Sunagakure Village."

"Do you think it's possible for your container to make a Kage from a ninja village lose his dignity and surrender?"

Hearing this, Obito narrowed his eyes slightly, pulled out a kunai and pressed it against Gaara's neck.

Just at the beginning, a trace of blood leaked out from the tip of the kunai.

Gaara was so scared that he shrank, but under the control of Obito Mangekyo, he could not struggle violently.

Obito looked up at Rasa with a threatening look and said, "Are you serious?"

"In other words, it doesn't matter if I kill him now, right?"

After hearing this, Luo Sha gritted his teeth and finally couldn't pretend anymore and said, "Okay, I can surrender, but you have to let my son go first."

Obito seemed to have heard some joke and laughed in a low voice: "Master Kazekage, I'm afraid you may have misunderstood something. I'm not negotiating with you, I'm just simply threatening you."

"Even if you really surrender, I won't necessarily let this child go."

"But what is certain is that my mood will be better."

Luo Sha gritted his teeth, he had never seen such a madman.

Are they really Konoha's ninjas?

Rasa looked at Obito, at Shukaku, and then at Gaara.

Obito's hands became harder and harder, Kunai.Already covered in blood.

Luo Sha had no choice but to kneel down slowly and said with cold eyes: "Okay, I surrender, you can let my son go."

Hearing this, Obito shook his head, showed a sneer and said: "This is not enough, I want you to die obediently."

Hearing this, Luo Sha's heart trembled. This guy was going too far.

Rasa raised her head again and saw a black ball gradually condensing in the mouth of Ichibi Shukaku, which turned out to be the Tailed Beast Jade.

He had seen the power of the Tailed Beast Jade before, almost half a village was gone in one shot.

If you are hit directly by the tailed beast jade, you will definitely die!
Luo Sha subconsciously wanted to mobilize the magnetic escape, but was reminded by Obito: "Master Kazekage, don't be impulsive. If you dare to resist, the young master will be the next to die."

Hearing this, Luo Sha's face turned ferocious, and she squeezed out two words from between her teeth: "Despicable!"

Hearing this, Obito laughed out loud and said: "Humph, where does the despicable saying about war come from? It's just that everyone is his own master."

Rasa looked a little excited, looked up at Obito and said, "That's not what your fourth generation Hokage said at the beginning."

"He said that he wanted Konoha and Sunagakure Village to be repaired forever..."

Before the Yondaime Kazekage finished speaking, Obito looked solemn.

He cut off his words directly and said: "But the Fourth Hokage is dead, and now the Sandaime is in charge."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and die, I have no patience anymore!"

After Obito said this, Shukaku's Tailed Beast Jade was ready to be continued.

Luo Sha closed her eyes, as if she had really accepted her fate.

Shukaku fired a tailed beast jade, which was even more powerful than before.

Half of Sunagakure Village was enveloped in a huge heat wave.

A mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Sandstorms broke out throughout the village, and the ninjas fighting in other places were also affected.

When the sandstorm passed and the smoke gradually dispersed, Luo Shacan's battered body lay motionless on the ground.

Seeing this, Obito showed a proud look.

If Rasa was missing, Obito might be suspicious, but now this made him feel at ease.

Obito slowly put down the kunai, wanting to go up and investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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